ITT: Your favorite pictures of musicians

ITT: Your favorite pictures of musicians

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how is he walking like that
i dunno if trenty looks worse because bowie looks so good, nice boots though


Townsend often seems like an adorable goof.
And once he decided to get rid of the horror hobo-look he had a few years back he actually became quite hot...



>you will never go caroling with sufy

>i dunno if trenty looks worse because bowie looks so good, nice boots though

his hair isn't right and that goatee is terrible. i agree that he look so much worse than his usual self from that time. he looks far better than bowie in the infamous kennedy interview:

lol faggot




Varg's braids are so pretty.



>And once he decided to get rid of the horror hobo-look he had a few years back he actually became quite hot...

in that pic he looks just like maynard james keenan except less handsome. and keenan isn't exactly a model

you're way off


user, the faggot here is the pussy too scared to let himself be cuddled by this supreme icon of masculine radiance.





He looks gay even with a family

I'm a girl

Either you're with Devin or you're with the terrorists.



Uh, who is this?



why was he so perfect