Claim your WaifuHusbando

>Claim your WaifuHusbando
>No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>This is not Sup Forums, This is /jenny/
>Most importantly have fun

Other urls found in this thread:

Your dicks gonna get mangled man

Remastered 1, 2, and 3 when?

Why'd you forget?

Nah, I want you in the basement. :^)

>Other ingredients
What for? Ham and bread is all I need.

Ya, 6 got me into it because I played it at an air show. Zero was the first one I bought because I saw it at GameStop after that air show and all I had was a PS2.

Nah, it's just everyone that counters her is weak as fuck because nerfs.



Is it that time of the day?

I think a good Cho can deal with Irelia well.

You're the perv!
>Ham and bread? No secret recipe mayonnaise?

I was always of the a good cho could beat most other in lane?

Really? Well I cant really help you there then.

Only if you go with me

Adam Jensen never asked for this but he is my waifu

Miho claimed


Oops, looks like i stole someone bake
I had nothing to back up onto. And besides, most of my games are steam games so they could just be download through cloud. I suppose i should've moved some of the non-viruses into my documents but i was too pissed off to do so. luckily my RPG projects are safe because they aren't in the programs root directory.
Robot pussy is best pussy

I'm done for the night, TERA just finished installing. i need something to distract my while Skyrim installs. Remember, you have a heart of gold, give it to me.


Time to study

Oh ya. Really anyone that can just stack health while dealing damage will. Volibear is a fucking pain if they're any good as well. As is a decent Mundo.

Says the one that wants a lewd sandwhich!
>Nope. Bread. Ham. Done.

Hey, you're the one that wants to go into that vault! Not me!

Too late, already did it and cleaning it up


Oh my...

>Something something can't remember
I'm not even cooking them this time. I'm just throwing them against the wall in my seat

Same here. The whole premise of that game was wonderful, can't wait until the new one drops. Hope it goes back to the roots.

Never ever. Or maybe when they desperately need the cash.

What a shame.

>Best idol claimed



>Rattle rattle

Well cho brings a lot to deal with, he doesn't deal well if something can just tank him like a Nasus. Unless cho maxes e, he cant make nasus stop his farming.

Unlike me, you ARE cute!
What about the bunny costume!

Tempted to go back to sleep.


I see, I really should play league some more

Best because dogs are loyal.

My waifu

If there's ever a question if you should get back to sleep, the answer usually is yes.

Then go back to sleep sleepy head.



Lucario is a Jackal m8.
Go back to sleep Shizu

No! I need to know!

But you lost all your female files for games didn't you? Well if you're satisfied...

Well then, it looks like you can't make me go in there then. If you aren't willing to stay there then what makes you think you can't keep me there?

What!? I call BS. You aren't just going to egg your own house are you?

lucario is a pokemon, you are comparing apples to bananas right now


i am going to claim moot in every single thread from now on, assuming no-one else dose it first, gotta keep him in here somehow.

Your getting a panini and you'll like it!

What the fuck? It's supposed to be game*

The tank has an oil leak.

Unlike me, you're amazing...

No, I didn't egg my own house. I just egged my own wall.

I've been sleeping too long lately. I'd really rather just stay up. Makes me feel better later in the day.

You need to fix them leaks. Don't want any accidents

I've been doing the same, but I don't really feel any guilt for it.
Sometimes it's just better to sleep late.

Time to kms then.

No such thing!

Because you said you wanted to go into the spooky vault?

B-But muh plain!

It's dog enough.

Oh, then why didn't you say so?

The wall is part of your house and there for you are egging your house
>Unless it's a random wall on the outside of your house

True, I did say that. But you said that you would take me there and show me around in there.

Fuck , I'm tired. I'm just gonna fap and then sleep now. Goodnight all

Sure there is mr. Tsun
>you will enjoy the cheesy ham panini it was delicious!
Says you!


>pets kitty
I'll show you lewd!

You flatter me :3

>Did someone say panini

Why does the top of my chest hurt.

>Oh my sweet lord jeebus

You. I put that big room house music onto my new speaker set up. House shaking, no lie.

I don't remember saying that! Night Squid!

I am not a tsun, you tsun!
>Fiiiine. I have a panini once, it wasn't too bad.

You can't post that on a Bhuddist Rock Stacking Forum!

