Lots of blaming about shit going on lately happening lately

lots of blaming about shit going on lately happening lately.

lets stop that and think of solutions

what are some ideas you guys have that might help

lets not devolve into "deport niggers / kill all whites" arguments. think of actual things that could help where everyone is relatively happy in the end.

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change the way cops are trained to use their gunsd

I'm with you op. any lazy shitposters here who have any ideas than circlejerking about muh opinions? (I'm doing nothing else right now but for the sole purpose of bumping tt)

Apparently only use woman cops.


perhaps if American cops behaved like cops in the rest of the civilised world and acted to preserve life.

All these people protesting need to get a job and start following the law. Pollice need better psyc evals and should be punished harder then civilians for unjust killings

>perhaps if American cops behaved like cops in the rest of the civilised world and acted to preserve life.

Perhaps if American niggers behaved like people in the rest of the civilised world....

What I don't understand is how people can just sort of ignore that the cops have to risk their lives dealing with violent thugs and criminals.

Basically, if you want to stop police being violent, stop the criminals first.

These people protesting should be putting their time and effort into denouncing the drug dens, gangs, and culture that celebrates criminals if they actually care about saving lives.

Race War. Both sides think they're better, let 'em prove it

Mainstream Lefties are the biggest dividers of society. Their collectivism is right out immoral.

Now you are solely determined by the colour of your skin. As a white male, even if you haven't done a single racist thing in your life, you can only apprehend all other people by 'sucking up' to your so called privilege and historic responsibility.
How surprising that hate is errupting and people are more divided than ever before. Thanks media, thanks Clinton, thanks Obama for framing every cop kill as an act of racism purely based on the skin colour of the cops and victims alone. Fuck identity politics.

make media have a set of rules so they dont spew shit like

>he was innocent he dindu duffin he a good boy
>oh but it turned out he was a sex offender and child molester

>to protect and serve

>Basically, if you want to stop police being violent, stop the criminals first.

That's so painfully retarded. If there weren't criminals, we wouldn't need cops.

Both the recent deaths were avoidable. Even the first one. The cop could have shot the guy in the shoulder, not five times in the chest.

It might help if there weren't so many black criminals who shoot cops.

i agree with this i feel like murican cops alway go the extra mile and shot like 9 times in the fucking head because a guy reached in his pocket

What's funny is that's how American cops have always been portrayed. Fire a bunch of bullets and make it dead or never come back. Yee-haw!

That's the thing about stereotypes. They're usually true. About everyone.

Stop lowering the education standards and deport those that fail out of any school. Slowly begin to raise education standards. Media can only cover a story about a shooting once they have facts about why the shooting happened and who was involved. Then, if people protest present them with the facts of the shooting if they disagree ask them to present evidence based solely on fact. If they can't ask them to disband with the threat of jail time.




So basically restrict the freedom of press?

>end the bloodshed

>unless it's niggers who are shedding the blood, then it's fine

There's nothing to be done. It is what it is. Welcome to earth. It sucks here. It's always sucked here. It's always going to suck here.

1. Hold bad police accountable and break down the blue wall
2. Improve training and hire more qualified people that actually know and understand the law.

Ooh god i hate that bitch so much

This they aren't allowed to use rear naked chokes which are highly effective nor black jacks and in some place stun guns but a gun that can easily kill accidentally even with full knowledge of the body and thousands of hours of training

They only care when it's a white person killing a black guy, they ignore all the black on black crime which is at a very high rate. Also the fact that black american males make up 6% of america's population yet commit the majority of violent crimes would make anyone feel uneasy around black people, the cops need to take extra caution to the group that is known to be violent. Instead of telling cops not to kill tell black people not to be so violent.

> Make media have a set of rules
Although your suggestion might be effective, this is a far too risky path to go down on.

How about niggers start improving themselves? Asians immigrate here and do just fine. Tell niggers to look at chinks and take notes. If they can fucking read that is.

In WA you can sign up for the police academy right out of high school. Idk if if it's same in other states but I think we should train police to better handle situations. A cop could serve for consecutive years but have never seen a hostile situation, not know what to do and end up killing someone

The rest of the civilized world doesn't have niggers

Punctuate, bro.

Re-read OP. You get confused easily I see .

Get leftists and liberals out of positions of power.

Yeah, I've never understood this. Cops in most other countries look for ways to de-escalate the situation with the minimal force necessary. Is this a training issue?

Re-read OP. Your reading comprehension is currently not up to the standards of Sup Forums. How tragic.

OP is mad nobody is taking him seriously


Low IQ cops dealing with low IQ civilians. What else should we expect?

Yes it does

yea i agree with the concern of free speach but maybe there can be a higher education on critical thinking?

the rules would probobly be about if a report is reporting false fact then it must be admitted by the station who reported it and they must remove it and apoligize for speading false facts.

