Dubs decides what I do with brothers mouse

Dubs decides what I do with brothers mouse

Cut its arm off

Treat it kindly.

cut your fingernails, faggot

Love it forever

Teach it chemistry

this. Do it you fag


Do it op.

Do it fag

Op wont deliver

put it back

Toothpick up pooper.

suck its mouse dick


You fag, do this.

Cut tail off.

double dubs has spoken

paint it red

Oh shit.

dont hurt it

Double fine. Gotta do it


holy fucking shit tripple dubs

nasty ass OP


triple dubs have spoken

Hit it with a hammer


Space program

Faggot OP cut your damn nails

Free him

Clip the mouses nails down to stubs

Bite the tail off

Go fuck yourself OP

When you're done cutting your nails, write an apology letter on the mouse's back with a marker.

Let it live a full life in peace. Rats are dope

don't hurt it pl0x


Write the apology letter on your nuts

Cover the bitch in tape

Fucking winrar

Put it in a fucking meat grinder OP

Well now this just means he has to show his nuts to his brother. Or the mouse.

Or both.

This is getting weird.

break its neck


leave it alone
go ahead
you won''t..pussy

bake it a really tiny cake

Cut dick off with scissors while mouse is mounted to a cardboard sheet as an offering

haha good thread. op you cutting your nails?

Host a tea-party with it and invite your brother


Cut your nails faggot, how many sets of dubs do you need till you get the point?

Microwave it for 5 mins

I miss when Sup Forums actually had OPs that would deliver. Now we have a bunch of edgy teenagers who thing they're some MLG prankster because they post shit like this and then never respond.

Put it back in its cage

cmon user... im begging you to leave it alone...
if you don't like your brother do something else... but don't do this shit to the lil guy who didn't diverse it...

a motherfucker fucked themselves with a spicy carrot two days ago

What is this

b has always been shitty. Just in a different way. Its just a new generation of faggots



Faith in Sup Forums restored.

motherfucker ate it too

And he ate the carrot after

Put it back then fucking kill yourself

Put mouse and small cup into Tupperware container
Add baking soda and vinegar to cup
Quickly put lid onto Tupperware container
Mouse will pass out from carbon dioxide
Take mouse out of container, cut legs off
Mouse will wake up in a few minutes with no legs
Video tape mouses reaction and post results

And another man shoved a rusty nail up his ass two days ago


cuddle it

good lord

Rolling for this



how many dubs till you trim your nails faggito


Fuck, rolling for this

do nothing to it

rolling again


Rolling for this

Well we got a winner, again.

nose dive from your bed

rollin fo dis dank shit

Huh, well there you have it


Fucking don't do this. That's fucked up.


blow your balls with a revolver.


So far OP has to trim his nails and leave it alone

Dude if that was trips you would have the power to make him stop, but it wasn't. So OFF WITH HIS LEGS

op isn't gunna do anything, pretty sure he's gone

Rolling for this.

FUCKING perfect

False. There is a plethora of items.

You're going to be that faggot, OP? What are you, twelve?

if this happened to this dudes pet he would cry and stay off the internet for a week lol

Op deliver or you're getting murdered.

well op may be worse that the fag op online last night who didnt listen to the people

put it back in its cage