Wake up at 9pm after a particularly exhausting Minecraft session

>Wake up at 9pm after a particularly exhausting Minecraft session
>tummy is making hungry noises
>navigate my way out of my room through the piles of weewee jugs and trash
>make my way downstairs, peek into the living room
>mummy and new daddy are doing a special backwards hug on the sofa like uncle phil showed me once
>new daddy is making funny sounds like a steam train
>don't care, hungry
>mummy screams, new daddy swears and nearly falls off the sofa like a silly
>says to mummy "why is that retard still living here, isn't he like 30"
>I don't like being called a retard
>not since the incident with the toddler in mcdonalds
>feel my inner wolf break loose
>let out a mighty howl and try to rip off my creeper hoodie
>not strong enough in my hunger-weakened state
>new daddy is laughing, I'll fucking show him
>pull down my crusty cargo shorts and grab my tingly tummy tendie
>start spinning like a beyblade and weeing as hard as I can
>mummy is screaming and crying, new daddy swears even louder and tries to grab me
>dodge him with my veteran CS reflexes but fall because I'm dizzy from malnourishment
>new daddy gets me in a headlock and starts punching me in the tummy
>he doesn't know I've been saving a satisfying tendie-and-dew-fuelled doodie for later
>bum explodes like a fat man in fallout 3 (I don't play 4 because it doesn't have my waifu Moira)
>new daddy is covered in doodie, he looks like a swamp monster
>he lets go and starts vomiting
>mummy is on the phone, I think she's calling 911, new daddy is trying to make her put the phone down and shouting something about "the meth you dumb bitch"
>crawl to the kitchen, everything is spinning and I feel faint
>"MUMMY MAKE TENDIES" I manage to shout before blacking out
>wake up locked inside the basement bad-boy cage next to a plate of hot tendies
>new daddy is gone

great success

my sides

Good one op

Op may faggot another day

That whirlwind part got me, im jist imagining that one fat black guy dancing with the last avatar effects implemented in

When does it let out of the cage?

At the end of the day man... tendies...

What the fuck is a tendie?

Stay strong buddy. Your mom best recognize.


Chicken tendies


Not quite Summer Newfag, two year Newfag, but not Yankfag.

This made my day, user. You are a hero.

"basement bad-boy cage?"

The fuck?


Copy pasta. OP is still a faggot

Thanks for writing these. I like the one where you filled your pockets with tendies then ran out the door and drove to community college.

He's fine, he's got tendies.

Good on you,OP

At least you got tendies.

Someone screencap this

done, and imma post the ones i have saved


fuck never mind, i only have one on my computer for some reason???