Black people are literally more than welcome to leave. I will literally pay money to help fund the cause...

Black people are literally more than welcome to leave. I will literally pay money to help fund the cause. Why don't these African celebrities go build a utopia in Africa? Have you seen these niggers take pics of them wiping their asses with the American flag? I see absolutely no negative effects on America if they all went back to Africa, but they won't, because they need the welfare and people to blame for their shortcomings. Is there any possible way to rid our country of them?

>using stale Spengbab maymays
>grouping up a whole demographic because of a vocal minority
>thinking the Exodus of an entire race will be good for the country
>being this fucking edgy and proposing such a retarded solution

How about you give us a real proposition, faggot?

How about you give us a real argument faggot?


Please don't feed the trolls.


Fair enough asswipe. Let's assess the economic repercussions of the Exodus of black people from America.

>Does the entire black population consist of poor people who live in empoverished regions and is many times forced to take on a life of crime?
>Does a large part of the black population live in an empoverished region?
>Does a large part of the black population take on a life of crime?
No, but it is sizable. However it is not impactful enough to warrant the fact that they are taking more from the country than they are giving.

You seem to be unable to realize that, just as there are "LE BLACK THUGS/GORILLAS XDDDDD", there are also "LE SISTER-FUCKING REDNEX XDDDDD". You have to be brain-dead to judge an entire demographic based on such a small portion, vocal though it may be.





>Be OP
>Don't expect anyone to reply to my bait thread
>Someone does
>Shiieeet I goteem good
>Tard out and realize I didn't plan this past step 1


Keepin this thread alive! Yeah!

You caught me! I am faggot OP! Good detective skills there Watson!





So... is this a loli thread now?

Exodia the tormentor more like it

Samefag here.