Says he isn't into Classical bc it's for old people

>says he isn't into Classical bc it's for old people
>is into dad rock and claims to be born in the wrong generation
>"music in the 90's were better"
kek what a pleb

Wonder if this kind of person actually exists.

every 90's indiefag pleb is like that.

Meh I'm sure at least most of them recognize the importance of classical music.

Do most electronic music fans recognize the importance of Stockhausen? wew

Who says they don't listen to it because it for old peopole? I thought a lot of people, myself included, just don't listen because it's fucking boring.


for me it's more that it relaxes me enough to put me to sleep and then it jolts me awake so that I can't even get a nice classical nap out of it. I'm looking at YOU tchaikovsky

this but unironically

>music in the 90s were better

No one believes this

>bc it's fucking boring
you clearly never listend to prokofiev.

It honestly depends on how serious you want to take it, analyzing composition is immensly entertaining and really boosts the music imho. Listening to Beethoven's 5th symphony is great, but when you analyze every small detail about the compositions. You realise just how incredible it truly is.

>Millenials with short attention spans


>be 40
>dad is 76
>mfw "dad rock" for me is the everly brothers

Patrician Dad, Dad

>analyzing composition is immensly entertaining and really boosts the music imho

I'm sure you're not wrong about that, but I'm not gonna spend my time studying music composition to "appreciate" something better when I can just listen to music I already like.

Why do you assume people only listen to one genre or something?

Do you user. For me it didn't just boost my enjoyment of Classical music, but all music. I'm not going to tell you how you should listen to music, but focusing on it, reading about it. Even discussing it can and will drastically increase your appreciation for music in general.

>"appreciate" something better when I can just listen to music I already like.
Basically what you are saying is you don't want to "listen" to music, but simply have it on in the background for a rhythm to bop along to?
Well enjoy a static taste in music user.

Eh, you're missing most of it. Most classical music is not concieved as mere entertainment, they're actually pieces of art.

You can decide that just giving a glance to a Raffaello painting enough, but there is so much more you can gather from those masterpieces.

Regardless, if you get into Beethoven there's no way you won't end up studying composition.

>Most classical music is not concieved as mere entertainment, they're actually pieces of art.

Yeah it's phrases like this that make me not care even more about classical music.

Does that keep you away from Dostoevsky too?
You can decide to just read The Brothers Karamazov, or you can learn all the informations that will give you an actual clear picture of what you're reading.

The same applies to classical music. You can just listen to Beethoven, but learn how to read a score and you will understand how great and intelligent his works are.

For classical music it is not required to do so, but it will enhance your experience greatly. With contemporary music you really have to know your theory tho, don't even think about listening to Schoenberg if you're clueless about it.

>You can decide to just read The Brothers Karamazov, or you can learn all the informations that will give you an actual clear picture of what you're reading.

If I have to do research before reading a book, it's probably not worth my time. Sorry, but I actualy like having fun. I like listening to music to get hyped up, or to have feels, and there are plenty of bands that do that very well for me. Would classical music do it better? Well, maybe Beethoven must be fucking amazing in comparison because I already love my pleb music to death. But too bad I'm just bored as hell listening to him and give 0 shits.

>If I have to do research before reading a book, it's probably not worth my time.

You have just singled out every great literature classic out there. Are you sure that this paradigm atually works?

>Sorry, but I actualy like having fun.

Then you're not interested in art, you just want mere entertainment. You're the shallowest type of listener.

>But too bad I'm just bored as hell listening to him and give 0 shits.

Then keep listening to music written for adolescents and post-adolescents.

>this post

nice argument you've got there m8

he's completely right though

your fedora meme doesn't change that

t. clueless poptimist

>You're the shallowest type of listener.

Well if that's true then it feels pretty good being the shallowest type of listener.

ignorance is bliss

nah, you're really missing out.
It's like watching to youtube videos instead of watching cinema classics.

Missing out on what though. It's all just music. It's not like listening to classical cures cancer.

>tfw this guy has literally never experienced art

I kinda envy you. Hopefully in your 30s-40s you will get it.

you don't sound very bright at all

>Oh no, I can't explain! Maybe classical music isn't that great in the first place... but then how will I seem smarter than others? No, just insult him, that'll do it!

yeah you're right, the problem is clearly everybody else, not you and your crappy approaches.

>Fuck Shakespear, I'll read GRR Martin instead

damn you suck