Say it with me

Say it with me

President Donald Trump

Other urls found in this thread:

Hello. I am from the future.

Trump isn't going to win the election.

>It has already been foretold fake future man

No Trump will not win. Sup Forums is a false flag set up by the Israeli govt.

And I can't say too much more without possibly altering the time line.

Donald Trump will be our next president, kek wills it.

I don't think you understand. I AM FROM THE FUTURE.

Trump does not win in my timeline.

You must be from an alternate timeline where neither Trump or Clinton are elected then, because either way we are fucked.


There is no "alternate timeline." Clinton wins two terms. Trump goes to prison for tax evasion.

"I’m the other senator from Arizona — the one who didn’t get captured — and I want to talk to you about statements like that"

-Senator Jeff Flake to Donald Trump, July 7, 2016

Paradox, if Clinton wins there is no future.

>either way we are fucked.
No. With Clinton we go nowhere. With Trump we go backward.

Say it with me
OP is an absolute faggot trying to troll.


I didn't get passed "President"


Post pic of something from your time that isn't around in 2016 with a timestamp with OUR TODAY'S date.

present dolan truck

President you're fucked

You didn't get past 3rd grade spelling either apparently.

>Bernie Sanders would be the institute
>gib me free shid

I'm from the future also, and now I've caught you time-terrorist! You thought you could hijack the Zephlon Mk-II time shuttle and keep Emperor Trump from being elected, but you've failed! You will never be able to destroy the bright future which the Emperor has secured for our people you Anti-Planet America scumbag!

>President Frank Underwood

Did i do it right?

Fucking cuck.

Jesus Christ
that many faggots replied to such obvious b8


look at the post number

I can't do that. There can't be any searchable record on the Internet or the timeline will completely change.

we can beat racism but we can't beat a gov't thats manipulated the nations retards into thinking its the cool meme good guys

Hitler would be a better president

Oh. It could have been some faggot talking about belly button lint.

Got it.

There is no way you are also from the future. You are trolling. Stop it.


god summer sure is here
>not noticing the ungodly amount of 7 there are
>kek blesses us and bestows and acknowledges us with such a blessings for correctly guessing the future

Yes, but instead kek decided to give Donald Trump his blessing.

I feel very skeptical that Trump will win... It honestly seems like we're just going to end up seeing the worst landslide victory every in this country.


How's 6th grade?

why do you keep posting Sup Forums faggotry?

Did you get b& there again?


Trump is doing better with hispanics than Romney did in '12.

I do not understand your comment. I passed 8th grade 40 years ago.

Pleasant Dump


except nobody hispanic wants to vote for that retard

Maybe you should reconsider your life choices then, instead of pretending to be a time-traveler on the internet.

Trump may be doing better with demographics in a few minute areas than other candidates similar to him but I just feel like Trump being a candidate is going to draw massive voter turnout in general on Clinton's side.

Except for the fact that I just said he is polling better among hispanics than Romney did in 2012 so obviously they do want to vote for him.

I know you. I left a trojan on your persons before you departed.

I exist 4 months from now as a whole person.

Trump does not win the 2016 election.


the God Emperor will bring peace to you in both an emotional and physical forms

he will soothe your woes with his supreme logic and success
then for the physical
>he'll give ya some trump anal cream to cure that butthurt when he's the most successful president ever

Do not listen to this man, he is a dangerous terrorist from my timeline. I've been searching for him for many years now. In the aftermath of Clinton's failed 2016 election bid, a group of hardcore sympathizers and other senseless fools formed an underground resistance network in a futile attempt to topple the future Emperor's administration.

Many years passed and our people rooted out and eliminated most of his cell. We took him into custody and brought him below the White Palace in the Imperial District of Columbia. Through his cunning and lack of morality he murdered his guard and somehow made his way to the Zephlon MK-II time shuttle hangars.

I say this to you now, traitor, did you really believe that you were in possession of the only time shuttle? Do you underestimate the wisdom of the Emperor that much?

Soon you will be brought to justice, I have sent your coordinates back to the Department of Truth. Enjoy your last few hours of freedom, scum.


