Why is it so hard to just fucking comply with police officers?

why is it so hard to just fucking comply with police officers?

black people are the racist ones here thinking they can get away with their crimes because white officers arent allowed to treat them like the criminals they are. and when they get shot and killed for resisting society gets all butthurt.

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Sometimes you do but they still kill you and then try to cover it up. The if your family is lucky years later they get a settlement and the cop who instigated it goes to jail for a couple years but doesn't have to pay anything because he didn't divorces his wife, but still lives with her. Also the other people involved get away with it entirely.

So there is that.

Kill yourself

any examples?


The song is literally an example. Just Google Otto Zehm it's a specific example.

yup, you're entirely right. honestly, in close to none of the recent shootings was the 'victim' actually compliant with police (exceptions being Freddy Gray, Eric Garner, etc). Im not saying they should have been killed, but they are at least partially responsible. think about how many people get pulled over everyday, and manage not to get shot. pretty much everyone.

it's ridiculous when people try to make this shit about race, and excuse criminal behavior by blacks. maybe not 'criminal' per se, but certainly not rational behavior. we should be talking about the systematic oppression faced by blacks (education specifically, but also effects of drugs war...which tie in to education, or lack of it ultimately). history has shown that niggers are gonna nigger. fuck niggers. we as a society should be focusing on rectifying social issues faced by the black community, so that there will be no more niggers in the future.


Like the dude killed just a few days ago in his car for reaching for his wallet?

very sketchy source

yes, the one who told the cop he had a concealed carry permit (which we are yet to see), had a gun on him, and then proceeded to reach for something in his back pocket.

is that the one you are talking about?

Well the nigger had a gun what do you expect, do what your told when your told to maybe abide by the law you won't get pulled over

>for disobeying a direct order from an officer of the law after claiming to have a firearm and reaching in it's direction while you also have illegal substances in the vehicle

>implying this doesn't happen every day and there's just no negress around to film it

Try googling the name. There is even video of the incident. One is missing because the police "lost" it. They also tried to edit it but got caught.

When this happens it is:
1. exceptionally rare
2. Happens to whites more often than blacks

99.999% of the time a compliant person has not been abused. Blacks notoriously fight with police.

levar edwards jones
Deputy robert bates are two examples off the top

"officer i have a weapon in the vehicle"
>turns to grab something

the dude literally asked to get shot with these actions. and the officer did not intend to kill as you can obviously see the shots are in the arm and by the way the officer reacted.

omfg Sup Forums is getting so annoying with this race shit. cops are fucking assholes. no one cares about white or black, cops need to stop shooting people unless they are a threat end of fucking story

You mean that guy that was known to police to be carrying, was a stubborn bitch, didn't follow orders and still reached into his pants? That Guy? Seriously?

Police are overwhelmingly killed by blacks more often than whites, hence the tensity of the situation when police have to encounter black men.

Maybe black men should not kill white policemen as often or fight with police as often, maybe they'll have earned respect enough to be treated as well as Asians?

>whites are cucks

Are you people actually retarded? Do you get all your facts from Sup Forums? Have you not seen either of the videos?

>Ok sir I'm pinned on the ground, but since I'm retarded let me reach for my pocket
>Once again, I'm pinned and TWO police officers should have no trouble holding me down
>Retard 1 lets go of me and starts shooting
>Pretty much dead now, so he pauses
>Retard 1 continues his barrage upon my anus

>Ok sir, can you please give me your ID
>Sure, it's in my pocket so let me get it

Is Sup Forums this cancer now?

Blacks are perceived to be more threatening subconsciously by cops so they do tend to over react. How long did it take them to shoot that white Bundy Ranch guy who kept reaching for his gun? If he was black that confrontation wouldn't have lasted a mi ufe. First time he reached it would have ended in a storm of lead.

Guns shouldn't be banned
Blacks should be banned
Sign the petition and quit your crying BLM are the problem if you disagree it's either your black or a criminal

>why is it so hard to just fucking comply with police officers?
Why would you if your arrest was unjust? Also, white dude in my state was shot in the back after being cuffed, lying on the ground. I agree that the racist police narrative is being overplayed, but police brutality is real and rarely justified.

niglet detected

Yes, the same guy that was asked to get his ID, which is usually located in a person's wallet, which is usually in their pockets. Of course, a basement dweller such as yourself would not know that, seeing how you're never forced to leave mom's basement since she leaves you Cheetos for sustenance.

