You guys don't like this album? seriously? I liked it before I was on Sup Forums and I still like it

you guys don't like this album? seriously? I liked it before I was on Sup Forums and I still like it.

It focuses on message more than music, but it's still solid in every regard.

go back to Sup Forums please
Back on topic, I still like it although I definitely tend to associate it with my teen years

I liked it when it was playing off in the distance while I fucked ur mum

It's a perfect concept album, but it's so pop-y that almost no one on this board could ever like it.

fuck you Sup Forums


It's good just overrated. Also one of Pink Floyd's weaker albums in general

It's still a shitty album and Pink Floyd past 1971 is a shitty band

It's good but it feels too much like a musical. Ironic considering that Roger Waters hates Andrew Lloyd Webber.

I do like it, I just don't love it and wouldn't put it anywhere near my top 10.

i hope this meme dies one day

fuck off. no one likes you.

listen to Faust's self-titled album. It is the best rock album of all-time and much better than The Wall

I like it but it's a bit bland compared to their earlier stuff.

I always thought The Trial sounds like something from a Tim Burton movie.

There's more to musicals than Andrew Lloyd Webber, open your eyes.

Faust are awful and I dunno why you would even think to compare the 2 albums they are nothing alike.

This is the stupidest fucking post I have ever read in my entire life, and I've read a fucking lot of posts.

Faust is literally trash. You can throw some monkeys in a cage, show them to how throw some instruments around and bang stuff and end up with a better album than Faust. It's beyond awful, it's unlistenable garbage made for literal retards.

It's not even rock, it's fucking autists banging on trash can lids and calling it art. It's a joke and one of the worst albums of all time, if not the worst.


t. assblasted faust retard

Way 2deep4u. Keep trying though. I'm sure you'll understand it one day.

>le fancy experimenting
>le so quirky and different to "regular" music

no. it's a fucking meme for retards

i don't listen to faust

I dont get how you can like prog and not like faust desu


You seem like the kind of person who listens to music to elevate themselves and will only like what the critics like.

Faust is muzak

Sup Forums isn't one person

I saw it performed live and it changed my perspective about the album, fantastic show.

It's good, but they have about seven other albums that are way better.

competent musicians playing amazing songs with fantastic instrumentation, inventive song structures and often thought provoking or trippy lyrics

a steaming pile of horseshit

it's a meme you newfags