Why the hell is everyone sucking this pretentious as fuck, no-talent-having-ass faggot's dick all of the sudden?

Why the hell is everyone sucking this pretentious as fuck, no-talent-having-ass faggot's dick all of the sudden?

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he woke xD

He was good in The Martian.

Because p4k obviously shills here.

Pitchfork hates Bino

Member when p4k gave Childish Gambino a 1.6?

...but that was in the beforetime, when they didn't pay attention to identity politics and making a "woke" album didn't get you a bnm regardless of quality and when being an associate of Chance the Rapper didn't automatically grant you at least an 8.0

He objectively wasn't.


because Atlanta was a good show


Bino basically discovered Chance and his first post-Chance album still got panned by shill4k

Trust me, the new album is getting at least an 8.5.

Screencap this post.

Probably because of the new show. I don't like him myself, but to each their own.

Childish Gambino is like this lightning rod of everything that sucks about hip-hop and music in general.

If hip-hop had this romantic culture that it claims to, there would be shows of local artists cutting up on original material multiple times a weekend in even the most boring-ass suburbs all over North America, a little like pop punk or midwest emo for lack of a better comparison. But truth be told, it's a total fabrication. The only way someone could possibly like CB is if they didn't know that better things exist.

In short, hip-hop only exists and thrives by keeping people ignorant. It's the ultimate attack on actual musical culture.

Please stop with the hackneyed language and then I'll answer your questions. You are obviously just trying to bait anons, and it seems to be working.

He was funny in Community.

Atlanta was the best TV to come out this year

Good summary desu

p4k shits on Gambino relentlessly and will probably give this album a mediocre score
you're so new it hurts user...

fug off

what was so bad about atlanta?

>If hip-hop had this romantic culture that it claims to, there would be shows of local artists cutting up on original material multiple times a weekend in even the most boring-ass suburbs all over North America

You literally don't know where to look because this is the case

Maybe I'm biased because I'm from NYC but I've even been to underground hip hop shows in the whitest parts of Long Island suburbia before.

If hip-hop had this romantic culture that it claims to, there would be shows of local artists cutting up on original material multiple times a weekend in even the most boring-ass suburbs all over North America

well i mean this actually happens, but in cities and not suburbs mostly because of demographics of those areas and the origins of both genres desu. in my city there are tons of local hiphop/r&b artists doing small shitty shows of original material every weekend

my problem is that pretty much all of these artists are obsessed with "making it" and i feel it takes away from the music, they pretty much approach music from a view of how it can help them be successful, so they can make it a "career". i guess that is because for hip hop artists music has historically been an avenue for escaping from a bad situation that they are born into and a way to express their grievances/feelings about of what they have experienced. Meanwhile pop-punk/emo artists lived a comparatively comfy life (being from the suburbs/etc) and grew bored/disillusioned with it so decided to make music, and if not they can get a boring desk job making a decent living if it doesnt work out, whereas that specific scenario is really not an option for many hiphop artists (or at least thats what they believe). i feel like both genres express the ideals of their cultures in their music pretty well, and just because hiphop culture is different, or puts importance in different things than we have traditionally seen in music cultures, doesnt necessarily mean its a fabrication. it is what it is, and who cares if it is an attack on "actual music culture", its presence is a means of change, which regardless if you think its "good" or "bad", is interesting merely for the fact that its different than what has come before which id say is overall beneficial on the whole for everyone, as listeners and artists

But maybe im just projecting


sorry but Mr.Robot exists

>all of the sudden
what? haven't seen him mentioned in years, get a better filter

new singles are widely regarded as great songs. obviously people are excited for the album. also atlanta was great this year

mr. robot didn't come out this year

donald glover reigns control of the black hipster market, shit like afropunk and such are in that realm.
its basically like the rich white kids in ny making lofi music for the fuck of it.


lol no, it's a convoluted pseudo-deep turd of show

too deep for you, I guess.

I've been a fan since day one

wow, not cringe at all!

Because Sup Forums likes to hype up releases by popular artists up until and during their release date. Are you new?

Because he suddenly started releasing good music


have u heard california?

one outlier

Kek I posted it right before I listened to the leak
It fucking sucks but atleast me and your mama is still good