Why is THIS fucking retard still alive?

Hint: he's white.

>but police brutality is real and rarely justified.
eliminating a threat is not police brutality.

Not going to happen. If you won't recognize the KKK, fox news, CNN or anything other white group as a terrorist organization then this is just wishful thinking.

>cops need to stop shooting people unless they are a threat end of fucking story

most of the blacks being protested about have been a threat.
1. Michael Brown (hands up don't shoot is a myth)
2. Trayvon Martin (evidence proves he was trying to kill Zimmerman)
3. the list goes on and on...

It is not a secret that black men are violent. They're proud of their violence.

They go on exhaustively how proud of their violence and dominant they are.

They're telling us ad nauseam what they aspire to do, what they want to do, and would do if only they could.

Why do we give them excuses they don't ask for?

>dindu nuffins
>dey good bois
>everybody else racist
>chants death to all whites and all cops

>Blacks are more threatening

there ya go I fixed that for you, blacks are not PERCEIVED to be more threatening, they are many times more likely to be a threat than someone of any other race

Cops killing civilians is so 3rd world though.

the difference is a nigger would be running at the cop while reaching into his pockets

this white guy ran away from the cop while drinking a beer.

lol you are stupid.

>>whites are cucks

Actually black men are cuckolded more often than whites by several fold, often raising children that they did not sire... sorry for the info that hurts.

>(evidence proves he was trying to kill Zimmerman)
any sources?

Dindu nuffin He a good boy

If you were arrested "unjustly" comply with the police, get a shekel grubbing lawyer to fight it for you, and if you truly did nothing wrong you will walk free. id rather just do that then take the risk of getting my ass beat by the cops. I don't like them, but the alternative to complying is pretty grim.


The mentality of some of these cops is amazing. In this case that cop specifically put in a request for the hard wood baton in place of the standard issue. Then he uses it without warning on a mentally disabled chap and his defense in court was that the baton blows wasn't what killed the man and request a sentence of 0 years. That takes some balls.

BLM shill confirmed

>Blacks are perceived to be more threatening subconsciously

Blacks are more of a violent threat. They're proud of how violent they are. In their groups, they gain respect from their peers by their level of violence and aggressiveness.

They do not aspire to be peaceful.

Haha, ignorant fool. Nobody asked for his ID, the officer commanded him to exit the vehicle to surrender his firearm and he ignored that, reaching for his pants. Because he knew better, for sure.

yeah, the guy who was told to get his ID from his pocket and then got shot up.

Niggers have chosen their own path, consistently over the many years. Let them die and rot in the ignorance of their wasteful race.

Otto was white. Idiot.

>getting his info from shill sites



How many times were you dropped on your head as an infant?

Managed to get shot? Is getting shot by a cop a common occurrence so much so that that your everyday behavior has to be adjusted.

A threat:

Person pointing a gun at you

Not a threat:

Person laid on the floor, on his back, with no way to attack you


Person reaching for something you asked him for

He wasn't cuffed

the entire court case. you can read it in detail. Trayvon Martin was making "Purple Drank" with skittles and watermelon drink. (there was no ice tea)

It's a popular drug in the african american community - but it causes paranoia and violence.

Nigger tried to pull a gun to kill a cop that threatened his welfare scam since he has drugs to sell in the car also. Nigger got dealt justice.

Not all. There is a rather nice wealthy community of them in new Jersey. Also there is white trash out there with the same mentality.

The nig in Dallas wasn't doing anything, had a permit for his gun and was a family man who posted raps on FB decrying kike and fag brainwashing of children.

Of course the cop that show him was a chink so it'll just be swept up in some vague BLM 'dey beez raciss' shit.

probably about the same amount of times you were.

The only evidence of that is the fact he had skittles. They didn't even find cough syrup on him and he was being chased after by an armed Mexican of course he was paranoid. Fucking Mexican.

