How's that YouTube channel coming along, Sup Forums?

How's that YouTube channel coming along, Sup Forums?

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funny you should ask, ben "pull the trigger on every nigger" garrison payed my channel a visit last night


Good shit

what is it?

Just started


Give it some time...

whats your channel

youll have 4 times that in a month

I gave an honest review of his book
sometimes book reviews, sometimes me trying to eat inedible things

at least post your channels


Not too good.

Mine is almost the same minus 1 sub

I'm almost at 1 Million subs now. Been at it since 2013 but I only took off until early 2015. Money isn't that great though.

Better than mine, I have 3 subs and like 60 views.

What do you make?

Supercell game content, strategy guides, early access reviews.

What do you earn?

I've earned 5 cents so far...

Averaging around 50k a month but I spend a lot on equipment and I pay for video editors.

pretty bad, only 14 subs and less than 500 views on 9 vids

1 sweet dollar of that youtube money

dude... fucking be more economical with your equipment and learn how to edit, that's more than great money.