Admit it. You're going to start playing again

Admit it. You're going to start playing again.

maybe when they update the fucking engine

Never played before. Is this a good time to start or am I just too far behind?

Couldn't fucking help it. No matter how shit WoW is, it's still the best MMO atm.

you should have started 7 years ago

>am I just too far behind?
If you preorder now like I did, you get a free level boost to the current max level, so when Legion releases you can play where everyone else starts.

Sadly yes

Why would you starting an ancient mmorpg when there are dozens of better new ones?

Nope. I quit 2009 and I don't even miss it

honestly, i got a month of time to prepare a new
warlock toon for this expac but I could be
fucked to do so the game just doesn't interest
me anymore. There are so many mmos with
better engines now, that i just don't care anymore but eh keep milking the cash cow.

yeah legions hype to ratshit but so was Draenor
and, look how that went. When i play now all i see is a endless mass of boosted animals with no idea what they're doing the game is dying.

yeah because nostralius was shut down rip in peace

Not this time. I quit before cataclysm and got sucked back in and lasted a few months before I hated it again. I came back halfway through MoP and it was a bit better than cata. I played it until WoD came out. After a few months, WoD was garbage and I quit and haven't played since. I haven't even been tempted. The game is ruined beyond repair.

what is this expansion about ?

Maybe for a couple of days, but I know it'll feel exactly like Draenor, and I've got Black Desert going now anyways. I would literally just play this game because I pre ordered it, and because I've been with WoW for over a decade.

Tried playing once but shit had no maker on maps or anything
>be deathknight
>second quest
>go to place never heard of with no directions on how to even leave starting building alone
>quit because shits boring and bullshit

Ok then suggest me a couple better options?

you sound retarded.

You played it during a time when there were quest markers. You're just an idiot

Wow how much is that gonna piss of people that grinded their way there

Black Desert.

This actually makes me legitimately sad.

WoW has changed so much it's just not the same game..the magic is gone. I want to love this game so much I try so hard to enjoy it and get sucked back into every expansion but it's just the same old shit.. LFG..Garrisons..Instancing.

I miss literally running around the world and getting excited about meeting and adventuring with people.. Is it the game or is it me? Either way I want WoW to be good it just isnt :(

>go to place never heard of with no directions on how to even leave starting building alone
Confirmed retard. Can you even read?

Why update the engine when updating attack animations is way cooler

BDO end game is shit. PVP only.

Lol like what?

Love it or hate it, wow is still the best mmo today hands down. Nothing can compare still

everyone hates leveling at this point, so nobody cares. It's not like you get a head start in the new content.

ROFL for anyone who still plays. I started playing in 2008 and stopped that gay shit.

If I would of continued after free month look.


Yes, $1,440. Who the fuck pays $1,440 just to play a game for 8 fucking years? You're better off buying a fucking PC or a better game than this shit. $1,440.....................Stupid as fuck for the people who waste money on this shit. Put $1,440 in a fucking stock and make money instead...


Cata, mop and wod were all hype trains and turned out to be shit

whats wrong with the engine?

Is Black desert english yet? As in NA release? any idea on OCE servers?

seems like a fair price for 8 years of entertainment to be honest.. if you bought 14 games in a single year its about the same


The problem is all the new "content" they add is always to make the future game more progressive for casual players, this ruining the experience for everyone. For example, old players walked, new players teleport anywhere they want because devs think this is "better". Sure you save time but there really is no journey or experience when all you do is teleport from A to B and nothing in between. it's boring. it's like shopping. Boring as fuck. nothing to do. instead of taking your mount and actually having to go through the land you end up with garbage for casual players...

All I want to do is play fucking Nost.

Why wont they give us vanilla servers?

7? Nigga, the golden age of WoW was TBC. After that it's been a steady downfall.

Though I have to admit, the world design for WOTLK was best.

For a month, then I'll quit again.

Well imagine 14 games times 8 = 112 games.

Would you rather have 112 games or an online game that only lets you play when BLIZZARD lets you play and if they decide to stop WoW you absolutely lose your game and everything on it? Hypothetically of course since they reserve the right to stop WoW whenever they want and delete your shit as well since you don't own your character or the game itself, it's only "borrowed".

I reckon WOTLK was still peaking.

Cata is when shit started going downhill. I still remember the cringe watching the first trailer

The Burning Legion..... Again.

Paying for WoW???? ROFL

I stopped paying for WoW 5years ago when I joined this private server. Still running with back ups and secure as fuck and fun. Won't say name because well if you aren't playing on it then too bad, you obviously should know by now and I also don't want faggot little kids coming to the server as well.

Yeah but when does that actually ever happen.. most models of gaming today like that. You're only 'borrowing' from steam too but tell me one example of when something actually shutdown leaving millions of users out of pocket.. Its unheard of there would of been riots.

Realistically games only close when they die.

You sound like you're fun at parties

Thanks but I'd rather play with more than 50 people.

Couldn't help it for nostalgia. In my teens, I would rush max level at the expac launch, and order a delivery sub every time I hit max on a toon (also ordered at launch night, for extra comfy) . I'm currently saving up now to order food, buy legion, take off for 3 days to nerd out, max 3 toons, and try and pretend every thing hasn't gone to shit in the past 12 years

What's the 30st month in a year?

