Be me, 18

>be me, 18
>in high school
>boring as fuck
>dont socialize
>dont go to parties
>senior year cimes
>I have to stop being a lame-o
>senior pranks are discussed
>decide to do one
>tell nobody as it is my secret plan
>buy a $5 sound recorder
>buy battery powered speakers
>they are LOUD
>game time
>put the device in the air vents in the bathroom
>time to set the timer
>in next class down the hall
>suddenly the sound of a pig squeeling fills the school
>not a normal squeel
>a death squeel
>like it is being dragged off to the slaughterhouse
>teachers come running to the halls
>search everywhere but they cannot find the source
>I have it set to go off every 30 minutes
>on other side of the school you can hear a squeel echo through the halls
Here is where it starts to get good.
>vegan in the class
>also autistic as fuck
>he hears the pig
>stands up
>"Don't you see! It has come back for vengance! You murdered the pig and now it haunts you!", he says
Phase 2 next post

Other urls found in this thread:

Fake or not, I'm interested


>It has come back for vengeance!



>Commence phase 2
>talk to vegan kid
>say the school was built on top of a slaughterhouse
>he believes me
>I say there is a thing as a "vegan exorcism"
>"I must find this man!"
>sprints off
now, the final phase

clearly fake

If its fake, its still good read. Pls go on

Someone screencap when he posts it all

>2 weeks pass
>several close calls, but dont get caught with the pig noise
>everyone is clearly on edge
>vegan kid not said a word
>he has been doing nothing but reading
>finally, we hold an assembly
>they address the class about pranks, and what is appropriate and not
>biding my time
>before assembly, i had moved the squeeler to the bathroom just down the hall
>then, it goes off
>a track of statanic chants mixed over the original pig squeels i put together in audacity blasts
>the auditorium amplifies the sound
>people are visibly scared
>our vegan hero stands up


This is the most retarded greentext i have ever seen, way to go cunt.

lurking bump





Hurry up nigger


>vegan hero returns
>dressed head to toe in african patterend robes
>this could not have gone better if I had tried
>starts throwing grass across the auditorium and shouting swahili or something
>asking people to join in
>says it will "appease the angered spirit"
>principle livid
>security is called
>he is escorted to the main office
>we are let out because the whole thing is crazy
>i retrieve the device
>because it stops after he is caught, the whole thing is blamed on him
>he believes that it was real
>he thinks he performed an exorcism
>he is escorted out of the building while screaming "I APPEASED THE MURDERED SWINE! FOLLOW ME MY DESCIPLES!"
>mfw he was put in special care for 3 weeks
>mfw he was homeshooled for the rest of the year

>>"Don't you see! It has come back for vengance! You murdered the pig and now it haunts you!"

That was fuckin retarded


Okay greentext, 6/10.

I remember my first greentext story I made up.

OP is a faggot.

Fake and retarded but still amused.

I dont care if people dont believe it, as long as it was funny.

my senior prank I put a bag of shit in the main AC vent
>worked in the IT department
>grabbed an electric key from where they were held
>the doors were electronic
>set the keys Id to Niggerfaggot so when they would look into the logs of who opened the door
>Came back to school at like 2am wearing all black
>threw the shit into main vent

They couldn't find the shit for like 3 weeks and they were pissed the whole time lmao

It wasn't funny or believable, it was just shit.

You had an IT department? What big ass school did you go to?

Anyone have that reaction pic of the upside down dog with the serious face?

I need it just for this thread

Ok, we get it. You voiced your opinion several times
Move along.

it was all "high tech" we had a shit ton of mac books from apple, server rooms. What have you

About 3-4 dozen wondows xp pentium 4 desktops. My senior year, they started to revamp everything, so all freshmen got free laptops.


5/5 if true

Did they have to get a crane to get it out
