This is the future of pop music

this is the future of pop music


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I would be perfectly ok with that

best track Picture This

They need to be popular.

Like this girl

lipslap is my jam

best song

Who is this music for?

millenial music done right


you and me

paintbrush was the exact moment I realized I loved the album

>the future of pop music will be bland electropop that appeals to psuedo-weebs

its pretty much jpop in english, its great


I want to pop her music

don't sexualize the kero

this shit is garbage, sounds like dont hug me im scared. the only reason that was interesting is it had some ~mystery~ behind it. what does this trash have?

jpop is just western pop in japanese though

that is really ignorant user

sorry but if you don't like this music you must be a pretty boring person irl

sorry but if you like this music you must be a pretty boring person irl


its true

help, i can't get flaming out of my head

support your claim


>Who is this music for?
Cute people. It's cute music for cute people.

people who are sick of irony & cynicism
also weebs, so basically people who spent too much time on Sup Forums

i really like this song but the "you just have to believe!" part makes me cringe. this group causes that on me, when the aesthetic works it makes me smile and it's really catchy but it can get waay too embarrassing sometimes.

anyone has similar feelings towards kkb?

sincerity necessarily leads to embarrassing moments, and the feeling of overcoming embarrassment both recent or from years ago is pretty amazing, i think that's what their music is trying to evoke

Being a weeb is going to be cool one day. It's already happening


Yeah, I feel like they're self-aware and sometimes sarcastic in their humour (which is fine) and then suddenly Sarah goes "Even if you're falling, that's okay! You just have to believe~" in the worst and least sincere way she could've (sounds like it was her first attempt desu), which ruins that part.

fish bowl is a masterpiece

& big city sounds like a sonic song

this is the future of R&B

>tfw people will use ~uguu irl
i don't know how to feel about this

that's an interesting idea and yeah, i agree with that. i really like it most of the time when i feel embarrassing listening to this kind of stuff, also when listening to stuff like kyary. i can't help but smiling a lot and really like it, but idk, in their case it sometimes kinda breaks the mood for me. maybe that aspect of their music will eventually grow on me.

why not both?

i really like how threads about pc music/kkb/some j-pop are getting more common lately. there really is something going on in these takes on pop music.

>why not both
oh, yeah ok fine. Better than this fucking trap trend.
Mainstream pop is a mystery as to what will be popular.

Being a pseudo-weeb is already cool

I'd be okay with meta parody becoming popular. allows for happy music with the same emotional depth that makes depressing music interesting.

Vast majority of k pop uses 80s and 90s rnb sounds and have their korean voices over it, i know my sis listens to that shit all the time. FAGGOTS STEALING MY CULTURE FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU

Still waiting for some real inventive shit here. U.S music industry needs talented people behind the scenes like they did in the 80s, I'm thinking of becoing a musician my self (not syaing my ideas cause theyre good and havent been done before and someone is gonna steal them if I say it SO DONT WATCH ME!)

that's really neat and all but i'm pretty sure the discussion was about j-pop

apply yourself

i really dislike the trap trend as well man, this is leagues ahead of that. trap sounds so fucking repetitive to me

Oh man I wasnt paying attention my bad
By the way the U.S IS LONG OVERDUE for a Arab Music craze,

>tfw people will use ~uguu irl
It's not going to be about only. It's about this whole aesthetic, being flashy, busy and upbeat.

>future of pop music
>anything other than this
you fuck you op

yeah that, catchy, slick mainstream pop informed with non-mainstream styles' musical language would be awesome. i'm a bit disappointed Knower's album didn't elevate them to the same level of popularity that KKB achieved and i'm the only one "shilling" it on here

man i sure hope this is happening

>people are taking this pile of garbage seriously
shitty music made ironically is still shitty music guys

but it's not shitty D E S U

>noise pop
>future of anything

c'mon son...

>this faggot is really trying hard to make this a thing

which thing, kero kero bonito or either one would be correct

How come no one ever fucking acknowledged this EP after it came out, even after Sea when Absent was such a success.

>tfw wikipedia had them in their trivia section last year

i hope that the members of this band die a painful death in the near future

smug and trendy rich kids

they make feel good music dude. I can understand not liking the music but hating them for doing it is another thing

I don't know how you could hat trampoline desu.
you'd have to be depressioncore irl.

i'm not too interested in the music, i'm interested in what it represents.
and what it represents is the pinnacle of that smug and sheltered upper-class post-post-ironic poptimist self-masturbation which has been making inroads into "hip" music in recent years.
the mechanisms behind the music are revolting and i can't imagine that anyone other than revolting people would be capable of coming up with the music and the overarching concept which frames it.
if you want a close look into just how disconnected the upper classes are from the average joe, at just how little of a fuck they give about what happens to that average joe tomorrow, just look at PC music and this band.