>paranoia and violence

"Purple Drank"
also called "lean"

>Person laid on the floor, on his back, with no way to attack you
that nigger was resisting even AFTER he was tazed and on the floor. officers where told he had a weapon.
what are they supposed to do. ask nicely until its too late?

>Person reaching for something you asked him for

"officer i have a weapon and a license to carry, let me just reach over and grab something from out of your sight"

Cherry picking a single case does not a trend make. In the vast majority of these supposed acts of police brutality, the "victims" we deliberately defying orders from police officers, or actively committing a crime at the time of the incident.

Yes there are a handful of crazy ass officers out there who make the rest look bad.

There are also honest and respectable black people who work hard and hate nigger culture.

All in all, what really needs to be addressed is this country's lack of an ability to discern real and solvable problems to report on in the media and work towards solving as a community.

English please

The felon went for his gun, same gun he was just caught brandishing as the dope showed up. Career criminal nigger was shown justice.

He had two of the three parts necessary for Purple Drank, and his behavior was consistent with its use.ibloga.blogspot.com/2013/07/trayvon-martins-drug-abuse-leanpurple.html

Wow. What a clever retort!

When you reach puberty, you will be a genuine threat. :)

Heres what amazes me, that nobody mentions: That cop blew a guy away for "reaching for a gun." You can wait to see what he grabs, when your gun is already pointed at his face. You don't have to shoot the guy cause his arm MOVES. He was NERVOUS, AND SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN. HE SHOT THE GUY 4 TIMES BEFORE HE COULD HAVE -ANYTHING AT ALL- IN HIS HANDS. They waited longer to kill THAT GORILLA THAT HAD A KID IN ITS HANDS THROWING IT AROUND

Yeah, blacks are so threatening. This one apologized to the cop for being shot before he died.

Watch it.


Nice, you forgot to put punctuation in your snippy post about someone else's use of words! You're ready for Sup Forums or Tumblr, whichever way your retard ass leans.

This depends heavily on the level of threat and the tactics used to eliminate the threat.

To the people who think people should just comply... sometimes people make mistakes, sometimes people don't hear things correctly, or misinterpret what they are being told. Dying because you simply didn't hear something right or misunderstood something another human being said is a shitty way to die.

I honestly feel really badly for anyone that was ever told to provide license and registration and then was shot for not holding perfectly still. It happens all the time. It's the leading story told be people who get shot and survive. If this practice causes people to get shot all the time, then I think we need to look at how important it is for the cops to be able to force you to provide license and registration...

I'm doing 14 over in a 35 (with everyone else on my way to work) how important is it for me to prove who I am to you? I think a warning would suffice - and the registration and insurance can be checked against the vehicle tag using this thing called the internet...

Listen sir.. I'm on what niggers call purple drank..promethazine W/ codeine cough syrup... Qualitest brand, anyway it does not make me paranoid or violent. Codeine is an opiate. It chills you out. So yeah but Alton deserved it as far as I can tell

the person you replied to is not the same person you where speaking too.

asking someone how many times they where dropped isnt exactly a good discussion topic so i stopped replying to your dumbass.

Niggers will always nig.

So one nice community of them is supposed to tip the other side of the scale which is their alarming crime and homicide contribution.

The cop was a tiny gook, 5'5'' and had that whole constantly-intimidated-by-normal-size-people thing going on. Girl cops suffer from this too, which is why they often draw down on people who aren't really a threat.

The guy was nervous and probably shouldn't have said shit, or been extremely slow and cautious, however for this one time, he really dindu nuffin.

I have skittles and Arizona tea. Here is the real problem with your argument though. He hadnt made it yet. He had just purchased the ingredients. Also he was being chased by an armed Mexican thug

This is my nigga here.


the rough way it handled the kid may have seemed violent but the gorilla was not intending to hurt the kid.

I'm also on cocaine and intensifies the experience 10x pour up 2 fl oz of it first time. And make sure it's a legitimate prescription..

This was a lucid, well thought out post, and i support it 100%.
But since this website is flaming garbage i feel i should just call you a sperging autist.

Because people like AL Sharpton would be broke. The left makes millions off of their victim hood.

>Dying because you simply didn't hear something right or misunderstood something another human being said is a shitty way to die.
completely agree.
this is philando castiles case. and it sucks.

the other nigger though was just a burden to society and deserved what he got.

