Why don't we stop telling bullshit about Islam and have a proper buddhism hate thread?

Why don't we stop telling bullshit about Islam and have a proper buddhism hate thread?
Take a look at this sutta, for example:
Buddhism have been promoting womens rights since 6 century BC. Buddhism = tumblr of religions.

Other urls found in this thread:


Whats with all the goat fuckers trying to bash buddhists the last couple days?

feminazi's = tumblr =/= feminism
fucking mudslimes

Meh people hate tumblr because they advocate crazy shit like hating white people. I don't see the problem with Buddhism acknowledging women Buddhists.


The problem is when you support A.
Supporting A and B, is the most ethical. Having feminism fight for men's right too would make me support it as it would seem they were fighting for human rights. 50% random opinion

>Why don't we stop telling bullshit about Islam
because it is necessary. because muslims want to violently spread their "religion". because they are doing it right now. and because A LOT of muslims doing it.

buddhists don't worship statues.

>Buddhism have been promoting womens rights since 6 century BC
that's a good thing you piece of shit.

replace the jew with a goat fucker and you have OP

>buddhist idolism

Buddhism supports anti-materialism, statues are a symbol of the wise not an idol

>Buddhism have been promoting womens rights since 6 century BC. Buddhism = tumblr of religions

feminazi =/= supporting equality. Did you only bring this up because in your country you don't allow women to go outside without dressing like a ninja?

Dunno, but they can have at it.

If someone finds anything wrong with buddhism it'll be a miracle of ingenuity.

OP knows nothing about Buddhism


Islam is a shit religion you damn Paki.

Woo hoo woo hoo
Where's Randy, we need pc bruhs

> try and prove me wrong faggots
-- Buddha, 2500 years ago.

Still waiting.

What year was 2500 years ago?

484 b.c


buddhism is violent. but they hate sandniggers and purge them often. therefore they have my support. the op is a fucking ass clown

>Whats with all the goat fuckers trying to bash buddhists the last couple days?
they want to turn the arguments against islam to arguments against any other religion, to make it look like quran is not outstanding in violence, xenophobia, sexism and all that shit. they want to make islam look like any other religion. but it doesn't work for anyone who read the quran/talked to muslims and compared it to the other religions

>buddhism is violent

I got into buddhism a couple years ago and the only thing bad i can think about the philosophy (not a religion because atheism is one of the core beliefs) is that it can get kinda euphoric sometimes. But otherwise its a pretty chill school of thought.

non-violence is pretty central to zen buddhism. shinto (japanese) is also fairly spineless. Tibetan biddhists (like the dali llama) can be violent if pushed, but are jsut as much pussies as the rest of us honestly. Reminder that monks brush the road in front of them to move any bugs they might step on

>Why don't we stop telling bullshit about Islam and have a proper buddhism hate thread?
Because buddhists aren't agressors.

answer this. And don't bring up that ONE time, those buddhists killed a bunch of muslims AFTER they murdered one of their police officers.

pretty much this


>school of thought

women cant be monks, and have to work as servants to help the temple

it wasn't me who said that buddhists are feminists, op was. but if they were, it would be a good thing, right? i am pretty sure, buddhism compared to other religions like islam, treat women better.

again with all religions some are not all but some.

in Tibet the monks are the ruling class and the rest of the people were servants. that was until evil china kicked their dictator out and freed the people.

the monks don't have to do shit and they get brought feasts for them because they cant cook

cant have anything materialistic? who cares you walk around a garden telling people stupid shit to make people feel like they are spiritual and you live in a mansion.

nope. best religion for women is feminism

>women cant be monks, and have to work as servants to help the temple
>In Buddhism, women can openly aspire to and practice for the highest level of spiritual attainment. Buddhism is unique among Indian religions in that the Buddha as founder of a spiritual tradition explicitly states in canonical literature that a woman is as capable of nirvana as men and can fully attain all four stages of enlightenment.
>In a similar vein, major canonical Mahayana sutras such as the Lotus Sutra, chapter 12, records 6000 bhikkhuni arhantis receiving predictions of bodhisattvahood and future buddhahood by Gautama Buddha.

