Guys im from mexico and i havr the chance of going to the us illegaly ive been threated by the cartel for defend...

guys im from mexico and i havr the chance of going to the us illegaly ive been threated by the cartel for defend nymyself of a son,s drug dealer who usually bullies me and i have to keavleave i only have a high school diploma a mexican one and idk what to do ,next year i was suposse to go college now i have to leave or i am death.... need devices i dont want to work as a janitor in the US..

also sorry for my english and grammar i am so scared

Dude, just come here legally. It's not that hard.

this is why we need a wall, we dont need criminals like you here fuckface

You dont even know how its done do you?

go south

Temp agency, and what state?

be a man and stand your ground fucking pussy

I hope the cartel finds you and fucks your shit up JUST style. You and the rest of your spic people are just taking up space taco boy

If this story was true, you would not be wasting time waiting for advice from strangers on the internet.

how ? the only way o know is marryng an american girl

cartell will kill him soon no chance

kinda sad when i think about it

also for people talking shit . half of america was mexico's land so .. im not invading your land...

No, puede ser por trabajo también, incluso por tener familiares allá.

make a time travel device

apply to college and get student loans

fucking spics

>believes amricans know something about history

their's is about 200 years old that is about nothing compared to all others exept turkey or israel...

Are you fucking stupid? He stood up to a bully that turned out to be a narco's son and now he's being threatened

All of Mexico was America's land after we took your capitol. Be thankful you got any of it back faggot.

move to canada

Go to some other south american country you fag. We're full.

Google it, retard.