ITT: God-tier Fallout characters

ITT: God-tier Fallout characters

too lazy for a picture, but frank fucking horrigan!

Harold was a bro


Semper fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiee



In all things, the calm heart must prevail.

i really liked the old world blues brains


He was the best of us. He should get his own spin-off title.


Haha, Gary!

I was mad when they turned him into a tree... then sad.
The wasteland is that much shittier without him wandering it.

>"Truth is... The game was rigged from the start."
Best quote from best character.

Yes, who is this?

Literally me

underrated character



Haha, Gary!

That guy with the dreads and gas mask. Most of what he says is cryptic, but he's pretty cool.
Also, Paladin Danse.

Synth lover

>Paladin Danse


I actually don't give a fuck about the robots, but Danse is based.


I shot him in his filthy synth face.

What no liberty prime wtf people

They asked if I knew theoretical physics, I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics.

you guys are gonna force me to play fo3 again arent yall

Anybody else encounter the family of cannibals in Fallout 3? What was your reaction?

andale? do the mission, its neat


I like my big guns.

And nobody fucks with a little asian when she has a big gun.

you have a theoretical degree on being a huge fucking autist?

that one guy that lived in the old mormon fort that helped you bring back the enclave 10/10


lol he was gay


and the people that see things as fair has to know the ugly people losers outnumber the popular people and hurts the popular people the ugly way cause outnumber the popular people in school or movies and everywhere and the ugly people losers cant hurt the popular people with looks so has to look up to the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers that smell like shit like beyonce and is ugly and lame and tell people what to do and is ugly and think is better then everybody but is ugly and try to hurt the popular people by outnumbering the popular people and hurting the popular people the ugly way cause the ugly people losers dont like the popular people cause is ugly and lame like the ugly people losers that smell like shit like beyonce and is ugly

God Tier Indeed

and the people that see things as fair has to know the ugly people losers outnumber the popular people and hurts the popular people the ugly way cause outnumber the popular people in school or movies and everywhere and the ugly people losers cant hurt the popular people with looks so has to look up to the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers that smell like shit like beyonce and is ugly and lame and tell people what to do and is ugly and think is better then everybody but is ugly and try to hurt the popular people by outnumbering the popular people and hurting the popular people the ugly way cause the ugly people losers dont like the popular people cause is ugly and lame like the ugly people losers that smell like shit like beyonce and is ugly
so alot of people will see the ugly people losers has ugly freaks and the popular people will get hurt by the ugly people losers the ugly way or even can get killed the ugly way

To fucking lazy for a pic but Doc Mitchell

Come get some.

doc mitchell literally serves no purpose in the game except for the SPECIAL at the beginning

Rose of Sharon Cassidy is the best.

>What else? I'm in charge. This whole operation depends on me. No Fantastic, no power. Got the whole NCR suckling my teats, and it feels so good.


Fisto reporting for duty. Please assume the postion.

Hardened Power Armor + Alien Blaster + mobile Super Stimpak factory = best character


Agreed, probably one of the best.

Mathew Perry sucks Dick at voice acting.

This is a nice thread and all but i have heard of another settlement that needs your help, i have marked it on your map

Not running with cursed dog, dogmeat and k-9 like a leader of the pack

I expected more such communities to exist, tbh.
Then again Fallout covers a whole lot of awful things that could happen in the Apocalypse.

Shitty tumblr gif

>not tossing everything into luck and charisma and wandering the wasteland in a tux and top hat
kill yourself

Goddamit preston.
They had potential but those fucking fetch qeust dude


youd think that because she is asian they'd give a bonus to unarmed melee and a penalty to long range firearms on account of the kung fu and shitty eyesight


Arcade Gannon from NV and Marcus from F2 and F3


How epic when you go for the Railroad quest, and then you hear the sound of fucking madness going around, you see bots getting raped by "someone", ready your gun and then.... ehi dude, u here too? Coop mission

I like her.

Definitely god-tier

All of OWB was hysterical

anyway, pic related. Special mention to that faggot that was screaming about the sun n shit around Dupoint(?) in 3.

Sulik guys....
Speaking with the grandpa bones he has in his nose. Priceless.

"DA BEARS DA BULLS" guy sucks balls.
Now Nick Valentine there is a good character.

Dean was god-tier too bad the DLC was autistically long and complicated

grampy bones

Your character is a qt

Love her.

Complicated? Was it? It was pretty straight forward. Most likely the most linear quest the the entire game.

Come on down to the Atomic Wrangler!

Debatable but I was more talking about the map from what I remember, Im probably wrong

not a single one of you know the cleansing power of FIRE.
>it ain't fun

Faydra - Fallout 3 - The Pitt


How did I forget this legend?

wayne rooney

Why had no one said this badass yet, also it's comical how there are barely any fallout 4 mentions. I hope obsidian do another spinoff

Dead Money was god tier dlc. All the FNV dlc was great, I honestly dont think Bethesda will ever top it.

Boon was fucking best. I dont think fallout 4 has any good characters, sjw shit is being forced too much there, i didnt complete the game yet tho.

boone is chicken tier, people pick him because of his long range so they can avoid most of the confrontation. nigga take that shit head on

Oh yeah, I'll give you that, Sierra Madre was kind of a bitch to navigate. Especially starting the grand opening celebration.

They were too "limited" imho, as exploration.
For example, I like Far Harbor most of everything because they give you an island to explore as big as half of the base map.
Exploring is what I like most.
Also the plotline is good.

Pick one.

I agree with you mostly, the DLC for that game was amazing. Personally I didn't like the length of Dead money thought but I see why you would like it because I enjoyed it for the most part if you know what I mean.

>no Lieutenant
I'm disappointed.

>Literally the oldest character in the fallout universe

I wish they would've given this guy a major role in 4

This little fella :D

>not Killean or even Gizmo


>My dick
>My balls
suck one.

He makes me wanna shed a tear everytime I talk to him

I nearly vomited when I got the flirt option, but I got used to him after a while.

>the perk wasnt worth the mental scarring

The survivalists arc was probably the best in the series.
If you disagree you are dumb and should feel bad.

There was no weeping like a child but there were feels at the end.

Too bad the guy that wrote it is no longer at Obsidian.That place bleeds talent at an alarming rate.

Underrated post

Arcade Fucking Gannon.

romance is totally optional, you can get all companion perks without using it..