Where I live there's so many school girls willing to fuck for about $180/hr. I've narrowed it down to 5...

Where I live there's so many school girls willing to fuck for about $180/hr. I've narrowed it down to 5, which girl should I choose to shoot my load on this afternoon?






With no other deets, this is best girl

4 looks most fun to fuck but also like you could pull her on a night out and do it for free, 2 has unreal body that would be nice to cum all over, so I would go 2

1 and 5 are the most feminine, but 1 is way too fucking skinny

I mean, unless you like that manly hard feeling under you, faggot....

I like 4's thick little body and legs


How are they whoring themselves out? Are they posting adds on backpage?

post pics...
4 is also good, but not tonight...

nah 1 looks pretty fun

Well if you weren't a poorfag you could buy them all my good man.

same girl? I stand corrected

local ad equivalent. Good fun, have fucked plenty of teen girls lately with it


second one

yeah better angle, she sent me a few different pix


Deffeinetly should hit girl 4/5

for sure the winner, how the fuck do you have so many absolute babes in your are being ladies of the night user? I go on backpage and they all look like filthy nigger fuckers. And any video of themselves they post is them in some disgusting pose with puckered lips listening to nigger music

yeah maybe, my buddy hired and fucked her last week, good reviews

Don't be in the usa I guess

this one

This one

Im in Canada....I really just should take a roadtrip to montreal though, I hear it's packed with hot young sluts that give it up for free

what app? I've heard girls on yik yak doing this

>Kirsten Stewart/5

Have used kik for plenty of transactions myself, including this charming whore. Thanks, technology, for opening up the cheap teen pussy market

how do you get the user names of girls who are willing to conduct in such acts?

you know....for science.


1 or 2... 3 and 4 are Generic McPlainwrap

Hmmm, 5 prolly needs the cash for weight loss surgery

First choice: Second choice: Those two are the hottest and cutest ones. Especially for 4/5 id happily pay $180/hr for at least a few hours.