General Nigger hate thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Nigger hate thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Niggers are shit lets start posting truth.

Niggers are not human, here are my reasons

1. Niggers act like chimps
2. Niggers look like chimps
3. Niggers are chimps

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Niggers are shit!!!!!!!!!1

redpill nigger killer!


Niggers are shitting on our culture. look at all the chimp outs based on inconclusive videos







Fucking losers


keep at it OP, we're all very impressed by your obviously superior intellect


nigger detected



two mutually incompatible cultures

Each culture thinks the other is awful

Ours is demonstrably better for well being


OP here

Melanin the human skin pigment, is present in survival structures such as spores and sclerotia of fungi.

Niggers have most melanin----> thus niggers are fungus to society

That is why we must aboloish equality for niggers, they are clearly subhuman culturally and genetically, we must lynch or send back to arica

Their people has benefited from ours, while they turn and show hatred for our culture.

They have zero appreciation for a culture that helps them survive and thrive

Are you trying to say nigger culture is better.

Live in Ghana for a year and then tell me that nigger. Niggers have shit culture cause they kill eachother


he diddn do nuffin

Thank you

just like the new minneapolis nigger who was on vid holding up a convernince store days before

I don't believe we should kill them just because our cultures are mutually incompatible.

I think separation would not be bad.

They would feel less threatened by us, and we would feel less threatened by them.

Culture class is real. Multiculturalism and a pluralistic society is a myth.

>black culture in America is not a direct result of white culture

Haha these gangsta niggas when will they learn

found the highschooler who is still a victim to the liberal jew education system about muh privleage etc. kill yourself

White people are the coolest

Can I be black too?

Whenever I see these pics I think of the game Rust


shit got real here


Can't refute so goes directly to baseless insults, but seriously though anyone have an argument I would like to hear some.

Sup Forums

>Are you trying to say nigger culture is better.

No. I think nigger culture is incompatible with white culture (the most peaceful white culture), but that is because I have my own views of the nature of reality.

I feel the culture of peaceful open society whites, Asians, Hispanics Arabs, Indians, Native Americans and African Americans are mutually compatible. They must think alike to enjoy each other's company. They must have similar cultures.

it would be a low cost, safe society

The guy from the sheboon video?!? Or have I got my locations crossed?

You know shits dumb as fuck when porn makes a parody of the whole black lives matter!


are seriously retarded

Are you talking about Americans or Africans

The burden of defense is on the person making a claim, in this case you. It is simple, black culture in africa is rapey and shitty as well, the american version is bad and also somewhat influenced by whites, but dont you dare try to imply black culture in africa is respectable or acceptable even. get lynched fag


>Niggers are shit lets start posting truth.

History of BLM

> Trayvon Martin tackles, mounts, and beats a retreating victim's head into concrete for 1 full minute. Gets himself shot.

> Michael Brown. Ignores reasonable request to obey traffic laws. Beats up cop and tries to grab his gun. Gets shot.

> Alton Sterling pulls gun on panhandler and reaches for gun again when police restrain him and gets himself shot.

Philando Castille: shot by affirmative action hire Filipino copper in unjustified manner. Congratulations BLM, finally your first victim of police murder . . . .

No fuck Africans I'm only talking about Americans

The most pronounced version of black culture today is a culture of racial superiority.

Peoples that feel their race is superior need to be alone with their own race.

In a study of ethics, most whites will sacrifice one white person to save black people.

Black people will sacrifice any number of whites to save a single black person.

What study?

OP has no tatoos and is top student in quantitative genetics and major university.

OP just knows truth of abraham, Nothing matters but your millions of generations of off spring thus niggers who are waste because they replaced by robots, thus should be removed to provide sustenance for future generations of you

What fucking study is this

We don't know that yet. The audio from the body mic hasn't been released. Either way the cop fucked up but I don't think it went down the way the sheboon said it did

You cannot separate african culture from nigger american culture fully at all, they brought aspects of it with them.

All ya'll can fuck off.


I'm mostly black and I've been browsing Sup Forums since christmas 2007.
(I even have proof)

I always click on these threads. I never post though.

When I read all these posts, it makes me feel like this is my fault.
I have two jobs, I work and go to school 6 or 7 days a week. I made it onto the deans list and I got accepted to NC State with a 3.75.

The racism itself doesn't bother me.

On a day to day basis I'm not mistreated at all.

I've been called a nigger more times than I can count, and its never been upsetting to me.

What bothers me is that no matter what I do, I'll always be hated by both black and white people.

