Fucked up jokes thread Sup Forums. Go

Fucked up jokes thread Sup Forums. Go.

Hillary Clinton is still a presidential candidate.

it is said that, when haileys comet flew over japan. all the citizens covered with fear.
cause it reminded them of a certain boy that once hit them.

My brother used to make fun of me alot...
it all started when i asked him for adive about girls when i was in high school.
i asked him how to make a girl feel good when pleasuring her.
his advice to me was.
"to be confident and just focus alot of attention on the fleshy part just above the lips"
My brother and his friends got a real good laugh when i came back the next day and gave them the run down.
when i reported that she dumped me for making out with her nose for 15 mins they died laughing.

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

I stole that

a lot is two words fuckstick.

Original ;) 1 out of my stand up routine


fuck you spinster bitch, you create something original. rather than finding meaningless flaws

OP's sex life

I was eating ths chick out and i tasted horse cum, so i said, "grandma, thats how you died!"

man who go to bed with itchy ass, wake up with smelly finger


Whats better than winning the special olympics?

Not being retarded

Why is it most advantageous to fuck a 7 year old in the shower?

Because when their hair gets wet, they look 5.

Whats the difference between a jew and harry potter
Harry potter came out of the chamber


So i heard on the news that 100+ chinese trapped in an airliner for 32 days resorted to eating the other passengers. I couldn't do that. Not the cannibal part, i just don't think i could eat chinese every day for a month

Life expectancy in Ireland actually went up during the famine

Hitler says to one of his generals "So far we've killed 2 million Jews and 3 clowns"

The general says "Why the clowns?"

"I told you no one would care about ze Jews!"

What do you call a black guy who flies a plane?

A pilot.