Damn dude, feels
I used to try and get comfy for every launch, quit after wotlk though

Of course I dont invite 12 year olds to party with huffing on paint chips and sharpies to get high, Sup Forums is infested with faggot losers. Why would I want them in the same server I play on? No reason rofl.


I'm glad you aint on my server

Can't help myself man , had tons of fun at the Cata/MoP/WoD launches, always makes me feel better to just let go for a couple days and nostalgia out

Fairly certain nobody wants to play with a tool like you anyways.

And besides, if the server's so ug you can't even mention the name, it's probably some modded gay furfag server. They always are.

Do you continue playing or literally just snuggle in for launch and few days after then wait till the next one?

Have you ever been outside?

its sad to say at the moment there are no better mmo's, even if wow isn't that great

>pretend everything had my gone to shit in the past 12 years

Get onto Vanilla Gaming. Roll Horde, tell croissant he is a nigger.

Ok you shit posting green texting troll, no one cares because you probably pay for WoW. you're a prime example of the cancer and reason why I didnt post links or name server names. why the fuck would want a troll like you spamming gay shit on global? nah, go pay for WoW like a sheep and stay in your corner of the world brah.

>green texting faggot
> so edgy i can green text too

oldschool runescape

>there would be riots
>implying anyone who buys a game on steam is capable of or willing to leave their home

Noit who you were replying to but I played retail & switched to private just after Cata hit. Server pop on the big ones is high like 3 - 4k per server most days. People everywhere.

I don't play WoW at all anymore though.

>being this much of a cuck

Whats a game worth paying for then little fella?

Just snuggle in for a couple days, once the cancer community passes me , I give up. I'm not about to get on the gear treadmill, I'm almost 30 and can't justify it

Sup Forums is infested with faggot losers. Why would I want them in the same server I play on?
You answer my question with your response. Stay the hell away from online video games cunt.

>There would be more internet angst and fresh memes

Not often, I work night shift at a gas station.

Even in the world? Or just main locations

Hit a nerve there, buddy? It's okay, I don't want to play with retarded fags like you either.

Do you even know what a "cuck" is? It's the abbreviation of cuckold meaning "the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision."

I mean you're so fucking uneducated you don't even know the meaning of the words you use. You just called me a cuck........... ROFL... you fucking homosexual ass motherfucker. get the fuck outta here fruitcake ass bitch rofl. You gay as fuckkkkkkkk

Sup Forums is infested with faggot losers. Why would I want them in the same server I play on?

You fucking faggot ass loser. get the fuck outta here.

Anyone else going to play religiously for a couple days, and then go back to real life? This is my biannual escapism

Did you happen to attend a clown college? If not, then maybe you should. You're hilarious.

Cuck is the new Sup Forums buzz word as an generic insult you newfag.

>underage confirmed

>Confirmed faggot loser

In the world, always found people out questing or just random encounters. A lot more than I ever found in retail Cata

See Similar situation?

I still don't really know.. Been away for a while and I believe the guild I was in disbanded.

I kind of want to play, but looking for a halfway decent guild sucks.

Why does sylvanas look so fucking ugly in that cinematic

If they ever brig back the legacy servers...vanilla shit.. Then yes..
But only if its true legacy i will consider...maybe..
Giving "Blizzard" money is not something I would gladly do

feels fucking bad man

>tendies may be dropped in shock and angry posts will promptly be made in obscure Internet forums.

Yea I think next week, gotta finish the ring, also prepatch

>tfw no Sup Forums realm and Sup Forums guild
>tfw no friends

Sounds like something a CUCK would say
>typical cuck propoganda

Quadfail how abut you start calling people "genius" as the next insult. You dumb fagot ass sheep. You're seriously considering Sup Forums memes as "colloquial" internet language. You dumb ass piece of shit. I can tell how far you've gone in skool genius.

"Sup Forums buzz word", more like a bunch of faggots making up words and incorrectly using vocabulary words as insults like retarded inbred children. You are one stupid fuck I'm glad I didnt post any links or information. This site only reminds me of how many unemployed fagot shit losers there are in this world. Go eat a dick you sad pathetic lonely faggot.

What the fuck happened to storm around Nost?

There was so much hype and memes and then after that stupid meeting where the only thing achieved was the confirmation that they met in person and then fucking nothing.

Don't even bother
Most spellcaster are the same, everything revolves around burst fucking tactic or team play
Yea cuz starting at max level will teach you anything about the game...
Dumb cunt

Why can't we all be comfy together
>subfag here

Sure thing buddy, hows flipping burgers as a career going for you?

Can only imagine this much rage at internet randoms is most definitely fueled by quiet discontent in you're life

So much this...
Its really not rocket science and yet every single motherfucking game fell into this trap... I dont get it

He already stopped responding to me, probably fried his miniscule brain trying to come up with a response.

no, i boykott blizzard.
wow was shit since wotlk and them shutting down nostalrius has made up my mind.
fuck activision-blizzard

Played for 12 years, vanilla was the worst period of WoW by far, debate me nerds.

you think i do, but i don't.

Your bait is weak

Bet you loved WoD

My nigga

I started in vanilla and quit before cataclysm, happy to hear about this

Not bait, respond or sit down Hated WoD, wotlk is objectively the best xpac, refute me or sit down.

Any way one could actually find out?
Wanted to find a decent server for ages..
And I share the hate for toxic

KEK I haven't payed my wow sub with gold since the wow token came out