Playing experimental music to a normie ""indie"" bar crowd. I'm going to have to do this in a couple weeks...

Playing experimental music to a normie ""indie"" bar crowd. I'm going to have to do this in a couple weeks, anyone have any experiences/tips?

Don't embarrass me, this is your dad speaking

Jus' don't be a lil' bitch

How is it experimental?

bring an offset guitar

Put a lot a bass in it. Even if it's crap people are gonna enjoy because they "feel funny".

just say your dad made you play

There's no formal structure to songs, no upbeat grooves. Mainly textured based sort of stuff.

>bar crowd

They'll all be drunk, so what. I've forgotten parts, been out of tune, fucked up countlessly in bars and nobody has ever cared.

Yeah just freestyle all night

U wot?

yeah, dont do this at all

it's not dissonant; it's pretty much shoegaze. i would rather play anywhere else but it's the only gig we can get as of now

Wonder why?

Have you ever considered that you're a hack who can't into songwriting and that it isn't an issue with the audience?

It really depends on the clientele that frequent the place

I know places near me where I've seen ambient noisescapes and jam bands noodling around aimlessly for a couple of hours and people really dig it

If it's full of the rough normie blokey bloke types who expect singy songs and everything to sound like Oasis then you're fucked

So now ambient/drone are shit genres and anyone making this kind of music should not play to an audience? Maybe this is why there are so many shitty indie knockoffs.

Even then it doesn't matter. Plenty of bands play to empty venues or just a couple of blokes sat on the otherside of the room.

It's all part of amateur gigging.

Just play and have fun and don't give a fuck about the crowd

post it

>muh songwriting

that shit died in the 20th century, wake up

If you look the part they'll just pretend to like it

You're screwed.

Find your local experimental scene and don't venture out of it. If you're lucky people outside of the scene won't hate it and you might make some other fans but casual music fans are usually not at all interested in experimental music

I've done this. Here's a tip: they're not going to like you. Just get trashed before you play and earn those drink tickets.