I unironically believe that Keemstar did nothing wrong...

I unironically believe that Keemstar did nothing wrong. Literally the only reason people are mad at him is because he mildly annoyed them at some point.

Other urls found in this thread:


He accused pyrocynical of being a pedophile with zero proof and never addressed it when pyro called him out for bullshitting

what? he didn't accuse Pyro he addresses the accusations that Pyros friends made.

Yeah, mild annoyance.

He's represents everything that's wrong with the media today. False accusations, encouraging hate and not owning up to the responsibilities. And worst, not learning anything from the mistakes he has made.

Dude, he made a 70 year old cry because he found a pic where he kinda looked like a pedo. That was all he had to go with, a fucking picture.

Once again accusation are only claims, what they think is completely dependent on the viewer.

He did a lot of stupid shit but I think he doesn't deserve that amount of hate

you are an idiot

Yeah telling his fanboys to swat his enemies is totally something a normal, non-asshole would do.

Tell me that you genuinely think he is a good guy after watching this. I dare you.

If you're going to accuse someone you better make sure you got the facts right before you make a public video about it.


The only reason he brought it up is so he could start shit. The shit keem does ruins lives. Bringing up the the accusations is a huge breach of privacy, not to mention the face reveal he did on pyro. Give me one good reason why he would bring up the pedo accusations other than starting drama and potentially ruining pyros career/life.

>False accusations
>"Oh no, some dude I've never met called me a pickle!"

>encouraging hate
You mean the whole, "Alex is a stupid nigger" thing? That was, like, in the stone age.

>and not owning up to the responsibilities
Kinda easy when you have none. Because you did nothing wrong.

>not learning anything from the mistakes he has made.
All two of them?

>he made a 70 year old cry
>muh feelins

>The shit keem does ruins lives.
Yeah, in all of two examples; LionMaker and Bashurverse. In science, we call that statistically useless.

I hear this pathetic accuse about Pyros face reveal everywhere, I hope you're fully aware Pyro has shown is face on a one million subscriber channel.


There are countless examples of Keemstar ruining lives. Fuck off cuck lover.


Jesus Christ that's some fucked up shit. Does this cunt do this regularly?

Forgot this one. Memes mean nothing.

>countless examples
Oh, how convenient that you can't list them.

Sociopath/idiot spotted.

You are a fucking idiot.


Is this all over YouTube/the internet or is it a nicb area and I just stumbled into the wrong YouTuber circle? This whole YouTube group of people talking about other people is an absolute black hole and fucking ridiculous. YouTube should ban all of their accounts.

Example right here in the thread you blind degenerate

Wow you're fucking stupid.

How did Keem ruin Bashurs life exactly?

Einstain lmfao

>It's not okay when people accuse others of being a (bad thing)
>But it's totally okay if I don't like them

The point is that keem breached privacy for the sole purpose of pissing off pyro and fans. It worked but that doesn't change that it's an asshole move on keems side

I think what Syndicate and Tmartn have done is a lot worse. Yes what Gnomestar did was horrible but it was never against his fans. He just fired back at his haters which is fair play. They used their fans for money and lied to them..

What are you talking about? I clearly directed him to an example. Fuck off summerfag

How is he breaching privacy? When you decide to upload a photo of your face to one million people its completely your fault.

Keem is an asshole. Tmartn and syndicate are moneygrabbing moral-less fags that belong in jail.

I hate this cunt. However I've hated Tmartn since 2011 and he might go to prison for that gambeling scandal so Keemcunt doesnt interest me at the moment

Yeah but he showed his face after keem showed it to his autistic11 year old fanboys

Honestly I think they are all shitlords; they just happened to get to that status from different directions.

That's me.

Exactly. But why are they not getting the hate they deserve?

Pyro said himself in his vid addressing the reveal that it was private, though available for the public to see, wasn't intended to be advertised to his subs ever.

>that was like, in the Stone Age
Are you 12 or something?

holy fucking shit how fucking blind can you be, pyro has no control over the internet when you decide dependently that you are going to show your face to one million people someone is going to find out, pyro is the idiot here.

Who is Keemstar? Some kind of gnome cosplayer?

It's called hyperbole. It's a literary technique. School. Stay in it.

>not to mention the face reveal he did on pyro.
>"He found a photo of me from when I was in highschool!"

>Summerfag discovers how to green text and feels the need to put it in every post.

Just to point out which points I'm replying to.

