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ITT: Stoner general
>what are you smoking, 4chiba?
Pic related; my trusty bubbler with some sour that I'm puffin on rn

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sour diesel specifically


My nigga

Northern lights

Nice. This is what I'm usually using

do you live in a legal state?





please dont inject marijuanas! my sister did and now she is retarded!

This false equivalence hurts.
Please go pick up a book and get an education.

.....except it isnt illegal and isnt a crime against someone else. bait or not.

Oh boy that's good fun

easily offended, huh?


If it's not arguing that we'd makes your dick grow nipples, then I'm not believing it.

noice, m8. getn reul hoigh ther, anch ya

I've got some weed that real good. No idea what it's called. I don't really care about names it's all weed and it all gets you high

I forgot the name, some kind of kush. Rolled my first two joints with it, they weren't bad, albeit a little thinner than you "experts" with your fancy dispensaries and legality

Shut the hell up

OP here, I live in Dallas, TX. The pigs are fuckin roastin here dude. Im glad Austin is only 3 hours away. Those festivals are the shit.

>The pigs are fuckin roastin

What does this mean

I live in Kentucky, and one of my friends recently got caught in Ohio with his bud. Idiot got like 3 misdemeanors or some shit, but they were really minor, probably because he's white lmao

I don't really do anything riskier than smoking in my own room, in my own home. Sometimes I'll have a small bowl during a long drive, but I try to keep it short, and the smell low.

I think it either means they're very alert, or it means they're getting shit on somehow.

The swine are at a high temperature my dude

theres a lot of cops constantly patrolling in my area of dallas all the time 24/7

The porcine energy is rising

Move out of the hood. I live in Dallas too and cops very rarely drive through my neighborhood.

fuckin kek 100%
gonna say this whenever im talking about cops everywhere again.

smoking for the first time in a week, high as fuck

this video caught my attention, most of you will probably hate this but i think it's pretty interesting, more than funny.

Im not in the hood. Im near Addison. The neighborhoods have real neighborhood watches, not civilian. Its straight up just police that get paid to patrol the neighborhoods. Some areas dont have it, most do.

What are you bitching about then? Are you a criminal? Are you afraid you will get arrest or caught doing a crime?


this hurt to watch -3/10

>inb4 newfag trying to orange text


Does Sup Forums like my new piece?

No, not really. Clean up that desk you slob.

also i know my desk is messy, I've actually cleaned it up since that pic


Guess I wasn't fast enough replying :^)

oh shit

why is it in a syringe ?

>injecting marijuanas

It's an old meme.


how else are you going to inject 2 marijuana?

To measure it I guess? It really doesn't seem that effective, also injecting marajuanas

Peanut butter

Took this sweet pic last night


what's this gross shit

the fuck

my swiggerdly