What are you bros smoking on tonight?

what are you bros smoking on tonight?
stoner thread.

not this guy again


anyone smoking heady tonight

me, yep, if you hate me so much why post in my thread?

b-b-but stoner brah blaze it muh gay bong worth 5000$

whos getting high with me?

Okay listen up faggot, why not use rolling paper or just roll a fucking blunt, less trouble and faster than cleaning what you have, which I guess I not a small bong?

lel gay bong. why u mad doe?
beginning to think you dont have any broads in atlanta.

Answer the question please. Why not smoke blunts or joints? Maybe you are the stoner fag who doesnt get any bitches and lean so he is too pussy to smoke blunts.

im always top shelf, top notch, top tier
might as well travel the elegant way

extremely easy to clean, takes iso salt and like 5 minutes of my fucking day. its not large. its maybe 6 or 7 inches tall

how about you stop posting your stupid looking bong on here? i'm sick of seeing it

Fuckin stoners and our pics

LOL i dont BUY flowers anymore kid. ill roll joints or blunts if a friend wants me to, im the best one in the group normally. i smoke hash oil. i literally wouldnt waste my dollars on flower unless my connect is dry for erls

Told ya

how about you go jerk off to tranny fur or w/e it is you prefer to watch kid, ignore my thread like i ignore all the cancerous traps and fags.

top shelf dog.

Whats the point of a stoner thread?

cmon user thats a bit harsh. some of those traps id go face first into

get a life and stop posting your faggoty bong all the time. if people are starting to recognize you, you're over the line

oooh a Sup Forums cop

or as they say in latin

toppus tierus

Not smoking because I had my wisdom teeth out. Here is my baby tho

time to blend up some weed edibles my man

flower shredder fersure


ah stoner chick huh

did you just assume my gender?


Are you fucking stupid?

Literal wut