I'm 19 and my dick hard is 5.5. What the fuck do I do and how can I make it actually bigger...

I'm 19 and my dick hard is 5.5. What the fuck do I do and how can I make it actually bigger? I'm a good looking guy but this shit makes me so insecure to the point where I won't even make the move on a girl.

Wait you mean to tell Sup Forums you have an average size dick?

Dude you should probably kys.

Just make the fuckin move pussy. If she doesn't want to be with you because of an average dick size then you don't want her anyway.

drink some bleach, you will grow 3 inch in 2 weeks if you drink 1 cup a day

Wow faggot here has an average dick, at this point all you can do is start doing hormones, bottom boi

At that age your dick might still be growing (it can continue to grow into your 20s.) how long has it been this length? If not long then this is probably the case.

Pull harder when wanking. You'll get there eventually.

Most women really don't care. Eat that pussy and use your fingers, then fuck as well as you can. Most women prefer clitoral stimulation anyway.

I'm just a little bit bigger than that, and I have had zero complaints.

don't think about it as long as you nut who gives a fuck how big it is. Who gives a shit if she gets off as long as she eats asshole you're set

There are some people that wish that they were that size. I have no empathy for average fags. Only micro fags. Kys op

if it's not pencil it will do the work, i can reach the g spot with my 5,5, shit so cash, go hard in foreplays, like the pussy like crazy, with practice you will be able to give them ogarsm every girl i fucked called me back
i believe there is cavernous pussies out there but eh, that's the game !

You have a good dick size. Porn is a lie full of camera tricks and searched angles. Also some after effects in video and photoshop in pics. Most of those big white/black cock have as much 17 cm. The producers try to show you a show, a lie.

Nigga this ain't average I'm sorry but it ain't

Wear panties.

not 5"5 inches
thats like 4

Not fully hard

Never compare to porn stars, or listen to the internet in general. That's just average size, look it up.

Could barely get hard to show you guys lmfao I really only get a rock hard goin on when I fuck

>implying that's 5"5

This. I'm right at 6" but only about 4.5" girth - but I've never had any issues getting girls off. All about eating that quim and working that clit. Pay attention to her reactions and stop worrying about not having a porn-sized dick.

You're about avg girth

How are you compared to me

>implying I'm that hard for u even to tell full length

Not even trying to justify it, but just look at the god damn picture.

research lengthening exercises. There are various methods like hanging weights from it, and yanking with specific techniques. Some say it can stretch you up to an inch. Don't remember what it is called. But do the research first. You can do serious damage if you do it wrong. There are people who have lost the tip because they cut off circulation with weights.

why do you have socks on?

if you can fuck her doggy style and reach around and rub her clit youre golden, most girls rub their own clit but if you can do this move you'll be "good in bed"

Bigger than average dick homie, 5.5 is more than enough. I'm 7 inches, that's where chicks start to go "Ooooh." but 5.5 is nothing to be hung up on. Like 3 or 4 is.

Pornstars use fat injections, pumps, camera angles and other tricks.

Dude you cant change your dick size. Dont worry about it. Mine is only 5 and girls dont mind it. Most girls dont even give a shit

And suspensory ligament surgery.

Let me see


Thats definitely atleast 5. Mine is 5 and it looks smaller than that. Phone cameras and the angle make it seem smaller than it is

That's the average in UK and slightly bigger than the American average

Yeah dude that's not 5.5 inches looks around 4.5

Nigga if I was rock hard you'd see what I'm talking about. That's like semi there. I'd measure it for u with a pic but I already nutted

Why post the fucking picture then r-tard, seriously though by the time a girls got to the point where they see your dick they're normally into you anyway and beyond giving a fuck as long as its not a micro penis

Only like 5 and im pushing the fat back so it would probably be about 5.5 if i lost weight
It is 5 3/4" girth though average girth is like 4.7 i think

It's not the size of ur dick, but rather the size of ur heart

I'm My cock, for reference

And a condom. Jesus.

why do you show us your semi-flacid weeny then ?

>that outfit

To be quiet.


wtf is wrong with this dick pic ? it looks more like 3"

you start counting at 2 lol
or you picked the one with cm instead of inches

Idk man its probably cause im a fat ass but it seems to look really small in any picture. Looks nice in the mirror though

Tried getting a pic before this 404'd. Didn't think many people would reply

I really didnt. Just hard to take a picture holding my phone and tape measure while trying to stay hard

are you stupid that looks 5.5. I'm 7 inches and it doesn't look much longer,

Learn how to use it faggot.

