I really don't know what I should feel

I really don't know what I should feel

Oasis with reverb

who cares grandpa

>click this thinking its about MC Ride

Fuck you

Nobody gives a fuck

sweet bottomless pit was awesome now lets see his solo work

You should feel great.

Not really.

>being an ageist

Death Grips is objectively terrible.

You did, that's why you replied to this thread, faggot.

>new Ride
>new Slowdive (probably)
>new J&MC
>new Lush this year
Are they going to release something, or has it not been long enough since the last one?

>Death Grips is objectively terrible.
How so?

Lush is done

Fuck off Montie

sorry about your shit taste

They already released a new EP earlier this year though

>MC Ride solo album
holy goddamn shit on a goddamn fuck that would be fucking god tier

are they desperate for money in the wake of Brexit?

>one 6/10 album
>a handful of other decent songs

and it all sounds like oasis with electric guitars instead of acoustic

Who on earth keeps asking for anglo washed up bands who only made one good album?

The only one who makes it right is Spiritualized

Kill yourself

>Going Blank Again
That's two.

And they also had several good EPs so idk what you're on about.

>first album in 20 years
>thinking that refers to MC Ride

nigger they formed a decade before i was born and broke up two years before i was born and they weren't even that famous anyway
don't expect me to know your grampa music

>I'm going to read the fucking URL in a post before clicking it


Hopefully it does not suck. I want it to be good so badly you guys don't even know. HUUUU

Slowdive are definitely releasing something. I'm expecting something pretty tame though, like some reverby hazy alt rock, kinda like Pinkshinyultrablast

you're exactly the kind of faggot i think of when i think of death grips fans lol

you're exactly the kind of faggot i think of when i think of faggots, faggot

I am very excited for Slowdive's new album even though I know it will be mediocre as all get out. Maybe they will surprise me,. I sure as hell hope so and MBV's new album was not bad in the slightest.

If they do alt-rock with reverb I would honestly be OK with it.

out pleb

I'm falling asleep already

I know it sucks but at least they toured and I got to see them

It would be shit. He's nothing without Zach Hill

Going Black Again

what an album

Ride are GOAT

ride is by far the worst of the big 3

Didn't know that MC Ride had released an album in the 90's

Links to it pls

Honest question: are you all 16 years old or under? I'd discovered and was done with Ride by 16. That was years ago. Are you just tasteless and stunted as fuck?

agreed I can't believe people are actually excited about this

Probably the same part of /my/ that wants the new gorillaz album too

big 3?

behave yourself. you can't grow out of good dumb pop music