I'mreally drunk right now and I have the blade of a boxcutter, what do Sup Forums?

I'mreally drunk right now and I have the blade of a boxcutter, what do Sup Forums?

show tits or gtfo

Trash it. Self-harm is fucking pathetic.

you give a fucking timestamp

Face + timestamp with the blade.

Slice open your meat flaps and dump salt in the wounds then shit upside down and let it run over your face.


timestamp #cutforbieber

This and timestamp

stop seeing attention and go to sleep


Put the cutter in the the garbage and take a picture of your titties whilst holding some piece of paper with today's date and time on it.

Show tits

Buy an airline ticket to NYC. :)


timestamp while you slice your clit in half down the middle

Box cutter in pooper

open a box

Have drunken pity sex with me

cut yourself deep really deep

If you has any idea what to do you wouldn't /b here. Go get friend zoned again beta ass fuck.

cut off those speedbumps on your face with a timestamp

only if youre nearby. where you at user?

have drunken pity sex with all of us

i want you to grab that razor and cut yourself some slack. none of us are perfect

post a picture of your breasts or click the x at the top corner of your screen

>true Sup Forumstard right thurr

chop off your nipple, then post pics

Mail it to
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500

Don't cut yourself. Get a hammer, and smash your breasts against a table and take a swing at your tummy.

shove it up your cooter

Under rated post

Top Zozzle


Texas. That nearby?

slice booty cheeks, take picture

drink more

Wtf has happened to us b. When the fuck did we start showing pity for the meek? Grab your ovaries and convince this wast of space to stop thieving our oxygen.

timestamp fag

id rather fuck her but whatever

cut your nipples off.

Then go right ahead.... Awwwe

cut down the road faggot

Get some anbesol and cut off your clitoris.

>trying to nostalg for old Sup Forums
>hur internet hate machine
>narcissistic battlecry for support

goddamn mouth breather get out of here and let her cut her booty cheeks

Time stamp.

You are the cancer you hate

tits or gtfo

sterilize it, numb the area with anbesol, and then cut off your clitoral hood. You'll be able to cum quicker.

a little lower

Carve DTP into your upper thigh

Cut your pussy then Lick the blood
Post pics

You write well when drunk

cut yourself ;)

i don't see any tits. c'mon op, what's the point of being drunk if you don't do something tempting and questionable?

Oh shit, oh shiiitttt.

Do this, do this!

Go sleep

Cut your nipple off

Also I'm tristate area.


cut between your pussy and asshole to form a cloaca

this, my doubles demand it

throw it away, self harm is for pussies


med student. Biologically, this makes sense.

not UK?
fuck thats me done


tits or gtfo

First post full tits.

Then cut a penis on your forearm.

Tips or gtfo

Superglue them in such a way as to make a throwing star and become a ninja

i suggest you stop being 14.

cut your nipple

Go home you attentionwhoring twat. Noballz wont do it. Enjoy suffering.



slice your clit

Cut your nipple and take pics

followed by this

Put blade aside and show us more of those sexy lips.

"Tits or gtfo" lol

Multiple areas in the US are referred to as the tri-state area.

Are you in North Jersey? That's where it's most often used.


Similiar membranes, that's why I said anbesol. The cumming more quickly is truth too.

Med student agrees, so OP must do it.

Slut /thread


papermate or staedler?

Hey thats pretty good

ass cheek near hole?


sterilize the blade, anbesol the area, cut off your clitoral hood.

first time I've been on time for one of these threads. put the razor blade down and take a head to toe. don't really care for the blade. I'm sure other anons will

deeper pleaase

hey you're pretty hot



The fuck is b?

>what happened to us
Stop pretending to be an oldfag, newfag.

Cut cleavage area.

look at that

Rate my cuck OP?