I have a story of being pulled over with a pretty chill cop,
>be me
>In rush trying to get to my daughters play
>Don't notice that im going over by 16
>See lights and hear noise
>Pull over and roll down windows
I should point out I'm freaking out at this point, I've never been pulled over and when I get stressed I get certain ticks.
>Cop comes to window
>Sir do you know why I pulled you over?
>Stuttering starts
>N-n-n-n-no s-s-sir why you pull m-m-me over
>Sir, are you ok?
>You were going 16 over the mandated speed limit, Is there a reason for that?
>Shaking worsens
>D-d-d-daughter at p-p-p-play, d-dont want to m-m-miss p-p-play
>Can I see your ID?
>Try to hand him ID, hand shakes so bad it could make the 007 drink
>He takes it from trembleing hand
>Cop says with smirk Thank you sir, I'll be back with you in a minute.
He leaves for 5 mins, At this point I imagine the worse, mostly cause Im thinking I'll miss daughters play, Thus increasing shake
>He comes back
>Ok sir can you do one thing for me?
>Y-y-yes s-s-s-s-sir?
>Could you say the slithered sliver snake saw the sewing shoe sneaker for me?
>Try to say it
>Just imagine a thousand snakes having sex and you get the same result
>Cop starts laughing his ass off
>I'm confused as fuck
>cop then says You going to the dragons lair at ____ Elementary School right?
>My son is in the same play, He's playing the wizard
>Turns out he was off duty.
>He carrys a cop light thingy and a speed omiter
>To this day I didn't know that cops had certain uniforms and car.
>I made a new friend
>The play was awful

Poverty linked. White trash also has those numbers and they're white. Have you been to Arkansas? You have neo Nazis smoking meth while talking about starting a race war and killing cops. Also they beat their girlfriends.

And yet you did.

All I can say to your racist bastards is don't step outside. You want a civil war? Be ready for it.

This is the first time American Popo have killed someone with a robot

Do you imagine why the cop was screaming and making excuses on the video? IT's because he did something WRONG. You can tell he's not in a proper mental state because he's SCREAMING AT AN INNOCENT WOMEN TO PUT HER HANDS WHERE HE CAN SEE THEM, AND THEN HE PULLS HER OUT AND CUFFS HER WHILE HER BOYFRIEND DIES

HES A WORTHLESS CUNT PIECE OF GARBAGE WHO SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HOLD A FUCKING WEAPON MUCH LESS POINT ONE AT CITIZENS. He should just fucking die. Right now. Spontaneously. I'd kill him with my bare hands if I could

Are you retarded or a troll? The police told him to get his ID.

The point is it's a harder decision to make than someone empty handed who's reaching FOR something. Guy acts like he's clint eastwood, ready to blow away anyone in front of him. Garbage.

He had a burnt out tail light. Nothing you can do about that.

you sound like a bit of a fag

Actually it was 7 cops and then the department tried to cover it up. Using the person charged with investigating the incident. Another of the cops involved went on to murder a homeless guy. That entire department was so bad that the FBI had to get involved.

i replied to clear things up.
yes im racist
if you think equality is possible then you are sadly mistaken.

races are not equal. there are massive differences between races.

we need to embrace our differences and embrace racism as part of reality.

we are all different but we all deserve basic human rights. we all deserve equal opportunities not equal treatment.

>op sees no problem with this situation

Skynet, is that you?

That was a niglet, not a kid. It wasn't even human and an innocent gorilla far smarter than any nigger was killed for no reason.

>nothing of value would have been lost letting the gorilla be
>maybe the sheboon welfare collector should not have been smoking crack and neglecting the niglet
>niggers gonna nig

the black population is much smaller than the white population yet blacks contribute over half of the crime in the us. not to even mention other not black/white races.

The same reason we give mudslimes excuses for killing people, leftist pc culture.

yeah the officer realized he made a huge mistake and freaked the fuck out

people make mistakes and in this case it cost philando castilles life. its a shame and the officer should be dealt with accordingly.

but this had nothing to do with racism.

Only blacks get shot and killed by police.

No one expects it to happen. The white house must officially respond to the petition though. That's the whole point.

Fuck yeah I enjoyed that
Good for you user