What keeps you from killing yourself?

What keeps you from killing yourself?

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Some false glimmer of hope I suppose.

i realized being dead would be a lot more boring.

I'm not a bitch. I'm going to live my shifty life out.

hope that therapy, pills, and exercising would work . They aren't. I just don't know anymore.

I love my life and I'm very happy. You all need some fucking help.

Watching Darker Than Black

The awareness that there is no afterlife and so this life, no matter how bad it gets, is still an improvement on non-existence.

my family, this boy i really like, my cats
besides, just killing myself would be boring. i still got a lot ahead of me. i think i'll wait it out.

Same. Might as well be a piece of shit and leave some kind of stain instead of going out like a tard.

therapy won't work, pills have worked for me in the past though. just tell your therapist to get you different pills.
exercising is good. nice job, mr user.

I'm not a bitch.

I recognize life is hard. Shit sucks. But being alive is awesome, so fuck your suicide shit.

*cough* darker than black *cough*

Lots of alcohol

I mean, I'm going to die eventually so why rush it? May as well enjoy your time here while it lasts.

The fact that im too much of a pussy

No shit.

Neitzche and Confucious

Decided to become the ultimate proper human man. Going to do as I please and live as I please. Mostly as an observer of the world around me. The possibilities are too endless to die now.

Plus suicide is a cowards death. My ancestors didn't die in trenches, all over fields, and in suits of steel for me to puss out before I have a child myself.

I consider suicide like euthanasia: a mercy kill for someone suffering, thus an act of love.

I absolutely fucking hate myself to no end.

Given I revere suicide as an act of love, I remind myself constantly that I don't deserve it.

And just like that, I go another day endlessly assaulting myself for every action I take.

Cos I'm a disgusting worm who deserves the longest drawn out misery possible.


>I'm not a bitch

I mean, most people kill themselves cause they don't like life, yeah, but do you realize how hard it is to actually kill yourself? To knowingly harm yourself? By even TRYING to kill yourself you are fighting the natural instinct of survival, which in itself takes a lot to do. Its why you can't hold your breath until you die. Your body fights back

Anyways, I never killed myself cause I'm a coward, and I care about my friends/family. I've gotten better since, too

Sense of purpose. My role is simple GET MONEY!
aannndd give it over to my ol lady

It's happening, but gotta have little fun before I go

>implying I would off myself with $100,000 of assets

How many hookers and how much blow can I get? What's a good ratio?

Hoping I can see her again one day. I don't know what good it'll do me though. I didn't take the first chance. I probably won't take the second. I guess there's really no reason

Had a problem with this a couple years back. I had taken drugs and bought into that "It get's better" bullshit.
The drugs helped curve the emotions, but it didn't make me happy. Because I realized I was my worst enemy. So I just carved out a better way for me and I finally got over that shit.
Looking back on my life when I wanted to kill myself, I can't believe how much of a pessimistic cunt I was being. No wonder no one liked me.

Because living is nice, even when it sucks. Plus my mom recently died and I can't put my dad and my brother through another death. And I want to see how my life and the world turns out

If you like him, just tell him. Don't rely on him just asking you out randomly one day. It kinda sucks how men get all the pressure to make the first move

You're so fucking autstic. No one gives a flying fuck.

> act of love
This fucking guy.

What if killing yourself dod me a favour? You should really consider it.

My friends are assholes, I don't see why I just don't crack my fucking head all over the cement and end it, but I'm sure living is gonna inevitably end with me killing myself in rage.

Fucking faggot, just do some LSD and trip balls instead.


Fucking kike.

Hope. I'm just pathetic

the fear of regret/ botching it

The thought that my parents would be inconvenienced by my death, I'm seeing them for the first time in 5 years and I wouldn't want to ruin their plans. Literally the only reason.

I like myself too much. And I'm loving life. It's all about how you think of yourself, Sup Forumsrothers.

So what if I think I am lower than fucking dirt and ruin any attempts made by anyone to make me feel better cos I would much rather be right about myself than happy?

cause its too much of a bother to fight the natural instinct to live, even if life is shit


thead is already too big for anyone to give a fuck about whatever I have to say

but sums it up pretty good

cause there is too much stuff i haven't fapped to yet

because i have goals n shit. stuff i want to do. and i can't do em if i an hero.



Well, I got some decent prospects and my life has been improving lately.

Besides think of all those movies, series and games you won't get to see because you're dead.

I don't get it. Are you gonna crucify me or are you calling me a martyr? I'm certainly not the latter, I just thunk everything that goes wrong in or around my life isnmy fault and that I should suffer. Not for the reasons, just in general.

Fear of surviving the attempt.

Not much.

The people around me.
Couldn't do that to them.