Album has that one god-tier song but everything else is mediocre

>album has that one god-tier song but everything else is mediocre
what's her name Sup Forums

Can we stop doing this ?






The Last Baron

New Day off Watch the Throne

Lost - Atrocity Exhibition

objectively wrong
their most consistent album


epic meme

Fever ray


Oh sorry guys, he need to stop assuming the gender of a fucking album.
Using her in this way has been used for fucking ever to describe just about everything



sure, once you stop posting weeb bullshit

That's a really weird opinion. Do you just like it because it has the weirdest instrumental? I mean it's a good track but I thought Ain't It Funny and Tell Me What I Don't Know were both better. Honestly though I love the whole album

roundabout fragile

I was so disappointed with this. I like Time Moves Slow and In Your Eyes but nothing else really grabbed my attention.

>actually replying to a bait tripfag

I love the beat, somethin about Dannys voice mixed with the horns and everything just sounds great to me.


Alien days is the only good song on this album let's be honest here



Circumambient and Genesis are both god tier

Divinations tho

The first song is amazing, the second song is pretty good. And then all the rest is shit

The KVB - Always Then

That record seems to have basically been written only for its title track. The rest is just bleh.

"No rain" is one of my favorite songs but the others songs on this are boring and all sound the same.

Wrong Bowie album.

Holy shit, you're dead wrong

I've only listened My Wait is U and I loved it, will I like the rest of the album?

Let It Happen off Currents

>The Last Baron

mystery disease tho

>Day-In Day-Out
>Time Will Crawl
>Never Let Me Down
>Glass Spider

Tonight's still the correct choice


I feel alone in that I really liked Currents. Reality In Motion is so good. The only song I don't really like is Past Life.

nah mate south side of the sky is gr8

This is about 40% good material and 60% trash imho

This is kind of like their Pablo Honey

hopefully not

>Loving the Alien
>Blue Jean
>Neighborhood Thread
>Don't Look Down

Nah, not really./




idk this albums pretty good op


Nah, it's Erupting Light

Underneath The Stars

You know I'm right

The Less I Know the Better is good