The media already has a set of rules that is causing the rest of the world problems so yeah not much of a problem anymore

Bring in the Judge system.

i dont know mabt the fact that they are allowed to shot and kill if the situation calls for it makes them just jump the gun because its what they know

that would be worse

Stop the marketization and censorship of the media. Reporting the news is a very serious job that effects the outlook of millions of people across the country. When the media reports some bullshit "he dindu nuffin" it sends the wrong message and gets people angry over nothing but lies. Censorship is also a problem, because currently the media can't report anything that is considered "racist" or "offensive", and why would they want to anyway? That's bad for marketing.

The media should always report the truth, even if it's an unpopular opinion or something someone might not like to hear, and no one should be able to stop them.

The truth is that police have always been dicks. What the fuck do you expect? You give an average Joe and gun and authority and he is going to abuse the shit out of his stance eventually. Most cops have a god complex and are power tripping non-stop, only now has it become a very apparent issue with social media spreading videos of it all over the place, getting the word out. Unless you want to crack down on recruitment procedures and maybe have police officers go through a psych eval every 3 months, nothing is going to change.

Sorry not a progresscuck that went for a liberal art degree of your too dumb to understand simple words that's your problem not mine

Maybe make automatic weapons more difficult to obtain? Seems to have worked for Straya...

He's not completely wrong though. We must not be afraid to discuss facts simply because they seem offensive to you. The fact is, many other minority cultures, especially from Asia, seem to be doing very well in the US. They often have the highest household incomes, highest education levels, and lowest crimes. The blacks are almost always at the bottom in all these categories. Why?

>implying we're not at that level already.

Spreading doubt in the men and women of the Hall of Justice.

That's 6 months in the iso cubes.

what can actually help must be started now to have effects in the future. aside from utopical ideas which are good to think about but hard to exert on the current situation let's try to figure out some solutions.

note first that those solutions are in no way meant to have major effects immediately, because the problems does not lie alone in a cop who has a gun and is using it on people. as mush as I believe (and know) there are lots of cops which are absolutely unfitting for a position like this, uneducated, corrupt and not schooled in the knowledge of psychological mechanisms that effect them (that is one of the most important things to learn for armed people imo) the broken system can not be changed from one day of another.
I'm not from america, but from where I see the situation is that literally every nutjob carries guns, so you can expect to get shot by some asshole just because.
every person which wants a gun (cop or not) needs to be thoroughly educated in the terms of the psychology of fear and might.
especially for cops, I suspect they have an even looser finger on the trigger because of the (-he could carry a gun and I'm a cop-mentality).
they need to know more about themselves and how they function under these factors, which will result in them refusing to wield guns just because they can-at all.

the psychological education could be very helpful. the knowledge is already accessible, but lots of people are more like TL;DR I already have muh opinion blah smarter than you- kind of attitude...

so that is no real solution, just some approach for further developments.

short version: what do with all the shitloads of guns already everywhere?

If you guys started punishing cops for killing innocent civilians regardless of race that would probably solve a lot of those problems. Ending the war on drugs/your own population and reforming the prison system and conforming with international human rights standards would probably not hurt either.

>People with guns much more likely to be shot by police and in general
>Don't carry firearms

It's legitimately that easy.

holy fuck forgive me for this mess of text
I thought it's better formatted

Purge. I mean fuck it right? Not saying this is going to fix anything but eventually everyone will kill each other and those left alive can start over without all thr bullshit

This guy gets it.

what if instead of imposing rules on how they report, just limit the distance, as in, get rid of national news and make everything stay local.

>current american police with the judge system
alot of people are gonna die in a short time
then the riots start and we got a race war
Sup Forums wins

I think we could also go farther into the root of the problem by reforming the U.S prison system. Too many people are incarcerated and cops feel its their duty to root out wrongdoers. I think victimless crimes should not be crimes. AKA drug charges shouldnt hold such harsh penalties. Legalize marijuana. Gangs will demilitarize and the police wont have to be so hyper aggressive. Just my half-wit idea, though. Maybe even give cops higher salaries and be far more selective with who is hired.

It's gotta be team based to get the spark started.
Liberals vs Nationalists?
Then the blacks and mexicans can join the liberals.
We could even call it civil war 2 for hype.

let's do a march against black violence across U.S.

I believe that topic is for another issue. The current issue is a police work problem. I can't say race plays no role at all but the main problem is police training and culture. The poor performing cops are not weeded out of the system .

>race war

They have black people.
Ever seen a black guy from england? He's not a nigger, he's a black englishman. Black people in other countries are happy to become part of the country in which they live. Black people in america are all like "fuck america!" and act all thuggish and niggerish.

well if its all local then people will know so little of the rest of the world and whats going on with what the gov is doing which means they can roam free

This. Call it Lives Matter and protest against niggers killing so many goddamn people.

well then maybe they should be able to use naked chokes, black jacks, and in all places stun guns.

>t. the non-european

if you kill yourself all of your problems will go away.

Less government.

