ITT: Albums that were long hyped but quickly forgotten about

ITT: Albums that were long hyped but quickly forgotten about

cant remember

Painting With

You could say this for any hyped release. Hype never lasts silly boy

not always, we still have regular threads about Bottomless Pit

Almost every single big release this year. That album has had more lasting power and had less hype than most of the rest. It was released pretty low-key.


That's still easily one of the best of the year

100% this

>6 years for just another mediocre pop-rock record

What happened Isaac

Next one will be better.

Digitz confirm


close but not quite

just like modest mouse's music

Why are you surprised? They've been making and playing pop stuff for the last 16 years.
The album was pretty unfairly hated compared to their other pop albums.

Want decent desu


I fucking hate you and everything about you

It's ok Deak, I didn't forget about it

Golden Chords is SOTY

Prove me wrong!

4 Your Eyez Only


that's because this board won't let that meme band go

lol no

This is so good. Just gave it a listen for the first (and then second) time a couple nights ago. Very up there in contention for AOTY.