Top Top Ten Albums That Prove That Not All 21st Century Music Is Bad

Top Top Ten Albums That Prove That Not All 21st Century Music Is Bad

1. To Pimp a Butterly
3. Ys
4. Donuts
5. Marshall Mathers LP


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Holy fuck, that's some cringey shit.

Literally the worst source you could use...

for once you're right

>for once
I'm always right, user.

can't argue with that

Jesus fucking Christ.

ariel pink's pom pom has this super eclectic feel, like it's from the past and landed in 2014 somehow.

there's a lot of good stuff out there, being released every year.

I think people say "muh all new music is bad" because they're either edgy preteens or older people who don't hear elements of what they used to hear when they were younger in this newer music.

I could be rambling.

>We are literally only almost 17 years into the 21st century
>Not all 21st century music is bad guys!
I'm gonna kill my fucking self




Haha no

Most people just don't listen to that much music

literal trash

Okay, I know the link is cringey, but, of all the albums on there... really? Stop being such an alt-right edgelord.

>number 6
>twenty one pilots
I'm gonna vomit

Yeah, shit like that is way worse.


>>number 6
>trip 6s

>if you don't like this album, you're alt-right!

god I wish this dumbass term was never invented (by liberal media)

please consider ending your life

Linkin Park lol

>liberal media
even worse than the original

No particular order

1. Transparency - Chris Weisman
2. Prime Example - Hellier Ulysses
3. Youth Will Understand - Free Loan Investments
4. Internal Logic - Grass Widow
5. Dromomania - Helvetia
6. King of New York - King Cyst
7. Prowler in the Yard - Pig Destroyer
8. Arranged Waves - Stephen Steinbrink
9. So Rise Up - Rory Stuart
10. Metta Quintet - Going to Meet the Man

I think you're an uninformed cuck with shit taste.

Here's my AOTY each of the last 7 years.

2010: The Books - The Way Out
2011: Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
2012: Spiritualized - Sweet Heart Sweet Light
2013: The Knife - Shaking the Habitual
2014: FKA Twigs - LP1
2015: Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly
2016: The Avalanches - Wildflower

Other than my 2011 and 2012 AOTY, these albums couldn't have been made in any other time period, and are innovative musical composition and production