But you're using it like it's irrelevant, but it still describes his character.

Have you guys seen the pics of Keemstar exposing himself to children though? Pretty fucked up pic related

Yes, his old streams where he trolled people online is totally indicative of his character.



Your sarcasm doesn't mean that it's false, he is still being a overprotective cunt that cannot take criticism, he also doesn't even follow his own rules that he made himself and "promised" to his fans. Now he streams people that say shit, not to just defend himself (which would be fine if that's all what it would be) but also plan harassed attacks onto the people, which causes these liar wars on both sides.

I unironically believe you're a faggot for trying to defend him.

You cant argue with my photographic evidence friend. Look I found another pic of your beloved keem. He appears to be waiting for you...

whats wrong with being protective from people tarnishing your name?

The incredible amount of reddit cuck faggotry that is sperging out of your cunty, ugly ass is sickening. Fuck off an never come back.

Played rust with him, really big dick head.

>Creating Stories to profit on videos from it
This was what happened to Bashurverse, Pyrocynical and even that Runescape Old Man.
It's way to easy for him to say that someone told him that X was a pedo, and in Pyrocynical's case, you can literally see that he REDUCED the age of the so called girl from originally 15,then 14,then 13 in a live stream.

>YouTube Algorithms
I won't get into Leafy's side, but Keemstar used to abuse the algorithms as much as possible. A example of this is adding "Pewdiepie" in the titles. In essence, this wouldn't be something really that bad, but just add it to the fact that he creates stories to make drama about it later and use the algorithms to make himself go up is was me cringe.

Lastly, as I already said. Keem manipulate his users and his targets users to catch the eye. And after shit goes down and he is shown as a steamy pile of shit, he just back of saying that "Nobody is real" or "They all lie", which, in fact might also be true, but tbqh, 2 wrongs doesn't make 1 right.
See Bashurverse's recent video on him, for example


Believing that keemstar is innocent is like believing that tmartn is genuinely sorry.

Real funny, sonny.

Holy fuck

Only recently. The first time he had a huge face reveal was in keem twitter.

After the hole shit went down, he showed his face

>doesn't have responsibilities

Suprised he hasn't had any civil suits yet. You can be sued for saying shit that's untrue when said things are damaging. Especially when doing so on a media platform.


Archieve this fucking shit im dead

Can't you read, I fucking said that he is fine in defending himself, but then he's creating bullshit to fight at them, not logic. He's basically using bullshit at other people, which then once they ran out of things that are actually credible to say, they went into the same tactics that Keem uses to accuse.
Both sides are relatively cunty (based on how many lies are made and how this "drama" is flinging there and back) but the side against Keem has people who are genuine and just use facts to say that Keemstar is a cunt.


The difference is, one is only a mild annoyance to the people he's targeting, and the other is fraud and call for investigation.


Yeah il be the must to admit the runescape old man was a colossal fuck up, but he apologised and there were reparations for his actions.

Keemfag is just an asshole, he fucking doxed somebody (not saying ive never done that but im not saying im not an asshole either)



Doxxing people is a normal thing though, but then again we're not assholes about it.

Fuck off baitfag

>he fucking doxed somebody
>"Holy shit, he gave my phone number to a bunch of kids! Now there all going to prank call me!"

Same to you, memeshit.


Please archieve this thread.

He fucked a dog too




What makes me really question he's role in YouTube, is the fact that even his followers did not want him to come back, that TyBlue's Job (Even though a little short) was a fuck ton better than his.

And about the Old Man, he shouldn't have tried to create drama without even knowing first, basically creating click bait of a drama he created himself using someone that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject

"He's basically using bullshit at other people"
Enlighten me with some videos where Keem spews bullshit about other people.

Why not stop both sides and not one???


so you would defend a dog molestor


He's also a pedophile and and woman beater but it's fine for us to do it because we're not assholes about it.


Holy fuck is this keemcunt himself?

Are you retard or just pretending?

I'll believe he fucked a dog after my channel with zero subs somehow gets featured on DramaAlert.


Bullshit like telling people to dox people that he doesn't like. He is using blackmail to win against others by threatening them with personal details being in line.



Well GradeAUnderA did the exact same thing encouraging people to dox keem, yet no one has pitchforks out for him.

Can't tell if leafy or Vic Fuentes

>telling people to dox people that he doesn't like
>"Hey, uh, could you find this guy's PO box for me? I want to send him an apology gift."