Why do I always feel madly attracted to girls who look like 12 year old boys

why do I always feel madly attracted to girls who look like 12 year old boys

Because you're a motherfucking autistic faggot

cause you are attracted to 12 year old boys

because deep down you're a pedo OP.


I realized a long time ago that I'm attracted to some women because they have similar a facial structure to that of people I spent a lot of time with as a child, i.e. other boys. Attraction is all about familiarity.

This is why you fap to women who remind you of your mother.

I feel you on that one op

Cause your a gay pedo


this doesnt even look like a 12 year old boy wtf are you on about. the body is a turn off but definitely not a 12 year old looking boy.


Here is a classic case of trying to look boyish and actually being boyish.
She would look quite feminine with longer hair.
Her on the other hand would look boyish period.

I could not say, I like feminine looking women.

>I like feminine looking women


Yeah yeah, throw all your stale jokes at me.

Maybe for some people. I never spent any time with asians in outback australia, yet I'm really into asian guys, and my fiancee is a cute asian guy

same here bruh

Fuck im really into transmen. Idk if thats something you like too OP


>in outback australia
Maybe Asians' eyes remind you of Aborigines' eyes.


Not even deep down.

Them curves

not boyish at all, just short hair

Just no.



Yup, that is boyish alright.
Sweet tits though.

Here's one for ya

Here op you can now have both

where's that blonde chick who looks like justin bieber? she is fucking hot.

That's a boy.

Sauce me please.



anyone watching Scream TV show?