I hate faggots as much as the next guy...

I hate faggots as much as the next guy. But let's suppose you are in an argument with an intelligent person who is pro-gay, how would you rationally and logically explain to them why it is better to be anti-gay? or to at least see them as inferior

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>I hate faggots as much as the next guy
stopped reading right there

Spoiler alert : you cant.

God says it bad, so its bad.

Id watch these two chick play with each others asses, so im pro gay i guess

It is a known fact that children that grow up without either a mother or father figure are statically less successful. Two fathers or two mothers could not possibly have the same for potential for successful parenthood as a real married couple could have.
So gay parents should not be encouraged, that's for sure

Try and use their own arguments against them. If they're Christian use some bible verses.

It's nothing more than a fetish.


Found the faggot.

Don't argue that it's better to be anti-gay. Argue the fact that being gay is the wrong.

It's children who grow up with one parent. Point to a study where two same sex parents cause a similar effect as just one and I'll read it

If you're anti-gay then you're an idiot, so he wins no matter what. Dumbass.


Unless it affects your immediate life (which it should since you're a faggot)

Then it doesn't matter. Keep your opinions your self if youre going to sound like a retard.

Even if you get answers in this thread that you want, it won't change anything.

>underage b&

I just assume because it is common sense. I think every sane child would rather choose to grow up wth a real mother and real father
even if one of the gay fathers tries to act like a mother, it will never be the same genuine natural experience for the child

could you imagine growing up with two fathers? I think deep down that would be depressing or at least disappointing

there is something warm and comforting about mothers that no man could ever be able to give their child
and no women could ever be the strong role model that a real dad can be

with that argument, everyone with low income, low education, low intelligence should not be encouraged to have children.
everyone living in a rural area, everyone with hereditary diseases, everyone with low emotional stability and everyone with any kind of addiction shouldn't be encouraged to have children.

because statistically all those factors either lower their chances of success or might lead to hardship for the kid.

classic social darwinism. you won't win any argument with extremist positions for they are always flawed.

Is this a family member, friend, or coworker? This would also add to what angles you could use.

Stupid faggot get beat to death by Russians!

logical fallacy.
"in my mind it makes sense so it must be true".

you have no idea how children feel with two fathers or mothers. you don't base your argument on facts, just on personal opinions.

what if the kid has a father and a mother but the mother is a drunk? why should they have more right to have children than a gay couple who could provide a stable and safe environment for the kid?

you can't be serious... at least try to reflect on your position before picking a retarded one and begging on an anonymous imageboard to support your mongoloid point of view.

Well, I meant it should not be encouraged as being equal to the ideal. But if a child is given a home who otherwise have to be in shitty foster homes or group homes then that is fine by me

Maybe it's not ''rational''. But come one sticking your dick where a man shits? I mean, just come the fuck on...
Something isn't right about someone who is capable of engaging in such behaviour

No one in particular. Now that I think about, it would be useful to have good arguments against homosexuality when talking to a pro-gay girlfriend or girl i want to bang

It's because stereo typical gays are cringeworthy retards and an alarming amount of gays enjoy playing the part of the stereo type

your argument still lacks facts. prove to me that children who grew up with gay parents have it harder in life than those with straight ones.
they might be bullied for it, but that's a problem rooted in todays society.
gay people's children might face difficulties for being unconventional. and they are unconventional because of people's fear they might face difficulties.

you realize you can't tell if people will be good parents simply based on their sexual orientation, right?

if it's an infant or young child who can't consent to being adopted, gay parents should only be a last resort

It's just unnatural

the preference for a father and mother is obviously always going to be an instinctual base desire

it's just common sense that the ideal is having a father and mother instead of two fathers or two mothers.
children are supposed to have a mother figure and a father figure
like i said that's the ideal. not all straight couples are going to be as good as some gay couples. but the best straight parents are going to always be better than the best gay parents

Assuming just based on "common sense" is how you end up with theories proven intuitive by time.

you're retarded

are you gay?

Looking at this from an evolutionary perspective, our goal as living beings is to do 2 things: 1) survive, 2) procreate. This allows us to pass our genes to the next generation and keep our bloodline alive.

