Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

I'm trying to actually, haven't been smoking for a week now. It's easier than i thought but I'm bored as fuck

Workout instead, I quit and started exercising and feel better than I ever did when I smoked and ive been quit 4 months now

tfw hundredth time this has been posted...

>tfw starting 75 threads about smoking 75 cigarettes a day a day

anyone here managed to quit starting threads about quitting smoking?


sage goes in all fields

>anyone here managed to quit starting threads about quitting smoking?

Not when the level of autism is out of control

3 weeks now

I live in shitty country and I can get cigarettes and tobacco very cheaply.Where can I find customers so I can sell them online.

nigga smoking is the only thing that keeps me slightly happy in my life

Get a new brain

I tried and failed many times. Now I'm dying from emphysema at 35.

What are symptoms of emphysema? I always cough and wheeze and it sounds like a whistle

Pretty much the same as any other chest condition. Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath.

Been almost 3 years. I tried all the patches and smokeless cigarettes. Nothing worked better than manning the fuck up and quitting cold turkey.

You aren't dying you're just the average cigarette smoker kek. Every smoker I know coughs and wheezes all the time

No, I am actually dying. The doctors say I've got 5 years tops.

>tfw I quit when I was at work and everyone pointed out my chronic wheezing

It was so embarrassing that I quit right after coworkers brought up the fact that it sounded like a whistle whenever I breathed and that I always had to clear my throat whenever I talked

No you're just the average cigarette smoker who smokes more than 25 cigs a day

Would anyone consider saving up on cigarettes by buying them online? I'm thinking about selling 10 packs for 20€, or 150-200gr of tobacco for the same price.

No there's a store 50 feet from my house

Thanks for your diagnosis but unfortunately I have to go with the one made by actual medical professionals.

Yes. Quitting is easy and responsible. Of course I was only smoking a reasonable amount...20 cigarettes per WEEK.

Tobacco is a gift that humans should use to make themselves feel good, but just like eating, drinking, and everything else, don't let yourself get to a level where it's all you do.

How much do you pay for cigarettes?

future =cancer

I wouldn't trust those idiots they don't know shit

12.50$ for 25 cigarettes

>tfw alcoholic and can't stop drinking everyday all day

Yeah but as I said I would give you like 100 cigarettes for 12.50$. If you are a heavy smoker you could save a little fortune.

Yeah I spend almost 200$ a week on cigs

I quit smoking 11 years ago and have saved 40 000 dollars by quitting

Yes I quit and saved $3800 so far in my quit smoking jar where I put all the money I would have spent on cigarettes

I can't believe I would have thrown that away if I still smoked

Yep you could save like at least 100$ weekly, possibly even more.I also have cheap tobacco.
If you are interested you could give it a try ,I can also send you small sample for free-send me your skype via guerilla mail.

[email protected]

Just workout or go to the sauna



A friend of mine smoked constantly, was on oxygen, still smoked, got cancer of the tongue, had his tongue removed, couldn't swallow, ate thru tubes, then died a miserable death.

Keep smoking and die soon so the rest of us can have fresh air.


yeah, cause every starbucks you drink or every sip of beer you take isn't a waste of money either.

welcome to life.

That's why I put it in a jar you idiot, I can actually see what I've saved

Beer isn't a waste you beta cuck it actually gives you a good buzz unlike cigarettes

I quit for a year once, then started smoking again for about 5 months, and 7 months ago i quit again. The first time i quit was because i started working out, and i was loving my body ans getting obsessed with getting better at it, becoming a beast at the gym, and i figured i couldnt reach my max physical potential smoking. I had already finished my pack that day, so i just never bought another one. Many times ive tried to quit but i still had cigs in my pack so i kept telling myself, when this pack is done, ill quit. But the best thing to do is to just quit when youvw got the most motivation to do so, if this is you now, i recommend throwing your cigs away. After that day, i took it as a challenge to start a better life, just the same as going to the gym or reading everyday or whatever habit youve decided to start in the past, so i woke up every morning really excited, "day 2, lets fucking do this". Remember this: EACH DAY YOU DONT SMOKE, IT GETS A MILLION TIMES EASIER. The thing about smoking is that its a lot more of a mental addiction than you think; everytime youre eating youre thinking in the back of your head, 'man after i finish im gonna be so full and the cig is gonna feel glorious' so just stop thinking like that, focus on the moment, and try to change your habit for another one, for instance, after i finished eating i started walking my dog to help my digestion, and after that i hit the gym, so there was no time to smoke you see? I used to smoke in between classes so instead of going there i went straight to my other class and reviewed my notes to stay focused. The thing is to keep your mind so busy it doesnt remember to smoke. I also quit drinking for a month, because thats when i get the most cravings. After that month of 0 cigs, i got so drunk i even forgot i smoked in the first place. And then each day was easier and easier to not smoke.
