I'm the buddah. Ama. M

I'm the buddah. Ama. M

How are we.

Bumping with chicks and porn

FUCK YOU Buddah.

Fine. How are you?

Do you have a penis 50/50 on this one

What is the sound of one /b fapping?

Such a beautiful smile

What comes after Change?

I am how?

I have a detachable penis

Sounds like jerkin off. Fap isn't derogatory

Depends on your change. Is it good for you?

Change comes after.

You are you answer for yourself shithead

Buddah, if I suck the cum out of you and swallow it does that mean I will be automatically enlighten with your knowledge?

After what. There is no when.

Yout have a small penis. Ot are insecure. I'm sorry but don't empathize

You are correct. There is no when.

So are you.

I realized Change. I am much better now but understand this is only the beginning. I am not sure what I must come to understand next to realize wisdom again. I suspect pursuit for it is not the path.

This has been overwhelming. I feel myself regressing.

Depends if it's good for yourself as well. You know but are too far past the path, I have hope for you still and I love you

Go forward. Or backward. It's all the same. Stop moving, and let yourself flow.

Thank you

I am welcome.


Change yourself when you know what you are. You are not wrong.

Have you reached enlightenment?

The receipt, usually

You are full of shit faggot

Why do you care? Are you concerned about your own satisfaction?

Change is just a realization. It not always wrong. BTW dalai lama be monto ring this thread

It is not reachable. You simply are. You are.
May you.

6 poster and 31 replies. Buddah is real dogs. This is what she looks like

You don't need to change if you accept yourself

Any more queating you need to ask to straighten your path towards enlightenment?

A question.

If panties fell to the floor, and no one was around to see it, would Sup Forums still fap?

Don't waste my time

Depends if anyone wants to see them fall and fap to them and how they feel about the person dropping them

Time can't be wasted.

Time is the least measurable. It is that which cannot be measured which is of most value

Time is useless when you've discovered enlightenment kid

isnt, like, everybody the Buddha?

There is no such thing as value. And there is.
You don't discover enlightenment. It's just there.

I AM Satisfied with my penis size, are you?

You are always the buddah if you choose to be. Enlightenment happens later

What value does a chair hold to those who don't exist

Everyone can reach enlightenment. Almost most don't unfortunately. Even monks. Gotta have balls beyond Sup Forums

Yes. I'm sat issued with my penis size. You realize I have infinite knowledge right?


what up

Stupid fucking question. Stupid fucking person. You realize I have infinite knowledge right


Dat boi son. Kek nah just love hommie, it's most important

You will never reach the end kesrin at this rate kesrin although youe hate is valuable to those who wish to seek it

Dang buddah

B8 > R8

You ever even been laid kid? How many notches are on your belt?

So is everything else

Don't quantify shit man

Enjoy it. Over and over agan.

Literally actually the fucking buddah. Ama pussies