Sup Forums Sup Forums is mostly cancer

Before i get people screaming at me, can anyone explain why everyone is so damn opinionated on this board.

It seems that music cant be enjoyed by simply agreeing to disagree

there's nothing inherently wrong with being opinionated

also, this is a discussion forum. what the fuck did you expect?

Let's give it a try.

What's your AOTYSF?

Skeleton Tree

this board isn't really meant to be taken that seriously. Part of the fun is calling people's taste shit even if you like what they like, it encourages one to explore music even further. I think it's a good thing. Though recently this boards been kinda dead. Maybe it will pick up when Death Grips teases another album.

It's board culture. People who are new to the board don't come like this, they adapt to it to fit in either consciously or subconsciously

no fair enough, but what happened with the raging bullshit

>ever advocating death grips

why are you a trip again lol

i guess blackstar, only one i really care about

perfect worlds suck


>discussion board
>people having opinions is bad

Isnt that the fucking point though?

>simply agreeing to disagree
What the fuck is the point in discussing anything then?
Any conversation could just end with "well uuuhr, music is like, subjective man"
There's nothing wrong with argument because music isn't subjective, it has parameters for quality and other such things that can be talked about and argued over.
The problem with Sup Forums is that most people here don't care about music in that way and just want to assert their opinion using every fallacy in the book so people can't challenge them.

That's precisely what the picture is implying you fucking idiot. We should do something to change said "culture", because it's unproductive and infantile shit, basically.

make peace with the establishment; you'll be a much happier person

In order to change it you need a radical shift in user base. That's not going to happen on a website which has its two main boards as pol and b

A Sailor's Guide to Earth or Versace Summer. Can't decide

>Man I like X, how about you!
>Not really, but I like Y friend, thank you for your opinion
Is just as bad as shit flinging because it's a circlejerk with no real conversation
If you want that feel free to fuck off and go to Reddit

Reddit is even worse than that.
>posts smells like teen spirit
>"Hey guys remember this?"
>1000+ comments jerking off about some hugely popular song

Sup Forums is full of shitlords, but at least I can discover new music and discuss it.

my dude, no one is "OPINIONATED"
the problem is that you are a normie like everyone else in this horrendous shithole where people discuss RADIOHEAD, GRIMES and KPOP.
I don't give a fuck about enjoying music or

The problem is that you're taking discussions on here too seriously. Don't forget to filter threads you don't like, so you don't get upset. There are definitely great jazz and prog threads, but those are few and far between. Those are the only decent threads on here. Sadly, the classical music threads are a disappointment, even though they should be the opposite of that.

You act as if quality control is a bad thing. Elitest mu was best mu senpai