Doggo wan the fishe

doggo wan the fishe

dad no fishe

i hijack your thread to post my aoty since it has raccoon

is doggo


Eat it for me?


d as not dogo si lly is
a cat te

i understood that reference

talkin bout... music??

Get out homo

Do not fucking talk to me like that I will rip your fucking throat out
Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that? I can just get your IP address, show up to wherever you are and fucking that's it. Goodnight. Dead.
Sleep with one fucking eye open.

peas no fite in front of cat te

Fag, bet you like dick

I bet you like a smoothie of your blood and fecal matter because that's what you're going to get you fucking asshole

stob fite in fron t cat te pease

i have hungry

fight me queer

no peas stob fit e in fro nt cat te

Wait which orifice is he drinking the smoothie through? His mouth or his asshole?



on o where did dogo fode go?

puppy :)


I'm scared

hey its me ur doggo

I have a PhD in Digital Music Conservation from the University of Florida. I have to stress that the phenomenon known as "digital dust" is the real problem regarding conservation of music, and any other type of digital file. Digital files are stored in digital filing cabinets called "directories" which are prone to "digital dust" - slight bit alterations that happen now or then. Now, admittedly, in its ideal, pristine condition, a piece of musical work encoded in FLAC format contains more information than the same piece encoded in MP3, however, as the FLAC file is bigger, it accumulates, in fact, MORE digital dust than the MP3 file. Now you might say that the density of dust is the same. That would be a naive view. Since MP3 files are smaller, they can be much more easily stacked together and held in "drawers" called archive files (Zip, Rar, Lha, etc.) ; in such a configuration, their surface-to-volume ratio is minimized. Thus, they accumulate LESS digital dust and thus decay at a much slower rate than FLACs. All this is well-known in academia, alas the ignorant hordes just think that because it's bigger, it must be better.

What is that?

Oh... Hi, it's me goko


He is soft and warm like_____

Pizza prty pperponu

Up doot :)

sticky please PLEASE


last post best post

Are you fucking stupid? Are you really THAT fucking stupid, you fucking inbred morr? That's a FUCKING RACCOON YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT. oh you think you're real fucking clever saying it's a dog, aren't you? Like you can just fucking slip it by ME that I'm looking at a dog, is that right? Is that what you take me for? You take me for some fucking dumb stupid fucking cunt that would fucking think that's a dog and not an OVIOUS RACOON?? FUCK. YOU. if you EVER try to pass some BULLSHIT off like this to me again I will personally murder myself on webcam with a fucking kitchen knife. Now FUCK OFF


Too much time on Sup Forums messed with your humor compass it seems

Either a Venezuelan poodle moth or something similar

Either way, doggo