Itt: we pretend it's tumblr

itt: we pretend it's tumblr.
i find this post offensive


i see what you did there



Check your fucking privilege

We don't talk like this. Educate yourself.

Hey guys I dyed my hair

im sCrEaMInG

that language is so triggering

I'm literally dying right now

I cut myself because I hate my existence and I want you guys to know about it. And also I luv cuddle x3
and undertale ;3



I prefer to be adressed as "it" fyi

headmates AREN'T MENTAL ILLNESS!!1!!
but i do have depression anxiety and schisophrenia all self diagnosed of course ;)


Anyone want to visit starbucks and talk about feminism *-*!

i've been on the shitty side of tumblr long enough to agree with every post so far

Omg I love you all

>implying there's a non shitty side

There is, if you don't follow those BLM/Feminism extremists.

My dashboard is just full of shitposts and art. I refuse to follow those "RED TRIGGERS ME" tumblrinas.

is this a picture for ants?

yes it is dumbass

>200 Pounds
>Scales are oppressing
>Dr Who #1 Fan

Don't forget that all white people are slave-owning triggers



blog entry number 342

I woke up today feeling the pain again. I had a dream that I was on another planet surrounded by horses. Their flowing hair blowing in the wind. I was sexually aroused and I had to hide it from the horses. The horses laughed at me as I hid my shame in my khaki cargo pants. I left the field of horses and I immediately met a wall. It was a giant wall of text. "FAGGOT, CUCK, LEL, MEMES, DO U LIEK MUDKIPZ, 9GAG, REDDIT, Sup Forums" as far as the heavens allowed. My erection was gone and I went left. The wall stretched its text my way. "FAGGOT, CUCK, LEL, MEMES, DO U LIEK MUDKIPZ, 9GAG, REDDIT, Sup Forums" as far as the horizon allowed. I went right and the same thing happened. The wall read "FAGGOT, CUCK, LEL, MEMES, DO U LIEK MUDKIPZ, 9GAG, REDDIT, Sup Forums" as far as the eye could see. I turned 360 degrees and went back the way I came, towards the field of horses, in my head begging the void that I did not get an erection. But the same thing happened. A wall of text reading "FAGGOT, CUCK, LEL, MEMES, DO U LIEK MUDKIPZ, 9GAG, REDDIT, Sup Forums" stretched every way as far as I could see. I was trapped. In an alleyway of sorts. I sighed loudly and I laid myself down and thought "Maybe I'll just go to sleep and everything will be okay" I closed my eyes and everything turned dark. In the distance I saw a glimmering light. I opened my eyes and I was then again met with a wall of text that read "FAGGOT, CUCK, LEL, MEMES, DO U LIEK MUDKIPZ, 9GAG, REDDIT, Sup Forums"
Then I felt the pain and I woke up.

found a bigger pic of op's

I wouldn't even consider myself xenofobic, not against poland, japanese, whatever, but I hate all americans with all my might.

I fucking hate americans. They are as bad as mexicans, maybe even worse. I hate them with the fury of 1000 suns, those hamburger eating fuckers. They are the cancer killing the modern world. Not only are they straight ugly and fat, they are stupid. They may run tech centers and shit, but they're so stupid it's rage enticing. Every time I see an american woman I want to throw up all over the fucking place. On top of this, they smell terrible. Every time an american turns to talk to me, the mixture of their BO and breathe makes me want to shoot myself to get rid of the pain. It's like they never bathe. I could take my hairy ass and rub shit all over it, not only would it be smarter and prettier than an american, it would smell many times better. Their food is disgusting too. I could mix sewage in with vomit and make better cuisine.

Their country is shit too. It's over crowded and smelly as a pair of old dudes balls. They're the cancer killing this world, they're like mexicans except they aren't as good at sports and they aren't quite as violent. Just as ugly, stupid fat and smelly.

I'm a 40 year old homosexual and i've been happily married for 5 years now to my (thai) husband, ya i know i'm a total ricequeen lol :-D and i'm just sooooo happy to see you guys all in to M2F that much! it just goes to show you that our church's agenda is working.
i hate to say it but i just don't like women they are disgusting in how they treat their man and i think you are all just way better off boys with each other. and if he dresses up as a beautiful girl for you and its working hey never change a winning team. and WE ARE THE WINNING TEAM!!! CLEARLY! GAY PRIDE
PS I love that trap thing you guys have going here my husband and I love it!!

no one knows the pain of being a dragonkin.

yeah i know it's so fucking hard being the Skyrim main character.

Don't worry, that's not just americans.
Do you know how it feels to hear some puerto-ricans partying and yelling at their kids until 11PM every weekend?

video games are for nerds.

forgive english, i am Russia.

i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss.

We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.

I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.

but nerd is in fashion oh did i mention im a pyrosexual quint-trans-gendered dragon-fox hybrid?

ugh, why did you have to trigger me with a picture of brain tumor, and the man looks like my grandpa. STOP DOXXING ME!!!

sorry ill give you medical attention for ur ptsd

your dubs, cured my ptsd.

GET thread?

>not getting the joke
A very tumblr thing to do. How meta.

I didn't even think about that.
For fucks sake, I'm retarded.


18 year old forest nymph. hobbies include biting off dicks, netflix, hugging my cats and smashing the patriarchy. If you're just here to sexualize my hardcore nudes you can fuck off.

Ghostbusters is great! you are just manbabies crying because you are afraid of strong womyn

It has good porn.

if you have ever been on tumblr you are fucking cancer
>inb4 its not all bad

kys faggot