I'll be hated by black people for succeeding, and by white people because of negative associations I have to people I dont even know.

The word nigger is a complex subject though.
Like I said, it doesn't bother me.

I cant wrap my head around being triggered into fighting someone due to a word.

Its like telling a dog to sit, in my opinion.

I also cant wrap my head around these riots.

1. You're tired of being treated like you dont have the mental capacity to be civilized....
so you riot. Throwing a tantrum isn't the way to gain respect.

Black lives matter doesn't protest. They go to an event, and hold up a sign and scream until the person holding the event stops talking.

I honestly wish there was something I could do to change all of this. But there isn't.

I'm talking about the loudest, repugnant form of niggers.

The ones screaming over the imaginary crimes of "White on black violence". There are hundreds of thousands of niggers that believe the worst thing in society is not black on black violence. They feel it is white on black violence and racism

Oh look folks. Another lame effort by some 13 year old to appear cool and edgy on Sup Forums.

You be SO cash, young'un!


Like what?
>I'm here to add nothing to the thread
The post



No friend. They don't. If they don't matter enough for BLM to be in the heart of Chicago and Detroit telling those dindus to stop offing one another then they don't matter enough for when black criminals get what's coming either.

help us lynch the niggers, sensible black people like you arent literally monkeys like the actual niggers

>> Michael Brown. Ignores reasonable request to obey traffic laws. Beats up cop and tries to grab his gun. Gets shot.

You forgot about the strong arm robbery, and how the crowd of violent idiots that protested when the photos were released of that gorilla robbing that store of "black and milds", and shoving the little Indian man, then later destroying his store.


So OP has to park his can 1 block away from Falcon heights police station than rides autistic push scooter to work across street from police station. This is the police precinct that shot Philando Castille. DAMN IT

Wow you discusting bro

>Saying the word Nigger is like telling a dog to sit
>Yelling "Nigger" is literally calling them back into the fields to pick cotton

Seriously though, you seem like a decent person of color who is well integrated into society, and everyone who calls you the N word should be ashamed of themselfs

Good one op but u still fag

it's an ethical study put on by multiple universities.

It's in the same path as diverting the train so it doesn't kill 5 people, but has to kill one person.

Or pushing a sufficiently fat man off a bridge so that it blocks a train from killing 5 people, giving you a net saving of 4.

I don't have the name of the study, but it turns up in PhD talks sometimes. Blacks are the only race that get this one wrong.

Even white conservatives will sacrifice a white person, to save 3 or more ethnically challenged people.

I agree that there are people like that but I don't think that they are the majority or that sending these people somewhere else is a very good solution

Don't sound like a Nigger to me

that's your white half talking, nigger

Recognize Black Live Matters as a Terrorist Organization


Your clearly not a nigger, I dont care if your black. I know white niggers too most niggers just happen to be black. Quit bitching nigger

Respect. You're invited to the peaceful, ethical, open society of people devoted to physical and emotional well being. A place where almost no money is spent on keeping people safe from each other.


Fuck you. I'm white, and you're part of the problem if you call this guy a nigger. I can't stand niggers, but this man is clearly not a nigger.

Ho ho hee heee haaaaawww

you could argue that for alton...but for philando? the dude seriously wasn't doing anything...


This is exactly how I feel as well, white spanish and black

we have only seen the aftermath of the shooting. not what lead up to it. i question the girlfriends story as well.

If Hilly kin you too kin

that pictue was debunked like a decade ago

That is literally the picture they show the first second of plant genetics. Saying why should we breed plants

dead nigger storage

And you conclude that based on half a video from a bitch who was more into recording the action than the welfare of her spot bf?

Look at those monkeys dance

Not the same guy white nigger.

Well, it's up to you how you live and people that treat you badly based upon only your skin color are clearly bad for society - but I think you know that already.

The sooner we understand that morals and ethics center around human well being, health and happiness, the sooner we'll be enjoying vacations to mars and flying cars.

Until then, we'll just be spending more and more money on trying to get people to prevent the ability of people to kill each other by taking away their guns, increasing police presence, and wailing about perceived injustices - either real or imagined.

Shopped you dumbass and he's not even dead.


OP here,


That fucking nigger was trying to pull his gun on the cop because the weed he was selling was in the car along with his welfare check and his gun.

Nigger didn't obey police orders. Nigger thought he was John Wayne. Nigger died like he deserved. The sheboon only started he video after it saw the lawsuit lottery thanks to liberals.

Nigger deserved to die.