Why are so many alt righters into trap and vaporwave? Do they not realize that vaporware is anti-capitalist...

Why are so many alt righters into trap and vaporwave? Do they not realize that vaporware is anti-capitalist? And how can you hate blacks for being "thugs" yet love music made by them?

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get out




there are a shit ton of people on the alt-right that are anti-capitalists


There's a whole vaporwave movement dedicated to Sup Forums

To actually answer your question though "alt right" isn't a real thing and is actually a bunch of people who feel disenfranchised in the current system, so anything inherently anti-mainstream/establishment in the current year would be popular with "them"

>Do they not realize that vaporware is anti-capitalist
Vaporwave isn't anti-capitalist. It's acapitalist.

Can someone please explain alt right to me? From what I've gathered they're either:

a) People who have different viewpoints than liberals
b) People who ironically champion conservatism while posting memes


Because the alt-right is a meme and so are those genres.

nazism-swastika=alt right

It's a nationalist movement closely related to Sup Forums. No, they aren't doing it ironically.

>fascism works
got a good ol chuckle out of that one
Spoiler: It's literally the spookiest of ideologies

>falling for the alt right meme
They're just kids who like le funny memes

Not true btw

Thanks Hillary, good luck with the election!

I voted for Trump, and I listen to punk, 80's goth, and black metal.

bunch of angry white males that have confused nationalistic xenophobia with revolution because they never dare leave their bubble to interact with the world on a level not pertaining to their subjective political stance. same way liberals convinced themselves hilary was going to win because they never bothered to listen to anyone other than other liberals.

I get accused of being an alt-righter all the time. Here goes:
>we are strict constitutionalists, against gun control, and strong supporters of freedom of speech (even if it "triggers" you)
>we are against PC culture, and liberal thought police
>we are nationalists
>we put our country before Muslim countries like Suadia Arabia and Qatar
>we are against globalism and open borders
>we are against socialism/communism
>we reject white guilt (we're not ashamed or sorry for something that happened 100 years before we were born)
>we want to preserve western culture
People coined the term "Alt-Right" because we're usually not religious, or traditional. We're not your average christian red neck conservatives.