If a person has a tendency that either prevents or deters them from accomplishing either of those 2 goals, then, by defenition, they possess an evolutionary defect.

For example: If I had a disease by which I was disinterested in eating, I would starve and die. That would be an evolutionary defect.

In the same vein, if I was uninteresting in copulating with a woman, it would prevent me from procreating. Of course, with science, it would still be "possible" to procreate. But that doesn't change the fact that I would still have an evolutionary defect.

Therefore, being gay does not make a person any more morally stunted than any other disease would. But from a scientific perspective, it is a defect.

*unintuitive / incorrect should be used there. It's late.

Bisexual, leaning straight. Never had sex with or been in a serious relationship with a man.

homo sexuality is a mental illness and deformation within the brain. 1 in 15 gays are pedophiles

most of them listen to justin beaver and shit like that


>most of them listen to justin beaver and shit like that
you have to be 18 or older and white to use this site

I am white and 20

I cant care less about what hole want to fuck someone

trips of truth
i don't care what hole wants to fuck someone either bro


Tell them that homosexuality is a defect of the species. They cannot breed, therefore they are genetic dead ends.

Once you get them to agree that it is a defect, ask them if we should support other defects in the species in the same manner. Should we be promoting cerebral palsy as well? Or should we be having race for the cure, marathons funding research for the prevention of gayness in future generations?

When they go deh geh wheh, tell them a smug that's what I thought with your eyes closed and nodding.

when i was like 13-15 i was hit on by gay people and sexually harassed
so i try not to be too trusting of their whole ''innocent harmless gay man'' act

Gay is better. I fuck plenty of girls, have a gf. I'm good looking and nobody knows I suck Dick and fuck guys sometimes. It's greAt

What if they say that it isn't defect with any negative effects other than not being able to breed naturally
and they can still have a women grow their seed

My nigger

in the end, it doesn't matter.

common sense is not statistics

i have 2 moms and honestly i wouldn't change it

gayness is pretty common in the nature tho

I was peaking on acid at a rave and I looked down, the fucking "innocent" gay in our group had his hand on my thigh, trying to work his way in. I was so disgusted I flipped out. Still grosses me out. Fucking opportunistic perverts is what they are.

>it isn't a defect except for.......

Try again faggot

He was prob sucking some mad dick while he posted it.

"I'm a little sissy, don't hurt my gay friends"

Fucken queer cunt.

I bet you are racist as well

That's actually wrong, we mistake acts of aggression for homosexuality. For instance a male dog humping another male isn't being gay, he is asserting dominance. You can't personify animals and assign them human roles.

40% of gays don't practice analsex. But 70% of straight do. Your argument is invalid.

You ARE a faggot dude.

Good argument about the pros and cons of homosexuality

Wrong. The children of gay swans have a higher chance to survive than childs of straight swans. Explain that!

I'm not the user arguing with you, but for what you said I can imply that you may be racist as well.

Are you racist?

I've had my best friend, who is now my lover, for all of my life. I could care less the thoughts of what a straightfag thought was inferior to him. It just doesn't matter. Life is to short to be that stupid.

Except this fails to acknowledge the prevailing theories that explain the evolutionary benefits for a tribe of having non-reproducing family members.

We know that the more kids a woman has the higher the chance the younger ones have to be gay. It is possible that having a relative that does not reproduce but is motivated by familial ties to help the children of their brothers and sisters while not having any of their own increases the odds those kids will pass on their jeans. As opposed to if every single person in a tribe had kids the right over resources for all the kids to be at a disadvantage.

So having faggots could actually be beneficial for the group because they don't have kids and are able to care for and benefit the kids of their brothers and sisters.

Shut the fuck up and go back to sucking dick, buttplug.



>from a scientific perspective

maybe you should leave science to the scientists

there are lot of reasons that homosexuality can be genetically advantageous, and homosexual people can still reproduce, as they have all throughout history before adoption and surrogate motherhood became popular

If you care that much, no matter what you say people will assume you're secretly gay. Honestly.