>not a monk
still cant be a powerful monk

>nope. best religion for women is feminism
that doesn't make sense in at least two ways. i was not talking about feminists having to choose a religion, i was talking about the possible progress in buddhism being feminist

the only religion that you can say led to women being treated better is Christianity without a doubt.

hence the western world being the best for women

>inb4 fuck off christian
i'm not religious

i agree user.

The Irony is, that OP is wasting his time. Any Buddhists seeing these threads will smile and move on, instead of arguing.

this thread is not about hating against buddhism, but about making islam look better. thatswhy we're arguing

ITT even more reasons to hate islum and mudslimes, as if it was needed..

Bhikhus aren't monks, you moron.

why do people think that because of the teachings of Buddhism its any better

every fucking religion says to turn the other cheek or some other shit in letting things go.

you only see western Buddhism as western people want you to see it as it makes them seem enlightened or spiritual. you do not see the truth. its the same shit as every other religion just in pretty wrapping but its still shit

>every fucking religion says to turn the other cheek or some other shit in letting things go.

except for islam.

Those disgusting inbreds are destroying anything historical that's not islamic.

yeah they say eye for an eye dont they? im sure you can cherry pick something nice from the qu'ran

wtf , buddhism is like the best religion on earth , while islam is a bunch of worthless barbaric subhumans

>im sure you can cherry pick something nice from the qu'ran
i don't have to. i read the quran in its entirety and therefore know what islam is all about. it sure says not, to love your enemy or to turn the other cheek. thats christianity. islam says to kill apostates for example.
and all the muslims i met have a sick idea of honour. any libel has to be avenged for them.

Do other religions hold evolution as part of their canon?

what does that have to do with the religion being good, and i hope you don't think that's evolution because if you do your delusional.

>im sure you can cherry pick
that would mean, nobody ever could crticise the quran in a conversation. how can one cite a verse, if it can't be taken out of context? that would mean i have to copypaste the whole quran in here or cite the whole quran. stop immunizing your ideology by claiming that stupid line of "being out of context". read the context and you see, that these verse mean, what they mean.

? im not religious im just saying all religious texts usually have something in them that's good. it doesn't make the religion good.

i say cherry pick because thats what people so to defend themselves.

what i was trying to say was here just because Buddhism says nice things its not unique all religions say nice things and it does not make them good. so stop saying oh Buddhism is so great because its not its just as shit as every other religion

then what are they?

it even says in the wikipedia that they thought as on the same level as monks you retard

i'm pretty sure, buddhism in whole is better than islam in whole. i recommend you to compare their texts. quran is full of sexism, warmongering and xenophobia in a way never imaginable for buddhists

At the day of final judgement, I will laugh at you. Kıyamet is coming kafirs. You're all trying to demonize Islam yet there are more more converted people. Deal with it, Islam is the true religion

there is sexisim in Buddhism
and as to the violence en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_and_violence
you can just look it up ideologies always cause conflict.

if islam is true then go blow yourself up and fuck your sky goat

can it be called demonizing, when a demon is demonized?

you can't read. i wrote:
>buddhism in whole is better than islam in whole
that means, there can be sexism in buddhism and still be better in whole. and it's quiet obvious really

Not THIS Islam. The peaceful one, suicide is strictly forbidden in our religion, like rebelling against a government

islam is worse. that is a line i always can use against muslims defending their "religion" by comparing it to other religions, it is always right.

Dirty erdogan indoctrinated turk spotted.

I feel sorry for the irreligious turks that they have to live in a country that gets more backwards every day.


They deserved it. Even in our country they don't respect muslims, it's a shame.

ww2 the japanese suicide bombed killed raped. what more do you want, Buddhism supported that.
all religions are bad.

but if you want to go that way there are more Islamics than Buddhists so the percentage of evil is smaller compared to Buddhism.
there is no better or worse all religions are bad.

SubhaanAllah walhamduliLlah wala ilaha illAllah. Allahu akbar, the victory belong to Islam.

Shut up inbred mongoloid. Die from cancer.

>ww2 the japanese suicide bombed killed raped. what more do you want, Buddhism supported that.
islam is worse. all the sexism and warmongering and violence against everything that differs from islam is written down in the quran. it IS their religion. some guys that happen to be buddhists supporting anything bad is not the same as having this ideology as your religion

Buddhism is the true religion of peace; Islam is the religion of hate. This thread proves it..