I'm surprised by how quickly she went irrelevant

haha okay dude. stay mad.
Music during the depression was happy and upbeat for a reason.

i'm not sure what these statements have to do with this band
this band's music revolves entirely around a form of exclusive meta commentary which it is by default assumed the people suffering through the depression aren't capable of grasping because they're dumb commoners.
it's a form of hyper-consumerist postironic pop elitism at its most blatant and masturbatory. a capitalist aberration of the most disgusting sort. the world at large does not benefit from these people's prolonged existence.

you need to find a perfect balance between "music is to be taken seriously" and "music is not to be taken seriously", you're far too far on the latter side


nice asspulls

there is nothing "meta" about the song trampoline
Pop music that sounds "different" is not always a commentry, yo friccin turd.

>the common man is depressed
statistically speaking, no.
Music during the great depression was happy because people needed something bright in their life. Songs like "break" perfectly exemplify this feeling that people need to ake a break from the dull and enjoy something fun.

A bit overzealous and bloodthirsty, but a pretty good assessment of why thee kids and their contemporaries are total pieces of shit.
If you like this music I'll assume that you're either too fucking stupid to understand what it represents or you come from the same background that its creators come from, in which case you should unironically KYS.

that's classist desu

You're a simpleton desu.

Spell it out for me then.
I seriously dont get what you are trying to say other than "fuck rich people and happy people"

>Unnecessary hyphens
>Unjustified elitism
Oh look, another pseudo-continental sperglord teleologically suspending the intelligible to win points on an anonymous image board

it's not like i'm less of an "average joe" because it happens to be the case that i follow Sup Forums, rym and some underground music media, or that anyone else is, you're the one painting with a broad brush here.
"layers of irony" is an ironic meme in and of itself, i don't get why anyone would take it seriously all of a sudden, and the "message" behind that album is as simple as it gets, no different from any other feelgood pop, so there's little point to singling that band out

71 / 6 / 25 / 1

ok now I'm going to start making this thread every day to make you mad

what a faggot
I didn't even really like the album, but you are legit making this shit up

>what does this trash have?

>Great production
>Well written, memorable songs
>Funny, lighthearted, self-aware lyrics
>QT singer/frontwoman

what more do you want?

tfw a She ^ Him Chistmadd

Why must I suffer so much hell to her my Zoey?


don't really care desu, i come to Sup Forums once like every 4 months

My generation had a band & if the they they said it was She & Him I would be satisfied.

Even though that band would be Radiohead.

The Japanese appropriation and tryhard twee is cringe-inducing. That's all it comes down to.

>The Japanese appropriation
How is it appropriation? She is Japanese

I met the two blokes from this group a while ago. They were pretty unbearable to be perfectly honest, reminded me a lot of some of the rich cunts I went to college with.
The "sheltered upper class elitism" interpretation of what this group is doing definitely has a grain of truth to it.

explain the elitism. I'm not getting it

I don't get it either. Nothing in their music suggests anything like that. Maybe they are pricks irl but I don't hear it in their songs.

hi unty

the fuck does sheltered upper class elitism even mean. "sheltered"? as opposed to living the hard on the streets like you

you are really projecting a lot of stuff onto them for no reason at all. They make catchy music, thats about it.

the guys are clearly losers, call me when you meet sarah

No, she's British.

One of her parents is Japanese and she spent a big chunk of her life in Japan.

wtf im a weeb now

Please stop shilling this garbage

She didn't grow up in Japan though. Let me put it this way: it's more accurate to say "Barack Obama is a white man" than "Sarah is a Japanese woman."

No, not really.

Yes, really.


it's not garbage???

>singing in a language that you grew up speaking is cultural appropriation
>singing in a language that is the native tongue of your parent is cultural appropriation
>singing in the language of a country where you spent a good part of your life (but didn't grow up there) is cultural appropriation

she just can't win can she? I hope i'm just falling for some bait here because holy fuck people like you are insufferable.

I should have known to not even engage with you the second you brought up cultural appropriation as if it were a legitimate issue here.