>Except for the fact that I just
pulled some "facts" out of my ass

Ha, that's about as likely as Clinton going to jail for her mishandling of classified information.
>i.e. not going to happen

no you don't

You are a beardneck gay man trying to pretend you are from the future.

>Trump does not win the 2016 election.

This part you got right. Possibly because you guessed 50-50.


Here you go newfriend.

Donald Trump's campaign is a dumpster fire.


I am simply stating historical facts that won't affect the current timeline.

Trump is going to go to prison for 5 years, and it will put him out of commission for any future political endeavors.



some stupid right wing blog agrees with you

damn nigga just got pass stumped nigga got dem facts so hard it like he got run over by the goddamn trump train dem facts fucking this butthurt llllllllliiiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaallllll

Well, you might be right about the beard and the oldness when you refer to 40 years from now. Probably not the gay.

But who said I was a time-traveler, or from the future? I simply said that I already know you in the future, and I put a trojan on your persons before you left without your knowledge. I simply stated one of the most simple, linear, causal facts- I am a person that exists 4 months from now.

I know that, because I just "contacted" myself. I don't see how you're this unfamiliar with bootstraps. I have knowledge of the future given to me by someone you already know.

mommy says Trump time is over on the computer for now

I'll have you arrested when I get back.

>NBC Poll
>Right wing blog



KILLary KKKlinton did Dallas!
OMAMA bin Landen


looks like crybaby trying to be a big man now getting mad when he can't deny the facts put in front of his face lookin like he gon' hafta resort to ad hominems and the like'n'shit

It's spin. Romney didn't do jack shit with latinos, and Trump is about the same.

Who cares if some faggot thinks he's "ahead" of the game.

Trump already fucked up with his remarks about Mexico. Latinos aren't going to vote for that retard, deal with it.

Mommy also wants you to take all those old pizza boxes in your room to the dumpster.

She is worried about roaches and mice.


I don't think you understand still, but... okay.

I mean, you're really forming a bad first impression. You realize I exist here, right now, right? That you're interacting with the past? If anything...

>Oh shit it's disagreeing with me! Quick, Label it conservative/rightwing so I don't have to believe its true!

More are going to vote for him than they did Romney though, which was my entire point.

sometimes leftwing is also an acceptable scapegoat when I don't want to believe things

Not gonna happen now that Sarah Palin talked shit about BLM, probably she was bribed or something.
she fucked up hurted orange guys campaign
also Hillary seems like a PTSD Feminist whore with her period on, imagine that.
Bernie was the only good honest candidate.
probabpy the end of the world as we see it.


I say All Hail Kublai Khan's Ghost and have him be president

I will vote for him, even though he is batshit crazy.

Hillary is an evil cunt, and I prefer batshit crazy over an evil cunt.


I will have you put into restamping when I return.



Trump will avenge Bernie.

>implying that number means shit

Nobody hispanic wants to vote for that retard faggot

deal with it

Ur an dirty nigger

But you are a right-wing dipshit

otherwise you wouldn't have replied


>Not gonna happen now that Sarah Palin talked shit about BLM

Holy shit Sarah Palin finaly said something that wasn't fucking retarded? I cringe everytime I see/hear this bitch I swear.

lel faggot with the neck beard and liberal arts degree still can't figure out how to approach the original argument or at least be half a man and accept that he was wrong

>durr your mother


Almost 1/3 of hispanics want to vote for him retard.

You still don't get it.

This is the beginning of your future. If you go back now, you're fucked insofar as I decide to fuck you, contrary to the person you knew before. That's even considering you studied your basic curriculum.

I bet you've left things just lying strewn about intermittently, too.

mommy says nazi time is over too

come on
you have to take out the trash and make sure you aren't mugged on the way to the dumpster

Here is the last known picture of the time-terrorist in his stolen Zephlon MK-II time shuttle. If you see this man please do not approach him, as you can see he is armed with a deadly weapon.

>daily fail

sure Trumpfag


I gotta say, we have some pretty top notch memes for this election. Especially on Trump's behalf.