I wonder which one it was, that I recommended that is.


Kinda want a Panini now

You flatter me more

No YOU'RE the tsun!
Now, eat your tasty panini
>You can't post that on a Buddhist Rock Stacking Forum!
Says who?


Sean & Bobo. Swing It was the one you linked, but Drop the Bass Low was the one I used.

Nope, Cute Boat exclusively calls you a tsun, so that means you're tsun!
Says Bhuddist Moot.

But sleeping is nice.

I dont know.

Forgot pic

Only because it's only right ^_^

Also, you ARE kinda tsundere-ish. Though, that just makes you more endearing to be honest...


If there's anyone tsundere here, it's Syndra

Claimed best husbando

D is almost always trash
fuck your 2d whores

Lies and Slander! I am not tsundere at all!
Toriel > Asriel tbh
Nuh-uh AM NOT!

I was guessing it was that one and not one of the bigger ones I posted.
Very amused though that you remember that small chat.
Have you tried playing Tsunami with it yet?
Drops around 1 min per usual big room style.

It is. But sleeping 12 hours is just too much.
Where's the dere?
I think i missed it.

Haha, yelling already? You're even more tsun than me!
Not that I'm tsun.

Nah, haven't gone super far into the genre. Just a few songs and a few hour long mixes. I'll play it when I get home! It's for sure a genre I like though. Massive bass is always a plus to me.
And I remember chats shockingly well for some reason. Hell, I remember some chats I had on Sup Forums from YEARS ago.

No no, it wasn't slander at all! I'm sorry for saying it ;-;

>I just find it attractive

She'll just tell everyone she likes to go kill themself
How adorable

It's over dere

I would love 12 hours of sleep right now. But i got to go do things right now.



Blue pill:
>You become your waifu in the 2d world. You retain all your memories and your love for your waifu.
Red pill:
>Your waifu becomes real and appears in front of you. She loves you the same way you loved her as a waifu, but her personality and looks are translated into the closest 3d equivalent.

What will it be, /waifu/?

Red pill. As much as I wish to be the little girl, I love my waifu more than I love myself.


Alright, should give this a try too even though not big room.
I have the same problem, although I feel as of lately my memory has been getting worse.

Those look like jelly beans. Red
Ikr lets tease him
I'm not tsundere!
You are tsun though!

Red pill is the only right answer
Technically you would have killed your waifu if you chose blue

You can only tease Syndra by standing on the edge of a bridge

It's overrated. It's not like i get any less tired after about 7 hours of sleep. Just makes the first hour of my day easier.
But it also makes your day shorter in a way.

Dis gun b gud.

My memory is and always will be directly related to my interest in the subject at hand. I can remember stupid amount of detail about stuff I like. But when it comes to stuff I have no interest in, I find it hard to even remember basics.

Only I'm not! That's your title! Even your waifu is tsun!

But the sun it burns. I like night more.

Literally suicide.

I'lll take the bitter white one thanks.

If 7 plays like AH I'll join you on that.

>You become your waifu
Now why would I want to do that? Red.

I am not Tsun!
Tsun =/= me!
Okay whatever you say

Okay, okay, you're not...


I guess that's deep house, got to love the bass in it though.
Mine's just pretty selective, I remember almost every conversation ever, but when I'm supposed to remember something that I was supposed to do, well, I forget it most of the time.

Well sure.
What's that have to do with anything?

Cool a Heineken chopper

Seriously, AH had potential. A few things were neat, like the helicopters and AC130. But the dogfight system was ass and scripted more than a Sup Forums get.

But you are the Tsun Queen!

I think that's a global fault that most people have. When you need to remember something, you just can't. Then you remember it when you no longer need to.
Also, made Maki listen to some hardstyle today. Not his style it seems.

Akiko the newfag speaking about his experience of the thread
How nice

What is that supposed to mean?!
No I am not!

Red pill
I can have a threesome with my waifu and my wife

Whats not to like?


Nothing, nothing... ^_~

Oh, but you see, you are!

Okay /waifu/,
Would you rather:
>Be trapped in your waifu's anime
>your waifu to become 3D and live with you

Tell me!

That would depend on several factors

Such as, am I basically a complete copy of who I am now?

You're so darn cute it should be a crime...

My waifus anime is a slice of life, so there's really not much difference.

You are tsun, what's to explain?
