I am Nicole. I don't k le why it matters but yes I did a few porn scenes when I was younger. I don't deny that...

I am Nicole. I don't k le why it matters but yes I did a few porn scenes when I was younger. I don't deny that . Stop trying to tell my family and friends about it . It was my past, I needed the money at the time and I own it. I am not ashamed so stop trying.

Why porn? You could have made money at McDonald's

If you're not ashamed why did you make this thread

if you're not ashamed, give us the link

I'm not ashamed at all

Because I keep getting messages and I really don't care but my friends and family don't really need to know

Sounds like you don't want thsm to know m8, that's what happens when you're a filthy slut

So you are ashamed then right?

No it was a personal decision I don't really see how it involves anybody else

So you are ashamed then right?

Nope The thing is the odds of anyone seeing that I know are low , it's just assholes that try to tell everyone . I made good money

What porn did you do? Any links? Creampie porn ?

how does it feel being a whore?

I'm not a whore

I only did a couple scenes

you had sex for money, that's a whore

Not at all

so what do you think a whore is?

>being baited this hard

So you are ashamed then right?

Nicole's greatest hits...yes you are a whore

Don't deny it

Damn what an ugly bitch

You fucked max?

No I'm fucking not

So you are ashamed then right?

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8.

Photos or it never happened.

We told them. They said it's fake. Right now i'm trying to convince your mother it's real. She sounds like she's about to have a heart attack lol


Great b8

This girl is a pornstar named Cameron. Two of the pictures are from some Max Hardcore videos she did.

She would have asked Me

Also you have no idea of my name

So you are ashamed then right?

No and stop lying

ITT: a dog pretending to be a man pretending to be a slut on the internet

tits and timestamp or gtfo

Please post convo

>doesn't want anyone in her life to find out about it
>not ashamed

pick 1 nicole

So you are ashamed then right?

Nicole I feel like sticking it in your pink hole. I love that you're really ashamed.. You shouldin't be because you did a service to the world by getting fucked and sucked on camera for countless peoples enjoyment. Go do some more scenes like the perfect futuristic whore that you are.

What is most likely:
1) Nicole spending time on Sup Forums, the very arse end of the internet, to tell 12 year olds that she doesn't care?
2) Someone wanting 12 year olds to harrass someone for "the lulz"?



You frogfag !