slug edition


Great thread

first for cosmic gals


perfect start

more like our girls

what is it about ahyoung

You know it homie.

she's the hidden shabet gem


cosmic girl > cosmic girls

good morning to my /snsdheads/

her belly button

too nugu

Monolid Triumvirate special stage when

made me kek



big ass


Who is that next to Soobinqt? Dawon?

poor bladder control




I love herrr

Batman vs. Superman: Dawon of Justice

Sejeong literally the best.

you guys like my OC?

demn curves

is korea a matriarchy or a patriarchy?

kinda confusing, the place is literally run by old hags who ban porn but you also got qt girl purepop and slutshaming

dawon is the stacked manface next to her, dayoung is the goofy looking one on the other side of soobin

Come on Pledis, just give After School a proper funeral and then give us Pledis Girlz

they're a democracy you fucking idiot

Just proving once again that manfaces are the superior race wtf Dawon is gorgeous

great webm

>still using this webm

the one with the money is the boss. gender doesn't matter in ROK.

koreans can still go through porn sites by proxys and VPN

i wish pledis would bury me and nana in a large coffin alive

they're clearly waiting on ioi to disband

hello my fellow /snsdhead/


>listening to corny girl groups when real g's like this exist

cute puppers

why would my gf be buried with you?

which outfits were these? post more jessica in it

post your favorite k-webmeme

i cant think of a kpop idol with a better body overall


only way to live user

their societal structure is heavily patriarchal in comparison to the west. e.g. after marrying women will be pressured to quit work in order to stay home and look after the kids, parents will often give all their inheritance to their eldest son.


jennie having a stroke

i h8 u

>not doing both
>not doing both at the same time



taeyeon is really great at expressions like this

They need a new album dbh

muhfgnniggas talminbou Twice ain't da illest group in da GAME n shi

lmaooooooo stay BOPPED doe




clear winner. that tummy looks incredible

at least she can wink UNLIKE SOMEONE ELSE

she's the best

this is really cruel lol.

probably not gonna happen as Leessang, Gary doesn't like Gil that much anymore for some reason. Gary will make solo shit now though, thats a guarantee. Guy is a musical genius, he just needs time away from Running Meme.

what do you think you're doing


lmaooo preach !!

they looked good

good tummy but not nearly as hot as ahyoung's due to proportions (that waist)


Me gustas tu gustas tu stututuru

Gil got a DUI in 2014 and since he came back they split their company in half to focus on solo activities

hopefully they'll get together at some point


Gfriend was a mistake

still can't do it, sorry user i tried i really did

goddamnit she was thin


RIP that better nose

gd damn


what the fuck happened

If you wouldn't marry umji your standards are too high

A huge mistake

those who identify as "Buddies", they sicken me deeply

this kills the skelly



>tfw no yoojung to complete the set


we need to go thinner

lol no

No idea how old or new this picture is desu.

Post Dawon!!

is she in pain or what

can you guys recommend me some good kdrama? I just finished Bridal Mask and that was awesome.

please don't say Descendants of the Sun, thats pretty wack so far. 20 year old guy is somehow a captain in the army and is into a 30+ year old looking doctor lady. miscast as fuck.