There it is with no fat pushed back. But it gets pushed back when im fucking my girl so its gonna feel like more

no problem for most women
I'm the same size so average at best
personality makes the relationship work
be confident, know that any random guy out there is bigger, but be cool man, know that the bitch needs you more than you need her
if she leaves for a broke ass nigger with a big dick... then she deserves to live off whatever she chooses.
know the importance of what you do and focus more on the gains to build your life. sex is bottom tier at best, don't let it be the controlling factor in your life or you will lose at life

Your dick is normal. Your problem is that you have insecurities. Once you take a deep breath and realise that nothing bad can really come from making the move, you will be able to move on in life. Either with or without bagging the girl.

> a girl can tell when i shove .5 inches more of my thumb sized cock inside her


>sex is bottom tier at best, don't let it be the controlling factor in your life or you will lose at life
Wisdom. Listen to this user.

Funny that you think i care its not 8 inches. Yeah i got the shit tier dna but i cant change it so im not worried

Shit man if your thumb is 4.5 inches long and 5 3/4 inches around you should probably get that shit checked out

>ITT dicklets trying to convince themselves they can please a girl

Me and my 12" dick will pray for your souls

Sex is mostly just a mind game. If you get your presex game up there and learn how to get inside their mind youll be fine.

OP, its more or less the girth that does the trick with women. Length doesn't mean shit honestly. Mine is 6.5 inches long, with 6 inch girth. I haven't gotten any complaints about the length but I do get complements on the girth.

Also, learn how to finger and eat a meat pie buddy. Not everything is about dicking a girl.

>tfw 5.5-6 inches length but 5.5 inches girth
>tfw two separate girls have complimented the girth

Your penis size is not the reason you never initiate anything with anyone.

But you can your penis larger by wearing one of these whenever you're not using it. It's most effective when small as possible.

You're Right. I'm an insecure and anxious mess but women are attracted to me. I'm not concdeidied but if you'd see me in person, and then take into account what I'm saying about anxiety and insecurities you'd be like what the actual fuck is wrong with you


I'm 6"3 tall with a 9inch cock and it's 6.1inches around

Measure from your asshole


I guess all this shit stems from how I felt when I hit puberty. It hit me like a truck. Acne etc but that's all gone now.


I'm 18 with a 7.5 inch dick hard.

find a fat, insecure girl who has a chubby small pussy and your dick will instantly be 8 inches to her
fuck her until she loves you and leave her, you'll feel like the biggest cool douche bag ever
works everytime

measure along the top, not the sides.

Also eww gross dry cut dick.

how does it feel to only being able to shove all this meat in dirty sluts ? how does it feel to be the tall idiot ? how does it feel to lie on the internet ?

Dude that is totally average

dude, that's like the average dick size, there's nothing to worry about

also, if you get good at fingering / eating girls out, they won't give a fuck about your dick

As a woman I can give you some honest input. The length doesn't really matter that much, the g-spot isn't that deep. Also, if you're too long you might hit the cervix, which feels very uncomfortable for a woman.

Thickness is where it's at (especially if the head is nice and thick, this'll stimulate the g-spot lovely). Make sure to raise her hips when fucking and to give her lots of attention.

We honestly don't care if you have an average dick

nothing but surgery will make it bigger. unless you are fat fuck then just lose weight.

Work on your anxiety then. I'm a long time sufferer of anxiety and take medication, but there are other steps to help tackle it.

mate, if you're good looking it's the first step

she won't run away because your dick is small

just learn how 2 gud sex w/ short penis

Get a dick pump with an 8" cylinder. Use it for about an hour a day. You can get 'em for $15-$20

Break it up to about two 30 minute sessions a day. You'll see gains after about 3 months or so.

Also, you can try a traction device. The biggest problem with them is that you need to keep it on you for about 8 hrs a day, but they do work well.

You seem to not understand.

OP wants his penis to be the cause of his loneliness because helplessness can be comfier than responsibility for one's circumstances.

You will never have sex user.. No girl wants that dick.

Haha that looks ridiculous

not true. My ex and I were swingers and we ran across a few married couples where the guy had a pathetically small dick. I'm talking 4-5" max. My fiancee HATED that shit 'cause she would never get off on something that small and the guy's wife always loved it 'cause my 8"x6" dick was way more than they were used to getting.

Anyone have an suggestions on harder erections?

Condom and socks haba what fuck user.. Kek

A diet of whole plant foods will keep your dick arteries clear.

Look at CP

Stop jerking it to porn.

but what does CP stand for?

Prostatic massage

Children playing

If you give her a good time and make her cum, you'll be fine. She'll let you put it in and you can smash.

nigga i'm vegan
fucking always

Club Penguin

>his dick size stars with 5"

the real problem is that your are cut

this is a perfectly fine size. and if you fat lose weight, makes ur cock bigger


Well that explains it.

Stop being a faggot.