Have this bump for 2 days now, help?

Have this bump for 2 days now, help?

doctor here, show face and boobs first

Prob an std of some sort that's causing a cyst.

thats a testicle. They're finally dropping for you OP

It'll go away if you post your nudes to Sup Forums femanon

it could be cancer go to a doctor

How long post OP is this?

Timestamp pls

Looks like a classic case of negroids. Stop fucking disease ridden niggers and it won't happen.

Cyst...go to a doctor and get that shit fixed before the infection destroys that pussy.

med student here.

any discharge? pain?

looks like a meiboian gland cyst or abscess.

or an inguinal hernia.
are you fat? over how long have you had this?

Another fag post. Kill yourself OP

No discharge, it painful even when I walk or sit down. I weigh 135. Had it for 2 days

You might want to change some of your underwears..
It looks like some sort of infection caused by tight underwear rubbing and irritating this area. My 2 cents advice: unless it hurts, buy some smooth underwear not too tight, avoid tight pants/skinny pants, and wait a day or 2.
See how you go. But going to see a doctor would make sense even to get standard antibiotics and for peace of mind.
Im a dude and sometimes got bumps for the above reasons as well as the nasty pilonidal cyst.
Oh and last but not least, drink plenty of fluids and rest.
And i'm not your mom, i'm a dude who dresses like her, its Sup Forums ffs lel

go to the gp ffs

soz. was thinking of barthonian gland abscess.

but after googling pictures, looks a bit low for that.

also how did it magically swap sides?

the first pic was on the right side

my dick would cure it

>has never heard of image flipping

looks like a boil. get to dr, get antibiotics.

Show butthole so we can see the bump from the back and give more accurate medical advice



Have never heard of mirrors....

your dick was probably the thing that gave her it you sick fuck

It's an ingrown hair that has abscessed. Go to the doctor.

Prob just hemorohoid dont trip and buy cream...

>would slam

this would be helpful actually. source: had boil on inner thigh near taint. had to get it drained.

nice balls chimpo


its important to know if its on the left or right.

some conditions present differently depending on orientation.

bilateral inguinal hernias have swellings on different sides depending on which way the patient is lying down.

And this guy is gonna be a doctor...


Nice balls, chimpo

Batholin Cyst op, soak in a bath to reduce swelling and go see a medfag.



literally just an abscess. go doc and get is sorted you gimp


Maybe... You should go to the gynecologist? First you would have to go to a GP, I believe, to get a referral. A trained professionals advice is better than a bunch of med students on Sup Forums

You're growing some balls


proof it

ya pussy had a stroke



damn I didn't even notice that

You got a right nut sack growing there love.

Op. Google bartholinitis

I've heard of these before, pretty sure it's called a clitoris but I've never seen one in real life so don't quote me on it

i've read a little, and im 99% sure it's bartholinitis

good bye op