How??? How do people get cases of shit like this??...

How??? How do people get cases of shit like this??? And they openly do it too ! Meanwhile I can only get an 8oz with a refil like every month and a half what's the trick?

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The laws of the United States of African America are different than the USA.
Be black.

Shit is so overpriced there's no way they grab them for 800 a piece. Warehouse plug?

Every day, every fucking day I crave for the dame of my dreams. I want to feel her loving embrace, her warm lips pressed against mine, and her gorgeous curvature. Her breasts are that of a ripe fruit, succulent and radiant under the rays of the glistening sun. Whenever she walks by, her perfume fills the air; beneath that camouflage lies a sweet womanly scent that compliments her choice of fragrance. Her pussy... So tempting... Just when I thought my urge to bone couldn't grow anymore; I heard it. A sound of beauty. A sound of tranquility. I heard the shlicking of her wet cunt from the next apartment over, her moans rattled through my erect cock; but, that wasn't what got me horny. It was what she masturbated to. It took me so long to find it. Every night for the past two weeks, she watched this video.,,,.,...,.,,,,


Lol seriously though. Wish I knew how these mother fuckers do this shit they make it seem so easy

Purefag here. How does it feel to be on this stuff?

It feels very "chill" almost puts you in a sedative state. It's really good when mixed with a blunt or two. It's very overpriced though unless you get it through insurance or have a super plug who gets then for under 400 dollars

>Actually wanting to be a brain dragged nigger
Why would you ever want to fuck with prometh

Surely one would get instantly caught if they constantly forge scrips, no?

It's nice to do every once and a while. Some people choose to drink alcohol every now and then and I like to sip lean every now and then. Nothin over the top tho, only thing I do on a daily basis is smoke treez :)



But its not like thats Activis, though. I dont think.

>be nigger
>steal shit

It'd be impossible nowadays to get actavis in large quantities like that

This is being reported to the DEA & FBI

Thanks for the tip :)

Hell yeah. But like stated before, Im still not sure how they get this much, anyways. I thought the promethazine and Codeine combo was banished during the Activis Era.

There's no way to steal this much though without constitently hittin pharmacies for them but even then you'd get caught almost instantly in this day and age. My best guess is they probably have a hookup with someone who does inventory because sometimes they get shit shipped directly from the manufacturer


Pls explain the double cup

Forreal my best guess is they probably got someone who's an inside man at the factories that make them or where they keep them storage. And there's like 4 to 5 different brands out there that came to rise once actavis stopped making it

Tbh I forgot the true meaning of why people double cup but nowadays people do it to follow trend lol it's really not necessary. I just drink mine out of a 20oz soda bottle or coffee cup. no need to draw attention to yourself by having a double cup

What 10,000 dollars looks like lmao. Crazy how these things are only priced at 50 dollars retail value but the streets inflate the fuck out of them

Used to know a guy who always bought this shit. It's easy as fuck to get like Adderall. He would constantly buy out like 3 peoples script. Told me some nigger he knew would also take a popsicle stick and scrape the shit out of his throat, go to the hospital, and they would check him out then just write him up some. It's not too hard.

Use to be so that you didn't drop it when the inside cup had condensation on the outside of it.

Hmmm I guess if swim where to have say 5 or 6 people go to a clinic that swim knows of they could potentially all get scripts ... I've thought about that route. It's a start I suppose

That doesn't make sense unless dripping wet cups is a nigger thing.

I have had thousands of cold drinks with condensation on the outside and I never dropped them. Also polystyrene cups don't even get condensation on the outside.

Well then, must be a problem for a bunch of high nignogs.

You put ice in the bottom one so that it doesn't dilute but keeps your drink cold. I don't lean but it's what I've heard.

That doesn't make sense either since polystyrene is a very good insulator so the ice would do nothing. Also the cups are always pretty much flush so you could hardly fit any ice in the bottom anyway.

This is what I mean no one knows why they do it, fucking niggers.

The codeine sinks to the bottom after a while so you use both cups to mix it back and forth.

The trick is to have people who need cash more than the script pay them a 3rd of what it's worth. Then you flip it for profit. Nothing new, best way to turn oxy also.