Get drunk

>get drunk
>start playing better

>listen to it sober
>its shit

This is now a K-on thread

i concur

Less self awareness + more confidence = "playing better"

>get drunk
>start playing better

guess it's the feeling of not really caring

Mio best girl

>get drunk
>start crying and telling people how much I hate myself

>not mugi
u fucking plen

>get drunk
>start playing beer

Matter of fact Mugi is at the bottom of the totem pole for me
It goes
Not that there's anything wrong with Mugi, she's just the least kawaii of all of them

op here all keins are best i love them all

>least kawaii
wud the fug

I love Keions they're my favourite girls and I couldn't live without them existing.

me too user

it's ok i like you

forgot pic!




lol gay


FUCK k-on

Fuck you

>can't entertain the possibility that some people are more creative when they aren't hindered by anxiety

it's a well documented thing

>not Ritsu

I feel like I can sing better when I get high. It's just easier for me to find the key that matches with my voice when I'm stoned.

When I get drunk I play pretty much the same, a bit worse, but it makes me extremely aware of how my fingers are just doing it, I'm not even thinking, and it's sort of trippy.

Playing what better? Your stupid fucking anime games? Drink yourself to death you retard.

DO NOT post vulgarity on Sup


lmao kill yourself you weeb fuck