Semi-amateur-photoshopfag here and i'm boredaf. gimme pics i should photoshop and we'll see what shit will come out

semi-amateur-photoshopfag here and i'm boredaf. gimme pics i should photoshop and we'll see what shit will come out.

pic not by me, but its related. easy to make smth like this

This fat piece of shit is a twofaced weasel

Do something w fly Jupiter

working on both

can you switch the heads with baloons?

Bumping for the fat guy

In reaction folder it goes

like this?

real OP here. working on that fat one too. but it takes a bit more time

I don't know how to thank you guys enough

Forgot pic

its an improvement.

buy me skyrim haha


use proper integrated balloons :^)

now give the other baloons bodies.

I was just being polite user

Give the streets signs tailored suits



the picture of michelle obama on the shirt, is there any way to make it look more like it is alive and not a shirt?

i was ironic

Me too fam



i am entertain

got another juan if op still present.
turn this into a subway ad.

I am pleased.