Trips decide if I commit suicide

Trips decide if I commit suicide


Do it and livestream it!


Trips and I'll do it

if you feel like its your last option

Trips? Nigga you just got two doubles. Check em


Go for it user, live your dream!



Drive someone else to suicide.

That was fast

Fucken checked man

do it and livestream if you like trap loli or shota, if not, you live


idk maybe


Oh you fucked it up


God, you gotta be fucking kidding me.

Rip op

someone up there really wants OP to die

Well OP, I'm waiting
What will you do now?


Don't do it, man.

You'll never get to see Suicide Squad, VR for games is just beginning. And you'll never eat your favorite food again.

Do it

its still uncertain they never said do it or not fucktard


Don't do it, friend

Go to bed and sleep.
Tomorrow morning you have the best breakfast possible, I mean pancakes and bacon or brie and baguette, whatever you like.

Than you'll start looking for a job. If you already have one and its not a shitty one that you hate, you'll look for a language course. Fucking Mandarin or Sweedish, I don't care. You'll get to meet new people and go travel or something.


Deliver you fag

Do it, in 28 years. And make it national news worthy.

not today motherfucker

No, go out and live life to the fullest. drop everything and do what you always wanted to (beside kill yourself)



No, you have bowls to smoke and girls to fuck


Are you fucking miserable? Then no.

Are you perfectly happy with a great life? Then yes.

Go to sleep, user.

don't do it OP

i love you Sup Forumsro


If OP doesn't deliver after DOUBLE TRIPS, then he truly is a fucking faggot.

If your life has so little meaning that you would put it in the hands of Sup Forums then I guess it's not worth living

Both trips didn't decide shit. Waste of trips because dumbfucks didn't understand with all the cum in their faggot eyes.

Go out and start stabbing/shooting police officers in the name of black lives matter. You'll die and make news


But op love you

Kill yourself

I hope you live forever.



Live to be 100, then commit suicide



Kick the Chair

In case I win I want to wait until my mother is dead, is that Ok? She is the only person who cares for me and I don't want to break her heart.