Don't want to be a "my country is the best" but even if we have some racial tensions in France, we don't have those kind of things happening on a daily bases.
I think it's for two major reasons : first we don't have gun (you can disagree if you want)
Second and most important, we don't focus that much on race. I mean, by doing everything and anything to recognize minorities and "integrate" them in the population, you're actually doing the opposite. As long as minorities are treated like minorities (positive discrimination, calling someone a racist everytime something not race related is done to a black person...) they'll be seen as minorities. As a result, they'll always be outcast and no intagrated enough.

Yeah, higher education is always a good idea. Unfortunately, it's also the one that takes the longest to show an effect. It's a good long term solution.

As for the media requiring to admit and correct previously reported false facts, o completely agree. Many stations already do that but it's often hidden away on their website or in a corner of the paper. The American public has already moved on to the next story. So it's not very effective.


>Ever seen a black guy from england? He's not a nigger, he's a black englishman

Oh you sad sad deluded silly foolish sexy ignorant oblivious man

It doesn't help when you have things like "gangsta rap" on tv and in the charts.

Think about that bullshit for a second. Being a fucking criminal is actually a lifestyle to aspire to for today's youth.

How is it that after these police officers were shot these great BLM people that were just parading also start rioting and robbing stores?

When gay pride parades are going on you don't see them rioting and stealing EVER

Could it possibly be that BLM is full of entitled people (white and black) that don't actually have the full story or care to?
I understand a lot of these scenarios should not have to end in taking a life but when you're a cop and you get dispatched into a call saying there is a person of interest pointing and threatening people with a gun you have to go to the scene of the crime entirely different then you would for someone having drugs on them or just getting pulled over.

I understand it's also degrading to listen to a cop but it doesn't have to be if you just listen to what they have to say...even if you are taken away in handcuffs you always have a chance in court with a jury of your peers.

Running will make you look more guilty. If you know you did nothing wrong prove it in the court of law surrounded by your own peers.

this right here
as an adjunct to better training of better and more intelligent cops

lets face it, departments are underfunded in the vast majority of cases, pay levels for officers are shit tier, administration is more political than practical, and the psych tests are flawed.

we have to change the way law enforcement agencies are run. most departments still run at the same basic level as they did in the sixties.

this has some truth to it

black muslims or muslims in general often are fuck the system we want shaira law n sheeit

Profound rhetoric, but otherwise quite meaningless.

retard alert

What's it like living in an Islamic country?

wtf does that even mean? wtf is that t. there for?

I wish I were sexy. I'm ugly with no self confidence. Shit sucks. But yeah, I'm all the rest of the stuff you wrote.

And having a public that's allowed to carry guns only exacerbates this issue.

How's that any different to a movie about a serial killer or a bunch of people pulling a bank job?

yeah it needs to be very clear that they fucked up and if they dont make it clear that they spread false fact they can be shut down but only in worste case senraio were it had an effect such as a riot starting or soem shit

The negro male is tragically low as far as IQ and EQ are concerned, not only does he not understand simple english and mathmatics, he simple has no morals, he lashes out with no regard for the consequences. There is no changing this, its genetics, thus they need to be exterminated.

It's not different. The user to whom you're responding has mistaken his regurgitation of party lines as critical thinking.

How about niggers don't chimp out and act defensive against a cop and actually DO WHAT A COP TELLS THEM. They have been told all their lives that cops are enemies and that they're "pigs" and parents need to stop fucking doing that. As for cops, they should be trained how to use their guns better so they don't shoot someone for merely moving. Also, I think all these dumbass BLM supporters are blowing this way out of proportion and jumping to conclusions, this isn't about racism, this is about two faults on both parties. And don't even get me started on social media and how they love to circlejerk this shit, it's like most of them can't form their own fucking opinions. As I said, both parties are at fault and both parties need to take action on fixing their mistakes.

Please explain this liberal logic to me.

>Guns are bad, you shouldn't be allowed to have guns
>But what if I need to defend myself?
>That's what the police are for
>So I should trust the police and put my safety solely in their hands?
>No, the police are evil and corrupt and untrustworthy.

Well which is it?

The quality of your troll is bad and you should feel bad...

Make all the niggers work as slaves. Gas all the jews. Put Asians in work camps. White master race.

liberals get off to the thought of white people being raped and murdered by blacks.
That's what all their arguments boil down to.

how about blacks stop pretending to be victims?

unarmed blacks killed by police are 0.4% of black murders

stop lying and be responsible for your own shit niggers


why do americans need like a fucking rocket launcher at home isn't a hunting rifle enough?

See, that's the the thing though. The vast majority of these "innocent civilians" turned out to be someone with quite a long list of past convictions.

Unfortunately, the media and the public have long moved on to come back to the issue. So these criminals remain forever innocent in the eyes of the public.

none of it.

Yeah, because that worked out so fucking well for Hitler...

Rocker launchers are illegal.