You could harvest the best answers on Earth, and afterwards, me and most people I know would nod and agree, and as soon as you left we'd say, "be careful, this guy clearly wants to suck our dicks".

Tautological bullshit. "It's the ideal" isn't an argument, it's shit that babies say when they can't find words to voice their feelings.

you don't dude, you just dont suck dicks....

Gays have been hated across the world since the dawn of man
greeks and romans did a lot of gay shit, but few cultures have ever tolerated it at all
so it's obviously more than just projecting an insecurity. Most people hate gays, even today, and most people are straight

>Most people in third world shitholes, sandniggistan, and russia hate gays, even today

There's no reason to be anti-gay honestly. It just makes you look like a fucking retard, and most of all, it doesn't really have much merit. Yes, it's technically inferior in terms of pure evolution, but there's no reason to be an asswipe to someone because they happen to be gay.

Well most women consider bi-sexuality to be beta and they will be turned off and see you as less masculine if you aren't totally straight
so even if you are bi, keep it to yourself
it makes you seem less masculine and strong, don't blame me, that's just the way society is

I don't know what the current statistic is for first world countries and hating gays but there are definitely a lot more people who hate gays then there could possibly be people who are gay
and it can't be denied that even if first world countries, mankind's natural tendency to hate gays is still at least somewhat prevalent

Keys are for locks

A key doesnt pair with a key and a lock doesnt pair with another lock.

It just doesnt make sense.

Same reason we hate cucks. It's just twisted disgusting and weird fetishism that healthy people find repulsive

Mom & Daughter 3 way. I'm hard as fuck now.

Hating someone for their sexual orientation is wrong

However, some faggots are goddamn snooty, and deserve to be put it their place.

Some turd poker tells you that homosexuals are better, tell them that homosexuality is equivalent to a birth defect. Homosexuals cannot naturally reproduce. If there were no heterosexuals, humanity wouldn't have survived.


It's a perversion that is a plague to wholesome and traditional ideals

They want to corrupt the minds of our youth with perverse ideas that are contrary to the ideals of true romantic love between a man and a women

Homo sexuality has nothing to do with love, it is a perversion plain and simple
That's why it is called Homo SEXuality

Children should not be exposed to gay propaganda, they are too young to understand sexuality

I remember in elementary school they said the definition of gay is a man that is in love with another man. They literally told us that. It was fucking confusing, and it makes their corrupt agenda quite obvious when they try to equate perversion to love

Unless they donate their sperm to help create more babies then they are a failure towards natural selection. Every being is meant to expand their species. Also, no one is born gay either.

The LGBT agenda is anti-straight white male and most gay people support the LGBT
That is one reason that I hate most gay people

Citation needed. You won't find one though because there isn't one.

Any man is capable of loving his male friends, it is completely separate from sexuality.
It's fucking retarded when people are telling kids that the definition of a man wanting to fuck other men has anything to do with love

Yep, it plays into the modern societies culture of destroying traditional values with corrupted ideas about sexuality when children are taught about people who fuck each other in the ass and how they are so great

The traditional values Sup Forums-tier card
what now faggots

Being heterosexual worked for the past thousand years. Homosexuals gained attention in the past hundred years. There's your argument.

If you seriously waste time worrying about this rather than getting out there and trying to get laid, you're definitely gay. Find some cock to choke on.

Only faggots use Sup Forums when they could be getting pussy
Those fucking subhuman scum

I stick my dick in my partners ass if she allows it. Not that dirty.

Ya, but i wrote that while your mom was sucking me off
Ask your dad, he watched

The purpose of marriage is to redistribute wealth from men to women

They're probably a libtard so say you love women because they are superior. Can't disagree because that would be oppressing the dumb cunts

What if you could have had two mums and a dad?

Because the lord, god, our savior Jesus Christ says that you should not do it. Just be straight, user.

Some women actually work for that wealth by being loyal and being a hard working house wife who raises your offspring so that they will grow strong with a good upbringing

Though, those women are getting rarer and rarer these days

majority of people don't grow up successful regardless, you think if gay people left everyone would be a fucking astronaut or some shit?

anti-gay people are just projecting their own sexual insecurities, any intellectual is aware of this