Bowie Thread!

What are your favorite Bowie albums? Let's talk anything Bowie related, movies, live/studieo albums etc. Rank/Rate his discography if you'd like!

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The madman

>God-Tier Bowie Albums:
1.Scary Monsters
2. Hunky Dory
3. Low
4. Ziggy Stardust
5. 1.Outside
6. Black Star
7. Station To Station
8. Lodger
9. Diamond Dogs
10. A Reality Tour
11. Aladdin Sane
12. Young Americans
13. "Heroes"
14. Heathen
15. Man Who Sold The World
16. Let's Dance
17. The Next Day
18. Space Oddity
19. Buddha of Suburbia
20. Ziggy Stardust: Motion Picture
21. BBC 2000
22. Live Nassau Coliseum 76
23. Earthling
24. Stage
25. Bowie at the Beeb 68-72
26. Reality
27. Next Day Extra EP
28. Santa Monica 72
29. David Live
30. Black Tie White Noise
31. Baal EP
32. Hours...
33. VH1 Storytellers
34. Peter and The Wolf
35. David Bowie
36. Early On 64-66
37. Pin Ups
38. Tin Machine 2
39. Tin Machine
40. Tonight
41. Oy, Vey Baby
42. Labyrinth
>It's Pretty Bad-Tier
43. Never Let Me Down
44. Club Bowie

I won't rank best to worst, I'll just score each album individually since I'm too lazy to make a chart at the moment.

Self Titled: 5/10
Space Oddity: 10/10
The Man Who Sold the World: 9/10
Hunky Dory: 10/10
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars: 9/10
Aladdin Sane: 10/10
Diamond Dogs: 10/10
Young Americans: 10/10
Station to Station: 10/10
Low: 10/10
"Heroes": 9/10
Lodger: 10/10
Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps): 10/10
Let's Dance: 8/10
Tonight: 9/10
Never Let Me Down: 3/10
Black Tie White Noise: 10/10
Buddha of Suburbia: 6/10
1. OUTSIDE: 7/10
Earthling: 10/10
'hours...': 7/10
Heathen: 10/10
Reality: 8/10
The Next Day: 8/10
Blackstar: 9/10

David Bowie is awesome. Listening to him as I pulled up Sup Forums and saw your thread.

The Bewlay Brothers is a troll song. He wrote it and included it in the album because he knew American audiences would over analyze it.

>No Beatles-style Past Masters rarities collection

This is suffering.

Heroes is his best but not by much

>yfw the two boxsets include a disc of single edits, but not rarities

Why not just save a pic of it so you don't have that problem wishful beginnings dude

Listened to this today, fuck I forgot how good it is

Are live bowie albums worth owning?

What does Sup Forums think about the Next Day?

Weird OCD I have. Usually delete pics the second I save them if they're easily remake-able.

It's alright.

A great album, a creative mind-dump.

Just listening to the Blackstar album now. A year on from the first time I heard that song, it still blows my mind. If anything, I appreciate it more now that I've got into the groove.

Lazarus is still too raw for me to fully immerse in though. ;__;

personal favourite

Was listening to the Lazarus cast album before and it's not bad, but it's just a reminder of what an incredible artist Bowie was. While those singers are all great by any measure, their delivery just sounds flat if you're familiar with Bowie's performance.

He has such incredible vocal control, he just squeezes that pitch a few cents to add an extra dimension. Really underrated vocalist.

It's strange, I'm not too sure where Bowie is getting at with it. Is it about death? Violence? Or did he just read a bunch of novels? Musically it's a solid Bowie album, the ideas from Reality are there and it works.

Definitely, just check them out out Youtube. It's interesting to hear the evolving set and style as well, like the Ziggy songs played on Stage vs the Spiders live album. As a fan I also really like the Serious Moonlight and Glass Spider shows; incredibly slick stuff.

As a Bowie fan you owe it to yourself to get A Reality Tour.

4-days is also a good listen. A bit more bootleggy and raw, and you get to hear Bowie say:

>my little China girl says
>oh babe just shut the fuck up


Station to Station (the song) is Bowie's masterpiece. Everything prior to it in his catalogue feels as if it is building up to it, and everything afterwards hangs in its shadow. It's his most subversive, creative, and astonishing peak, and his next few years of music afterwards felt like the mellow hangover from it. Then he lost his spark and went into 80s pop superstardom, failing to fully regain his genius in the 90s and 00s in my opinion.

My first listen absolutely blew me away, but after then reading into the back story, the character he had created, the mad lifestyle he was living, etc, it becomes even more incredible of a song. He simply could never repeat that height in his career again, although at times he came close.

Give the average musician copious amounts of cocaine and they tend to produce absolute shit. Mix the musical mind of David Bowie with cocaine and you get this track.

My nigga

>We were so turned on, by your lack of conclusion
He literally tells us that's it's a troll song in the song. The varispeed bit at the end really sells it.

The next day is about 2014.

>It's not a side affect of the cocaine
Can't you listen?