Why doesn't Sup Forums like blues based music?

why doesn't Sup Forums like blues based music?

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what do you consider blues-based?
give us some examples

I do. Just not watered down white boi blues by spoiled rich kids on drugs.

blues rock, blues influenced rock music etc

Based on your pic I'd guess you prefer the "debilitated alcoholic who can barely play anymore" variety

>Based on your pic I'd guess you prefer the real deal variety, senpai

>blues based
Why not listen to actual blues? Too black for you?

Because I'm not a nigger loving cuck

Blues rock is better than blues

Suck on it, BLM supporters

You just described 90% of the users of this board.

>I'm not a nigger loving cuck
>So I'll listen to the watered-down music of nigger-loving beta cucks
Sup Forumstard logic at its finest.

Blues rock is much more standarized and unoriginal than blues, the only blues rock band worth it was Canned Heat, and it was because they followed the lack of rules of true blues.

they like linear Western melody insteaed of syncopated African rhythm (or lusty negro attitudes, whatever)

because blues is nignog shit

>the only blues rock band worth it was Canned Heat

>they like linear Western melody insteaed of syncopated African rhythm

>implying blues is syncopated rhythm
>implying blues wasn't an amalgamation of irish and scottish folk songs with african rhythm

That was just a reference to scaruffi, just a joke.
Anyway, if you listen to old blues, you'll realize that they sing and play some intervals in a different way, a tradition which was lost in the transition blues made to white people, so I wouldn't call it exactly western melody, even if some techniques later became part of the western tradition.

Rory Gallagher is the only white Blues-Rock musician worth listening to.

Peter Green > anyone

>Comparing an extremely versatile musician who played multiple instruments, toured nonstop for almost his entire career, and released 18 albums to a cultist who did three albums, went crazy, and lost his ability to play.

Fuck off.

>having to resort to shit tier logic and arguments because you can't back it up with actual music

like clockwork

Peter Green is God



The brightest flame burns quickest

I'd rather listen to Blues than Blues Rock.