Who's hungry?!

Who's hungry?!

I'm heading down to the nearest McDonald's restaurant for a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, hot, fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola!

Pick me up a 6pc mcnuggets and an apple pie.

Fat ass detected

In Europe that's called a half pounder with cheese. How dumb can you be

vegeburger meal without mayonnaise please. Fanta as the drink

Try it with extra cheese it so good

i'd prefer a succulent, well reared piece of the finest chicken money can buy. don't waste money on an unfullfilling meal from an average company! get yourself down to your nearest KFC.

20 chicken mcnuggets and a diet cola large plz
dunno if you dumb americans have those nice curly fries, if so a large pack of those too

I'd completely forgotten that there are forms of fast food other than HSPs.

>double quarter
>2* (1/4)
>= 2/4

how much dumber can you guys in Europe be?

looks disgusting and exactly like what a terrorist would eat for lunch

>nigger detected

Lemme get two mcdoubles, a mcchicken, a small fry and a medium coke.

You utter peasant

Brains are slow food.

i want a double baker cheeseburger with a literacola

thanx but i'd rather have a Baconator menu.

You did one thing wrong. You called mcdonalds a resurant. Pleb.

The Baby JESUS is tasty.

Eat him and you'll go to heaven.

I don't take offense from the words spoken by a terrorist, faggot

OP's mom dies real soon if he/she ever posts advertising for any fast food company on b again. (This is the second time today.)

BTW, immunity cat with with me, wants to see ur mom swing from a rope and see her feet spasm.


whats a "quarter pounder" ?
never heard of it

You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France?

Seriously? I overestimated the American intelligence

ill take a mc chicken, medium fries and 2 apple pies hehe XD

I could go a double quarter pounder right about now. Just the sort of greasy disgusting comfort food to distract me from my pain.

Hired paki shill detected.

im happy racists miss out on nice things

I'll have a protein snack