Lol no you prove otherwise. Everyone is hating on muslims

>there is no better or worse all religions are bad.
yes there is. if the book of ones religion says to kill the infidels and subjugate women and people do it, it is worse than some buddhists doing something wrong

Haha Buddhism hate thread, that is hilarious

We want the caliphate.

japanes monks wrote scriptures supporting the war. as they do not have a single book of belief anyone in power can write one and say its the path to enlightenment. they trust in the monks as the islamics trust Muhammad.

as i just said the Buddhists have no book they have many scriptures which can be written by anyone in power who is "enlightened" this can be taken to the same effect as Muhammads teachings.

there is no one law what is wright and wrong is based on who is writing your scriptures and is teaching you them.

>Everyone is hating on muslims
Oh gee, I wonder why???

Just build more mosques then. These people just want to PRAY.

show me the one person that acts like this japanese monks wrote. see in comparison the thousands and thousands of muslims following the violent teachings of mohammed. i can write a book that is evil and claim, it's buddhist. does it cheapen buddhism and the buddhists? no. 2 billion muslims on the other hand have this one book and they believe it is gods word.

Actual muslim here, AMA.

the japanese in ww2
>In order to establish eternal peace in East Asia, arousing the great benevolence and compassion of Buddhism, we are sometimes accepting and sometimes forceful. We now have no choice but to exercise the benevolent forcefulness of 'killing one in order that many may live' - issatsu tashō

>Almost all Japanese Buddhists temples strongly supported Japan's militarization.

more modern Nissho Inoue led terrorist attacks for his new shiny buddhisim

other Buddhists include
>Phra Kittiwuttho
a Thai monk who said it was fine to kill communists which the people did.
>Since January 2004, the Thai government has converted Buddhist monasteries into military outposts, commissioned Buddhist military monks and given support to Buddhist vigilante squads
>anti Muslim riots from Buddhists in sri lanka
>other Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists

islam is worse

>Just build more mosques then
Or you people could just GTFO of my country and go back to your own country that is full of mosques...

Its not your own country mate, you dont own it.

Im , self plug.

You're right. It's actually

feminizazi's=tumblr= 2nd and 3rd wave feminism

>We now have no choice but to exercise the benevolent forcefulness of 'killing one in order that many may live
seems pretty rational to me. where does the bad part come in?

>not your own country
But you people seem intent on destroying it eh?

Watch your words, the death is close. Don't say things that you could regret in the after life.


if you divide us in groups, like the quran suggests, you can say without a doubt, that christians own the west and muslims do not

If you don't want muslims in your country think twice before colinizing them.

>death is close
Bring it faggot, not scared of any of you mudslimes

yhea, muslims sucks pork cocks.

shinto is not buddhism. it's a completely different thing. also, fyi it's dalai lama, not llama.

i keep saying this over and over. Thank you for having some sort of rationality in there

Like if we dont want sandniggers, how bout we stop destabilizing where they are from. That just makes them extreme or it makes them want to move.

Christ white people are so stupid sometimes

Who's colonizing them?
>They're a plague on the EU, gtfo

i will not. on the contrary i will fight against you. i will argue against islam and for the moral truth.

It wasn't a threat. Did you watch the video? Stop being so paranoïd.

we people ? I have never met someone in my life that said "we must destroy the west" or anything along those lines who was in any place of power or held any decent job.

No group "owns" a country mate, thats not how it works.

I'm curious if anyone of you know the meaning of that picture.

from 1980 to now terrorisim has claimed less than 20,000 lives

in ww2 alone the japanese killed over 20,000,000 civilians even if only 10% were committed by a religious fueled individual thats still 2,000,000 which is a shit tonne more than islam has done in the past 30 years

>If you don't want muslims in your country think twice before colinizing them.

sure, it's the fault of the western people. every problem a muslim ever had was somehow the fault of the western people. muslims love to act like victims. the quran itself even already prescripes hostility of muslims against jews and christians. it's a way to fight the west and you are a liar. it's the muslims who kill each other

They've destabilized themselves, just stop.
What they like to do is blame everyone else for their inability to evolve. Pathetic

You did it faggot. I live in Europe and I won't move, come and make me leave if you hate me so much. Defending is not haram, I'll do it.